LibreOffice 5.0 Now Available

I have been use Libre/Open Office for over a truly boggles the mind why people still buy M$ Office.
Both Libre and Open Office have more features and are cross platform.
I have been use Libre/Open Office for over a truly boggles the mind why people still buy M$ Office.
Both Libre and Open Office have more features and are cross platform.

As an author, the absolutely best features is the Track Changes in Edit. Especially when I encounter an editor who goes nuts over fractured sentences.
I have been use Libre/Open Office for over a truly boggles the mind why people still buy M$ Office.
Both Libre and Open Office have more features and are cross platform.
That´s certainly not correct. MSOffice is cross platform? Opens Libre/OpenOffice it doesn't.
Yes it is and yes it does. It is available for Windows and Mac OS and supports odt.
I have been use Libre/Open Office for over a truly boggles the mind why people still buy M$ Office.
Both Libre and Open Office have more features and are cross platform.
That´s certainly not correct. MSOffice is cross platform? Opens Libre/OpenOffice it doesn't.
Yes it is and yes it does. It is available for Windows and Mac OS and supports odt.

My office 2010 doesn't (at work)
I have been use Libre/Open Office for over a truly boggles the mind why people still buy M$ Office.
Both Libre and Open Office have more features and are cross platform.
That´s certainly not correct. MSOffice is cross platform? Opens Libre/OpenOffice it doesn't.
Yes it is and yes it does. It is available for Windows and Mac OS and supports odt.

My office 2010 doesn't (at work)
My does, 2013.
I have been use Libre/Open Office for over a truly boggles the mind why people still buy M$ Office.
Both Libre and Open Office have more features and are cross platform.
That´s certainly not correct. MSOffice is cross platform? Opens Libre/OpenOffice it doesn't.
Yes it is and yes it does. It is available for Windows and Mac OS and supports odt.

My office 2010 doesn't (at work)
My does, 2013.
mswft.jpg know what, it might be that the European versions have the compatibility installed but the U.S. versions do not.
That´s certainly not correct. MSOffice is cross platform? Opens Libre/OpenOffice it doesn't.
Yes it is and yes it does. It is available for Windows and Mac OS and supports odt.

My office 2010 doesn't (at work)
My does, 2013.
mswft.jpg know what, it might be that the European versions have the compatibility installed but the U.S. versions do not.
It started with the 2013 release so obviously your 2010 is not going to have it. It seems Open Office and OfficeLibre have picked up enough market share to finally wake up the Microsoft Office people.
Now if we could only do that with their OS....... :eusa_whistle:
That´s certainly not correct. MSOffice is cross platform? Opens Libre/OpenOffice it doesn't.
Yes it is and yes it does. It is available for Windows and Mac OS and supports odt.

My office 2010 doesn't (at work)
My does, 2013.
mswft.jpg know what, it might be that the European versions have the compatibility installed but the U.S. versions do not.
I don´t know. According to this list, the format is supported since Office 2003. (2003 needs a later add-in, though).
OpenDocument - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia MSOffice is cross platform? Opens Libre/OpenOffice it doesn't.

MS Office runs on Windows, Mac, common Linux distros, and Unix.

That seems pretty cross platform.

Libre is the result of the Open Office initiative. It has matured into a good product. IF you have no need for automation features and you are not dealing with complex spreadsheet models, it is a good choice. For most home users, Libre is sufficient for your needs. Impress is still vastly inferior to PowerPoint, but if presentations are not a focus, then this doesn't matter. Writer holds it's own against Word. Calc has all the basic functions of Excel, but lacks the modeling and statistical functions. However, these are used only by serious professionals. Most people will never miss them. Obviously there is no OLE support in Libre. MSOffice is cross platform? Opens Libre/OpenOffice it doesn't.

MS Office runs on Windows, Mac, common Linux distros, and Unix.

That seems pretty cross platform.

Libre is the result of the Open Office initiative. It has matured into a good product. IF you have no need for automation features and you are not dealing with complex spreadsheet models, it is a good choice. For most home users, Libre is sufficient for your needs. Impress is still vastly inferior to PowerPoint, but if presentations are not a focus, then this doesn't matter. Writer holds it's own against Word. Calc has all the basic functions of Excel, but lacks the modeling and statistical functions. However, these are used only by serious professionals. Most people will never miss them. Obviously there is no OLE support in Libre.

Right - so 98% of the people who spend $$$ buying M$ Office are dupes.
For the vast majority of typical personal users LibreOffice or Open Office are more than sufficient to meet their needs, in most professional settings Window Office Suites have the other two beat hands down, so far........
The one think I like about LO and OO are the users forums where you can help with problems and general information.
The one think I like about LO and OO are the users forums where you can help with problems and general information.
Many of us have been using LO and/or OO for a very long time. LO is fairly new, I got started on OO in the mid 90s but the only thing I ever use is Writer, the rest of it is wasted on my computer.
The one think I like about LO and OO are the users forums where you can help with problems and general information.
Many of us have been using LO and/or OO for a very long time. LO is fairly new, I got started on OO in the mid 90s but the only thing I ever use is Writer, the rest of it is wasted on my computer.

I use Calc for two things - my monthly bills and keeping track of my gaming winnings and losses. Otherwise, it's strictly the word processor.

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