Lied To And Loving It


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The bottom line is that the media lies, finesses the stories, leaves out what is damaging to the Left....and Liberals lap it up and swear by it.
No matter how many times it is revealed.
This week we say a glaring example of same.

1. When the Founders memorialized the trust they placed in the media in the first amendment.... freedom of speech, or of the press; ....the unspoken promise was that the press would be fair and keep the voting public informed.

2. That promise has not just been has been mocked.
The media has been stolen by the Left, and instead of informing the public, the mode has been what is called 'Mushroom Management'

a. Keep them in the dark.
b. Feed them full of s**t.

Coulter provided a vivid example of how the media provided naught but indoctrination.

3. Earlier in the week we had a shooting at a Bronx hospital, reported as follows:

"A disgruntled doctor armed with an AR-15 rifle and wearing a lab coat went on a rampage on Friday in the Bronx hospital where he had worked, killing a doctor and wounding six other people ...

Dr. Bello was armed with a rifle, an AR-15, that investigators believe he sneaked into the hospital under his lab coat..."

In 2004, Dr. Bello was arrested and charged with sex abuse and unlawful imprisonment ..."
Doctor Opens Fire at Bronx Hospital, Killing a Doctor and Wounding 6

4. Coulter's description was......somewhat different.

"Immigrant Of The Week: Henry Bello (Obotetukudo)... Nigerian immigrant Henry Williams Obotetukudo, aka Henry Bello, opened fire with an AM-15 rifle at the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital, killing one doctor and injuring a half-dozen others.
The New York Times, still unaware there's an internet, is trying to pass off the Nigerian as a Californian, the non-doctor as a doctor, and Mr. Obotetukudo as "Dr. Bello."

In the Times' major biographical profile of Bello the next day, he was described as a "sharp dresser from California." The only other reference to the shooter's provenance came several paragraphs later: "Dr. Bello lived in California off and on from 1991 until 2006." we go to print, the Times still has not identified Bello as a Nigerian immigrant.... If the Times simply reported facts, instead of strategically constructing news stories to protect favored groups, it might have noticed that there have been a LOT of mass shootings by certain types of immigrants.

He lost his license as a "pharmacy technician." (He was not a "doctor," despite the media's insistent reference to him as one.)

The Nigerian couldn't even pull off being a fake doctor, sounding more like a character out of a comedy sketch. Co-workers described him as "very aggressive, talking loudly, threatening people." Once he was arrested for fare-jumping -- just like your trusted family physician."
Immigrant Of The Week: Henry Bello (Obotetukudo)

Is it simply a mistake by the paragon of news outlets......or support for the Liberal agenda?
It is clear to some of us that the old establishment media is nothing but a propaganda arm (or the controlling arm) of the Dem Party.

What really surprises me is the lack of awareness by many Americans, to this fact. These lacking Americans can't see the obvious. They are easily duped...making them dupes.
It is clear to some of us that the old establishment media is nothing but a propaganda arm (or the controlling arm) of the Dem Party.

What really surprises me is the lack of awareness by many Americans, to this fact. These lacking Americans can't see the obvious. They are easily duped...making them dupes.

How, gip, could they not be aware of it?

The following documents what many of us on the right have claimed about the machinations of the corrupt left wing press.

1." mid-April, 2008, at an ABC News debate moderated by Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos. Gibson asked Obama why it had taken him so long – nearly a year since Wright’s remarks became public – to dissociate himself from them. Watching this all at home were members of Journolist, a listserv comprised of several hundred liberal journalists, as well as like-minded professors and activists. The tough questioning from the ABC anchors left many of them outraged.

2 …at several points during the 2008 presidential campaign a group of liberal journalists took radical steps to protect their favored candidate. Employees of news organizations including Time, Politico, the Huffington Post, the Baltimore Sun, the Guardian, Salon and the New Republic participated in outpourings of anger over how Obama had been treated in the media, and in some cases plotted to fix the damage....….a campaign by professional journalists to tell ABC not to ask tough questions about a candidate’s links to radicals…

3. Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent urged his colleagues to deflect attention from Obama’s relationship with Wright by changing the subject. Pick one of Obama’s conservative critics, Ackerman wrote, “Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”...

4. Ackerman appealed to the other members of the Journolist group: “If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they’ve put upon us. Instead, take one of them — Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists. Ask: why do they have such a deep-seated problem with a black politician who unites the country? What lurks behind those problems? This makes *them* sputter with rage, which in turn leads to overreaction and self-destruction.”

5. Ackerman wasn’t talking about a strategy to expose real racists, in the media or anywhere else. The Washington Independent reporter wanted to conduct a campaign against any figure on the Right, including journalists like Fred Barnes, to smear him as a racist for the political purposes of electing a Democrat to the White House. Notice that Ackerman doesn’t even bother to ask people to look for actual evidence of racism, but just suggests to pick a conservative name out of a hat.

6. It certainly puts efforts by the Left to paint the Tea Party as racist in an entirely new light. It also calls into question the ethics and judgment of anyone who participated in that Ackerman thread."
Hot Air Daily Caller discovers Journolist plot to spike Wright story, smear conservatives as racists

No, gip....Liberal acolytes are simply insipid cowards, afraid to open their eyes and admit the truth.

They need the warm embrace of the mob.
It is clear to some of us that the old establishment media is nothing but a propaganda arm (or the controlling arm) of the Dem Party.

What really surprises me is the lack of awareness by many Americans, to this fact. These lacking Americans can't see the obvious. They are easily duped...making them dupes.
The right just likes to complain and be drama queens. Y'all have Wikileaks for your, "gospel Truth."
It is clear to some of us that the old establishment media is nothing but a propaganda arm (or the controlling arm) of the Dem Party.

What really surprises me is the lack of awareness by many Americans, to this fact. These lacking Americans can't see the obvious. They are easily duped...making them dupes.
The right just likes to complain and be drama queens. Y'all have Wikileaks for your, "gospel Truth." it true the old established media is unbiased and fair in it's reporting?
Now, back to 'Doctor Bello'....

5. "His Third World approach to meeting women resulted in his being arrested in 2004 for lifting a 23-year-old woman off the ground in Greenwich Village, while trying to penetrate her through her underwear and saying "You're coming with me." Although initially charged with felony assault, he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor -- otherwise he might have been deported and America's beautiful mosaic would be diminished.

In 2003, he was arrested for kicking in an ex-girlfriend's door at 5:10 in the morning. In 2009, he was charged, in separate incidents, with harassing women by trying to look up their skirts.

All this insanely inappropriate behavior would have continued ad infinitum, with American women being sacrificed on the altar of multiculturalism, but, finally, the Unstoppable Force of Diversity met the Feminist Immovable Object: He was fired from the hospital for sexual harassment."
Immigrant Of The Week: Henry Bello (Obotetukudo)

6. Does anyone remember that immigration was brought, basically, to a halt from 1924-1965, when Democrats opened the third-world floodgates?

Know why it as stopped?
To allow for assimilation.

Oh...and by the way....Linda Sarsour, the Democrat Muslim tool, who led that anti-Trump protest where women wore vagina hats...

"Linda Sarsour Asks Muslims To Form "Jihad" Against Trump, Not To Assimilate" Linda Sarsour Asks Muslims To Form "Jihad" Against Trump, Not To Assimilate

Anyone know how many crimes are committed by immigrants, legal and otherwise?

Know why you don't know?

The Media/Democrat Complex.
Let's see if you have been paying attention. Sexual harassment, kidnapping and attempted rape notwithstanding, guess what Bello (Obotetukudo) attributed his firing to?


7. "Bello blamed his firing on "racism and discrimination," so at least he was capable of assimilating to the American custom of immigrants being constantly aggrieved.

Close observers will notice the same basic pattern over and over again. Immigrants from backward cultures develop extravagant expectations about their lives in America, fail to master the most rudimentary civic habits, and then erupt in shooting rampages when their lives aren't turning out as planned.

Liberals have a mystical idea that we can pluck people from the most discordant cultures, put them in middle-class houses in the suburbs and then, magically, primitive tribesmen will be imbued with the core beliefs of our republic and civilization, developed over centuries." Immigrant Of The Week: Henry Bello (Obotetukudo)

What's the reason Democrats insist on huge waves of immigration from the third or illegal?

Oh, right.....they all vote.
And....the darling of Democrat elites....
....Linda Sarsour, the Democrat Muslim tool, who led that anti-Trump protest where women wore vagina hats...

This Linda Sarsour: "“the sacrifice the black Muslim slaves went through in this country is nothing compared to Islamophobia today.”
Linda Sarsour Rekindles the Left’s Love Affair with Radical Extremism

"Linda Sarsour Asks Muslims To Form "Jihad" Against Trump, Not To Assimilate" Linda Sarsour Asks Muslims To Form "Jihad" Against Trump, Not To Assimilate

8. "The New York Times might even help their Muslim friends by reporting the truth! Perhaps some Muslim mass murders -- Fort Hood, the Boston Marathon and the Orlando nightclub, for example –- aren't problems of Islam, at all. Maybe the problem is assimilation.

If the Times simply reported facts, instead of strategically constructing news stories to protect favored groups, it might have noticed that there have been a LOT of mass shootings by certain types of immigrants.

The usual elements are: 1) immigrants from wildly different cultures, who have 2) unrealistic expectations about what their lives should be like in the U.S., combined with 3) an inability to achieve success in the U.S., and 4) a failure to grasp our customs -- often, even our language, typically marked by 5) a particular rage at women.

It would be a major step forward if the media would just stop lying to us." Immigrant Of The Week: Henry Bello (Obotetukudo)

Exactly when did it become the job of the media to decide what the public should know and what is just too.......realistic.....for the dunces?
It is clear to some of us that the old establishment media is nothing but a propaganda arm (or the controlling arm) of the Dem Party.

What really surprises me is the lack of awareness by many Americans, to this fact. These lacking Americans can't see the obvious. They are easily duped...making them dupes.
The right just likes to complain and be drama queens. Y'all have Wikileaks for your, "gospel Truth." it true the old established media is unbiased and fair in it's reporting?
Only the right wing complains. Isn't Wikileaks, y'alls, "gospel Truth" anyway.
It is clear to some of us that the old establishment media is nothing but a propaganda arm (or the controlling arm) of the Dem Party.

What really surprises me is the lack of awareness by many Americans, to this fact. These lacking Americans can't see the obvious. They are easily duped...making them dupes.
The right just likes to complain and be drama queens. Y'all have Wikileaks for your, "gospel Truth." it true the old established media is unbiased and fair in it's reporting?
Only the right wing complains. Isn't Wikileaks, y'alls, "gospel Truth" anyway.
Yeah the ACTUAL emails taken from the DNC aren't real...Wikileaks made them up! Damn....who knew?
The bottom line is that the media lies, finesses the stories, leaves out what is damaging to the Left....and Liberals lap it up and swear by it.
No matter how many times it is revealed.
This week we say a glaring example of same.

1. When the Founders memorialized the trust they placed in the media in the first amendment.... freedom of speech, or of the press; ....the unspoken promise was that the press would be fair and keep the voting public informed.

2. That promise has not just been has been mocked.
The media has been stolen by the Left, and instead of informing the public, the mode has been what is called 'Mushroom Management'

a. Keep them in the dark.
b. Feed them full of s**t.

Coulter provided a vivid example of how the media provided naught but indoctrination.

3. Earlier in the week we had a shooting at a Bronx hospital, reported as follows:

"A disgruntled doctor armed with an AR-15 rifle and wearing a lab coat went on a rampage on Friday in the Bronx hospital where he had worked, killing a doctor and wounding six other people ...

Dr. Bello was armed with a rifle, an AR-15, that investigators believe he sneaked into the hospital under his lab coat..."

In 2004, Dr. Bello was arrested and charged with sex abuse and unlawful imprisonment ..."
Doctor Opens Fire at Bronx Hospital, Killing a Doctor and Wounding 6

4. Coulter's description was......somewhat different.

"Immigrant Of The Week: Henry Bello (Obotetukudo)... Nigerian immigrant Henry Williams Obotetukudo, aka Henry Bello, opened fire with an AM-15 rifle at the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital, killing one doctor and injuring a half-dozen others.
The New York Times, still unaware there's an internet, is trying to pass off the Nigerian as a Californian, the non-doctor as a doctor, and Mr. Obotetukudo as "Dr. Bello."

In the Times' major biographical profile of Bello the next day, he was described as a "sharp dresser from California." The only other reference to the shooter's provenance came several paragraphs later: "Dr. Bello lived in California off and on from 1991 until 2006." we go to print, the Times still has not identified Bello as a Nigerian immigrant.... If the Times simply reported facts, instead of strategically constructing news stories to protect favored groups, it might have noticed that there have been a LOT of mass shootings by certain types of immigrants.

He lost his license as a "pharmacy technician." (He was not a "doctor," despite the media's insistent reference to him as one.)

The Nigerian couldn't even pull off being a fake doctor, sounding more like a character out of a comedy sketch. Co-workers described him as "very aggressive, talking loudly, threatening people." Once he was arrested for fare-jumping -- just like your trusted family physician."
Immigrant Of The Week: Henry Bello (Obotetukudo)

Is it simply a mistake by the paragon of news outlets......or support for the Liberal agenda?

How great that the Internet dismantled the LMSM monopoly on the news.
The bottom line is that the media lies, finesses the stories, leaves out what is damaging to the Left....and Liberals lap it up and swear by it.
No matter how many times it is revealed.
This week we say a glaring example of same.

1. When the Founders memorialized the trust they placed in the media in the first amendment.... freedom of speech, or of the press; ....the unspoken promise was that the press would be fair and keep the voting public informed.

2. That promise has not just been has been mocked.
The media has been stolen by the Left, and instead of informing the public, the mode has been what is called 'Mushroom Management'

a. Keep them in the dark.
b. Feed them full of s**t.

Coulter provided a vivid example of how the media provided naught but indoctrination.

3. Earlier in the week we had a shooting at a Bronx hospital, reported as follows:

"A disgruntled doctor armed with an AR-15 rifle and wearing a lab coat went on a rampage on Friday in the Bronx hospital where he had worked, killing a doctor and wounding six other people ...

Dr. Bello was armed with a rifle, an AR-15, that investigators believe he sneaked into the hospital under his lab coat..."

In 2004, Dr. Bello was arrested and charged with sex abuse and unlawful imprisonment ..."
Doctor Opens Fire at Bronx Hospital, Killing a Doctor and Wounding 6

4. Coulter's description was......somewhat different.

"Immigrant Of The Week: Henry Bello (Obotetukudo)... Nigerian immigrant Henry Williams Obotetukudo, aka Henry Bello, opened fire with an AM-15 rifle at the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital, killing one doctor and injuring a half-dozen others.
The New York Times, still unaware there's an internet, is trying to pass off the Nigerian as a Californian, the non-doctor as a doctor, and Mr. Obotetukudo as "Dr. Bello."

In the Times' major biographical profile of Bello the next day, he was described as a "sharp dresser from California." The only other reference to the shooter's provenance came several paragraphs later: "Dr. Bello lived in California off and on from 1991 until 2006." we go to print, the Times still has not identified Bello as a Nigerian immigrant.... If the Times simply reported facts, instead of strategically constructing news stories to protect favored groups, it might have noticed that there have been a LOT of mass shootings by certain types of immigrants.

He lost his license as a "pharmacy technician." (He was not a "doctor," despite the media's insistent reference to him as one.)

The Nigerian couldn't even pull off being a fake doctor, sounding more like a character out of a comedy sketch. Co-workers described him as "very aggressive, talking loudly, threatening people." Once he was arrested for fare-jumping -- just like your trusted family physician."
Immigrant Of The Week: Henry Bello (Obotetukudo)

Is it simply a mistake by the paragon of news outlets......or support for the Liberal agenda?

How great that the Internet dismantled the LMSM monopoly on the news.

We have our samizdat.
Time to let our imagination run free!

Just imagine how different things would be if the media fulfilled it's promises, its mission!

Not only would the NYTimes have given full story of the fake-doctor, fake-California killer, but, it might have exposed the dark underside of Democrat immigration policy.


While the reason that Democrats love or otherwise, is that they desire the votes.....there is a corollary to the immigration tale. no way is the open-door policy vis-a-vis the third world beneficial to America.
Unrestrained immigration is deleterious to the American culture.

Many....or most.....of the cultures that Democrats entice into flooding these shores are corrupt, and based on illegality. In other words, the more third world immigration, the less principled our society will be.

As a result of the Democrat Immigration act of 1965, the nations that contribute the greatest number of immigrants are not the same ones responsible for the founding of the nation. Case in point, we take more immigrants from Nigeria than we do from Britain.

And that's just the legal immigration.

Everyone knows, even Liberals who deny it, that huge numbers of illegal aliens are encouraged to come here and live on government long as they vote.

“In all, nearly 60 percent of immigrants—legal and illegal—are on government assistance, compared with 39 percent of native households. Why would any country voluntarily bring in people who have to be supported by the taxpayer?”
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole
Why are Democrats is such a hurry to bring in third-worlders and change society for the worse?
Well, clearly, they care more about their power than they do about America....we take more immigrants from Nigeria than we do from Britain.

Nigeria is a criminal society, from internet scams, car-theft, piracy and kidnapping.
There are more Nigerians in American than there are in any other country in the world...except Nigeria.

".... the so-called Nigerian 419 scam, named after the fraud section of the Nigerian penal code, never turns out that way.... The 419 scam reached such epidemic proportions in recent years that Congress proposed legislation, the State Department issued travel warnings and the Secret Service launched "Operation 419" to fight a scourge that has cost Americans at minimum $100 million.

Daniel J. Smith, associate professor and chair of anthropology at Brown University, spent years in Nigeria observing the 419 scam up close, insights he shares in his book, "A Culture of Corruption: Everyday Deception and Popular Discontent in Nigeria."

a. "The Nigerian mafia is well organized and sophisticated. Investigators have uncovered 'classes' where earlier Nigerian settlers train newcomers to the U.S. in the subtle arts of credit card, banking and insurance fraud and keep up to date on new techniques. "
The Social Contract - The Nigerian Crime Network

b. And, of course, .... "In Mexico, every transaction between a citizen and a government official involves a cash bribe." Coulter, Op.Cit.

And this is Democrat policy, and covered up by the media.

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