"Like The Praetorian Guard" - Whistleblower Confirms NSA Targeted Congress, Supreme Court & Trump...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Wow, it does appear our CIA and NSA have gone rogue. Incredibly disturbing.

I thought they stopped doing that data collection after the last whistleblower blew this a couple years ago. This guy retired in 2001. Why didn't he come forward then?
I thought they stopped doing that data collection after the last whistleblower blew this a couple years ago. This guy retired in 2001. Why didn't he come forward then?

It's a tragic mess. They used 9/11 as a justification for egregious violations of American civil liberties. It's treason.
I’m listening to the audio with Sheriff Arpaio. Incredible revelations!

Trump hacked, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, 156 other Judges, Military leaders, numerous Embassies, even, bizzarely, Eric Holder..!!

This is HUGE.
Disturbing, reprehensible, arguably treasonous in some of the aspects illuminated...

The one thing even Dems. should be able to concede on (this sole issue) is that Trump, rather than HRC, is morel likely to be effectual in uprooting the devious, self serving nature of the NSA in its current form...
Oh my... if true, the leftists will lose their shit as if it was election night all over again.

I thought they stopped doing that data collection after the last whistleblower blew this a couple years ago. This guy retired in 2001. Why didn't he come forward then?
Because the U$ Rubles weren't coming in.
And if not true, then those who attacked the story must be fined and or go to j ail.
I thought they stopped doing that data collection after the last whistleblower blew this a couple years ago. This guy retired in 2001. Why didn't he come forward then?

It's a tragic mess. They used 9/11 as a justification for egregious violations of American civil liberties. It's treason.
We voted to stop the NSA's collection of broad metadata a couple of years ago as a violation of privacy. Most of the agencies admitted it wasn't all that helpful anyway. So how does this guy who retired just before or after 9/11 know what is happening now? Listening in on the Supreme Court? For WHAT? They're already appointed. Jesus Mary and Joseph, if you listen to the stuff he's saying, it's ridiculous.
COULD the NSA spy on us? Sure. Is this guy's point that the NSA spied on Trump and his team to somehow "combat" his campaign? Well, if so they sure did a lousy job of it. The only leak of any note was the Access Hollywood tape provided by the good old MSM. Think!
Disturbing, reprehensible, arguably treasonous in some of the aspects illuminated...

The one thing even Dems. should be able to concede on (this sole issue) is that Trump, rather than HRC, is morel likely to be effectual in uprooting the devious, self serving nature of the NSA in its current form...

Don't count on em conceding that, but you could be right.
Disturbing, reprehensible, arguably treasonous in some of the aspects illuminated...

The one thing even Dems. should be able to concede on (this sole issue) is that Trump, rather than HRC, is morel likely to be effectual in uprooting the devious, self serving nature of the NSA in its current form...

Trump couldn't find his ass. The man's an incompetent boob. 7 bankruptcies. You'd think after the first two he'd figure out what he was doing wrong and stop. But no.
Disturbing, reprehensible, arguably treasonous in some of the aspects illuminated...

The one thing even Dems. should be able to concede on (this sole issue) is that Trump, rather than HRC, is morel likely to be effectual in uprooting the devious, self serving nature of the NSA in its current form...

Trump couldn't find his ass. The man's an incompetent boob. 7 bankruptcies. You'd think after the first two he'd figure out what he was doing wrong and stop. But no.
But then again he can manage to grab 'pussy' ...please ... enough of the euphemisms, come out and speak plainly on why he's incapable or incompetent....
Disturbing, reprehensible, arguably treasonous in some of the aspects illuminated...

The one thing even Dems. should be able to concede on (this sole issue) is that Trump, rather than HRC, is morel likely to be effectual in uprooting the devious, self serving nature of the NSA in its current form...

Trump couldn't find his ass. The man's an incompetent boob. 7 bankruptcies. You'd think after the first two he'd figure out what he was doing wrong and stop. But no.
But then again he can manage to grab 'pussy' ...please ... enough of the euphemisms, come out and speak plainly on why he's incapable or incompetent....

His lack of government experience is his biggest downfall. He has no idea of how government functions or even the treaties he's charged with upholding, work. He also has no patience doing the homework necessary to find out. After his phone call with the Autralian Prime Minister over the agreement to take in refugees, Trump said he was going to "find out what's in that agreement". Shouldn't Trump have found out what's in that treaty BEFORE he called the Australian Prime Minister.

The Donald has no grasp of the big picture and goes on gut feelings rather than facts and figures. As examples of not knowing how government works, you have the disastrous roll-out of his first EO on immigration. No planning or information for DHS to use to implement his EO, people with valid visas turned away at airports and deported on the spot. Lawyers turning up to defend the rights of travellers at the airports and being refused access to their clients.

Then there's the fiasco of TrumpCare, which he tried to shove down the throats of an unwilling populace and a Congress who would like to be re-elected in 18 months. This is the harshest example yet of Trump's incompetence. That they had to pull the bill rather than be embarassed by its defeat, shows you how clueless he is.
Disturbing, reprehensible, arguably treasonous in some of the aspects illuminated...

The one thing even Dems. should be able to concede on (this sole issue) is that Trump, rather than HRC, is morel likely to be effectual in uprooting the devious, self serving nature of the NSA in its current form...

Trump couldn't find his ass. The man's an incompetent boob. 7 bankruptcies. You'd think after the first two he'd figure out what he was doing wrong and stop. But no.
But then again he can manage to grab 'pussy' ...please ... enough of the euphemisms, come out and speak plainly on why he's incapable or incompetent....

His lack of government experience is his biggest downfall. He has no idea of how government functions or even the treaties he's charged with upholding, work. He also has no patience doing the homework necessary to find out. After his phone call with the Autralian Prime Minister over the agreement to take in refugees, Trump said he was going to "find out what's in that agreement". Shouldn't Trump have found out what's in that treaty BEFORE he called the Australian Prime Minister.

The Donald has no grasp of the big picture and goes on gut feelings rather than facts and figures. As examples of not knowing how government works, you have the disastrous roll-out of his first EO on immigration. No planning or information for DHS to use to implement his EO, people with valid visas turned away at airports and deported on the spot. Lawyers turning up to defend the rights of travellers at the airports and being refused access to their clients.

Then there's the fiasco of TrumpCare, which he tried to shove down the throats of an unwilling populace and a Congress who would like to be re-elected in 18 months. This is the harshest example yet of Trump's incompetence. That they had to pull the bill rather than be embarassed by its defeat, shows you how clueless he is.
I can't quite figure out why people consider this a fiasco. The system worked as it should, I'm just glad the reps have the backbone to stand up and stop what they didn't like as opposed to rubber stamping things. Now we'll see if either congress or the Trump adm will the have the sense to re-evaluate and try again.
Disturbing, reprehensible, arguably treasonous in some of the aspects illuminated...

The one thing even Dems. should be able to concede on (this sole issue) is that Trump, rather than HRC, is morel likely to be effectual in uprooting the devious, self serving nature of the NSA in its current form...

Trump couldn't find his ass. The man's an incompetent boob. 7 bankruptcies. You'd think after the first two he'd figure out what he was doing wrong and stop. But no.
But then again he can manage to grab 'pussy' ...please ... enough of the euphemisms, come out and speak plainly on why he's incapable or incompetent....

His lack of government experience is his biggest downfall. He has no idea of how government functions or even the treaties he's charged with upholding, work. He also has no patience doing the homework necessary to find out. After his phone call with the Autralian Prime Minister over the agreement to take in refugees, Trump said he was going to "find out what's in that agreement". Shouldn't Trump have found out what's in that treaty BEFORE he called the Australian Prime Minister.

The Donald has no grasp of the big picture and goes on gut feelings rather than facts and figures. As examples of not knowing how government works, you have the disastrous roll-out of his first EO on immigration. No planning or information for DHS to use to implement his EO, people with valid visas turned away at airports and deported on the spot. Lawyers turning up to defend the rights of travellers at the airports and being refused access to their clients.

Then there's the fiasco of TrumpCare, which he tried to shove down the throats of an unwilling populace and a Congress who would like to be re-elected in 18 months. This is the harshest example yet of Trump's incompetence. That they had to pull the bill rather than be embarrassed by its defeat, shows you how clueless he is.
Good post... thoughtfully laid out. I would have to agree with you on lack of foresight in implementing his agenda...
EO on immigration, moratorium on the 6 banned list.. certainly both should have waited until his cabinet (Sessions) was in place... big tactical error.

What I will take issue with you on is this sense that he is supposed to be well versed on anything that comes across his desk. Just about everything is so nuanced that most of the time one bill or one issue has a team there to speak on various facets of it. No president can be holistically versed, omniscient on even one bill or issue, let alone dozens. That is where his team of advisors / counsel play a role and he does have responsibility for choosing his team wisely and heeding there advise... not 'winging' it by instinct... Trump has a lot to learn in that regard...

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