Lifestyle Anemia: The Modern Nutritionist?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
In the modern world, countless people stare at screens for hours (TV screens, computer/laptop screens, smartphone screens). They surf on Facebook, watch cable TV (e.g., QVC, TNT, etc.), and do business (eTrade, etc.).

This mindless activity related to networking and business makes everyone sensitive about efficiency, convenience, and labor. We might even 'sweat' a little about our stiff 'posture' and watch a relaxing film such as Ghost in the Machine.

However, if all of this mindless bureaucratic activity is not complemented by a healthy lifestyle and good diet, we'll start becoming...zombies.

Some of this psychological or even folklore, but some of it is exhibited in psychosomatic symptoms such as nausea/vertigo, aching bones or even arthritis, and dehydration (and/or anemia-like 'weakness'). We might feel like we're zoning out (like zombies!) and in the process our bodies might respond with unnatural muscular spasms or even blood clots (something patients with venous thrombosis and toxoplasmosis experience).

Therefore, we need to be sure we're doing something to balance all this bureaucratic/metropolitan zombie-like behavior (staring at screens for hours on end). We need to be able to take walks outside (after work, for example) and drink plenty of fluids (water, fruit-juice) and maybe even curb alcohol intake (to reduce the body's tendency towards dehydration).

So this summer, encourage your kids to open a lemonade-stand and take some time to help them or cheer them on...and get off Facebook for a change!

I like referring to this 'lifestyle malady' as the Thanksgiving Clot, (or a well-intentioned pedestrian gluttony!) which is why nutritionists/doctors recommend taking 'circulation-meds' such as Ginseng (energy supplement), Tylenol Sleep (a relaxant for workaholics), and Clear-Eyes (an eye irritation solution, usually related to dry-eye).

It all sounds like an Orwellian wives' tale, but in fact, there are realistic consequences.


TRUMP: Why is Starbucks so popular?
CARTER: People want to feel awake while staring at computers.
TRUMP: That's funny (but true). I bet sales of Tylenol Sleep have gone up.
CARTER: Working on a computer for hours can make your brain feel schizophrenic.
TRUMP: Kids should be drinking lemonade in the summer, not staring at Facebook.
CARTER: Facebook is an online yearbook, so you can imagine the 'general appeal.'
TRUMP: I understand, but such zombie-like activity will cause some kind of 'mass anemia'!
CARTER: Yes, you're right. People might complain about blood clots too.
TRUMP: Sure. There may be more strokes as well!
CARTER: Many adults take supplements these days (e.g., Centrum vitamins).
TRUMP: Those are good. Zinc deficiency is not something you want in the modern age.
CARTER: People tend to be reserved admitting feeling psychosomatic symptoms of 'computer-use.'
TRUMP: That's because computer-use has been subliminally linked to 'metro-sophistication.'
CARTER: Correct. Maybe if nutrient-rich items had 'savvy/catchy' names, they'd be more 'chic.'
TRUMP: For example --- V8 (vegetable juice), Flintstones (vitamins), and Laughing-Cow (cheese-snack).
CARTER: Americans should watch more movies like The Doctor and less movies like Celebrity.



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