Libertarians know. Do you?


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
If you are not dedicated to the destruction of empire and the dismantling of American militarism, then you cannot count yourself as a member of the left. It is not a side issue. It is the issue. Militarists and war profiteers are our greatest enemy. They use fear, bolstered by racism, as a tool in their efforts to abolish civil liberties, crush dissent and ultimately extinguish democracy. To produce weapons and finance military expansion, they ruin the domestic economy by diverting resources, scientific and technical expertise and a disproportionate share of government funds. They use the military to carry out futile, decades-long wars to enrich corporations such as Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman. War is a business. And when the generals retire, guess where they go to work? Profits swell. War never stops. Whole sections of the earth live in terror. And our nation is disemboweled and left to live under what the political philosopher Sheldon Wolin calls “inverted totalitarianism.” Libertarians seem to get this. It is time the left woke up.

Written by Chris Hedges and well done I say. The real enemy is indeed within. When will the American people wake up?

The Real Enemy Is Within
Sounds like you want to dismantle the state. Do you propose your version of a state is better or do you just want anarchy?
If you are not dedicated to the destruction of empire and the dismantling of American militarism, then you cannot count yourself as a member of the left. It is not a side issue. It is the issue. Militarists and war profiteers are our greatest enemy. They use fear, bolstered by racism, as a tool in their efforts to abolish civil liberties, crush dissent and ultimately extinguish democracy. To produce weapons and finance military expansion, they ruin the domestic economy by diverting resources, scientific and technical expertise and a disproportionate share of government funds. They use the military to carry out futile, decades-long wars to enrich corporations such as Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman. War is a business. And when the generals retire, guess where they go to work? Profits swell. War never stops. Whole sections of the earth live in terror. And our nation is disemboweled and left to live under what the political philosopher Sheldon Wolin calls “inverted totalitarianism.” Libertarians seem to get this. It is time the left woke up.

Written by Chris Hedges and well done I say. The real enemy is indeed within. When will the American people wake up?

The Real Enemy Is Within

This guy is a moron, Libertarianism is not "left". No libertarian should ever count themselves as a member of the left, or the right for that matter.
If you are not dedicated to the destruction of empire and the dismantling of American militarism, then you cannot count yourself as a member of the left. It is not a side issue. It is the issue. Militarists and war profiteers are our greatest enemy. They use fear, bolstered by racism, as a tool in their efforts to abolish civil liberties, crush dissent and ultimately extinguish democracy. To produce weapons and finance military expansion, they ruin the domestic economy by diverting resources, scientific and technical expertise and a disproportionate share of government funds. They use the military to carry out futile, decades-long wars to enrich corporations such as Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman. War is a business. And when the generals retire, guess where they go to work? Profits swell. War never stops. Whole sections of the earth live in terror. And our nation is disemboweled and left to live under what the political philosopher Sheldon Wolin calls “inverted totalitarianism.” Libertarians seem to get this. It is time the left woke up.

Written by Chris Hedges and well done I say. The real enemy is indeed within. When will the American people wake up?

The Real Enemy Is Within

Look, everyone, Gipper brought the LIbertarian Crazy.

Libertarians are children who want to live in civilization and don't want to contribute to it.
^^^two lefties that will never get it.

Their Fascist motto.....“All is in the state and nothing human exists or has value outside the state.”
Sounds like you want to dismantle the state. Do you propose your version of a state is better or do you just want anarchy?
I do. Clearly it is a criminal operation as it is practiced today.
If you are not dedicated to the destruction of empire and the dismantling of American militarism, then you cannot count yourself as a member of the left. It is not a side issue. It is the issue. Militarists and war profiteers are our greatest enemy. They use fear, bolstered by racism, as a tool in their efforts to abolish civil liberties, crush dissent and ultimately extinguish democracy. To produce weapons and finance military expansion, they ruin the domestic economy by diverting resources, scientific and technical expertise and a disproportionate share of government funds. They use the military to carry out futile, decades-long wars to enrich corporations such as Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman. War is a business. And when the generals retire, guess where they go to work? Profits swell. War never stops. Whole sections of the earth live in terror. And our nation is disemboweled and left to live under what the political philosopher Sheldon Wolin calls “inverted totalitarianism.” Libertarians seem to get this. It is time the left woke up.

Written by Chris Hedges and well done I say. The real enemy is indeed within. When will the American people wake up?

The Real Enemy Is Within

Look, everyone, Gipper brought the LIbertarian Crazy.

Libertarians are children who want to live in civilization and don't want to contribute to it.

Actually this guy gives real Libertarians a bad name. Libertarians understand there is a role for the government, it is just a very limited role and should not entail telling people how to live their private lives.
If you are not dedicated to the destruction of empire and the dismantling of American militarism, then you cannot count yourself as a member of the left. It is not a side issue. It is the issue. Militarists and war profiteers are our greatest enemy. They use fear, bolstered by racism, as a tool in their efforts to abolish civil liberties, crush dissent and ultimately extinguish democracy. To produce weapons and finance military expansion, they ruin the domestic economy by diverting resources, scientific and technical expertise and a disproportionate share of government funds. They use the military to carry out futile, decades-long wars to enrich corporations such as Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman. War is a business. And when the generals retire, guess where they go to work? Profits swell. War never stops. Whole sections of the earth live in terror. And our nation is disemboweled and left to live under what the political philosopher Sheldon Wolin calls “inverted totalitarianism.” Libertarians seem to get this. It is time the left woke up.

Written by Chris Hedges and well done I say. The real enemy is indeed within. When will the American people wake up?

The Real Enemy Is Within

This guy is a moron, Libertarianism is not "left". No libertarian should ever count themselves as a member of the left, or the right for that matter.
Hedges is not a libertarian. He is an avowed socialist but unlike most American leftists, he clearly recognizes who is the real enemy.

When will leftists ever learn?
If you are not dedicated to the destruction of empire and the dismantling of American militarism, then you cannot count yourself as a member of the left. It is not a side issue. It is the issue. Militarists and war profiteers are our greatest enemy. They use fear, bolstered by racism, as a tool in their efforts to abolish civil liberties, crush dissent and ultimately extinguish democracy. To produce weapons and finance military expansion, they ruin the domestic economy by diverting resources, scientific and technical expertise and a disproportionate share of government funds. They use the military to carry out futile, decades-long wars to enrich corporations such as Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman. War is a business. And when the generals retire, guess where they go to work? Profits swell. War never stops. Whole sections of the earth live in terror. And our nation is disemboweled and left to live under what the political philosopher Sheldon Wolin calls “inverted totalitarianism.” Libertarians seem to get this. It is time the left woke up.

Written by Chris Hedges and well done I say. The real enemy is indeed within. When will the American people wake up?

The Real Enemy Is Within

Look, everyone, Gipper brought the LIbertarian Crazy.

Libertarians are children who want to live in civilization and don't want to contribute to it.

Actually this guy gives real Libertarians a bad name. Libertarians understand there is a role for the government, it is just a very limited role and should not entail telling people how to live their private lives.
Next you will be crying about oh know...he wants to get rid of the fire department.
If you are not dedicated to the destruction of empire and the dismantling of American militarism, then you cannot count yourself as a member of the left. It is not a side issue. It is the issue. Militarists and war profiteers are our greatest enemy. They use fear, bolstered by racism, as a tool in their efforts to abolish civil liberties, crush dissent and ultimately extinguish democracy. To produce weapons and finance military expansion, they ruin the domestic economy by diverting resources, scientific and technical expertise and a disproportionate share of government funds. They use the military to carry out futile, decades-long wars to enrich corporations such as Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman. War is a business. And when the generals retire, guess where they go to work? Profits swell. War never stops. Whole sections of the earth live in terror. And our nation is disemboweled and left to live under what the political philosopher Sheldon Wolin calls “inverted totalitarianism.” Libertarians seem to get this. It is time the left woke up.

Written by Chris Hedges and well done I say. The real enemy is indeed within. When will the American people wake up?

The Real Enemy Is Within

Look, everyone, Gipper brought the LIbertarian Crazy.

Libertarians are children who want to live in civilization and don't want to contribute to it.

Actually this guy gives real Libertarians a bad name. Libertarians understand there is a role for the government, it is just a very limited role and should not entail telling people how to live their private lives.
Next you will be crying about oh know...he wants to get rid of the fire department.

You are the one that calls himself an anarchist. If you do not know what that means maybe you should not use the label.
If you are not dedicated to the destruction of empire and the dismantling of American militarism, then you cannot count yourself as a member of the left. It is not a side issue. It is the issue. Militarists and war profiteers are our greatest enemy. They use fear, bolstered by racism, as a tool in their efforts to abolish civil liberties, crush dissent and ultimately extinguish democracy. To produce weapons and finance military expansion, they ruin the domestic economy by diverting resources, scientific and technical expertise and a disproportionate share of government funds. They use the military to carry out futile, decades-long wars to enrich corporations such as Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman. War is a business. And when the generals retire, guess where they go to work? Profits swell. War never stops. Whole sections of the earth live in terror. And our nation is disemboweled and left to live under what the political philosopher Sheldon Wolin calls “inverted totalitarianism.” Libertarians seem to get this. It is time the left woke up.

Written by Chris Hedges and well done I say. The real enemy is indeed within. When will the American people wake up?

The Real Enemy Is Within

Look, everyone, Gipper brought the LIbertarian Crazy.

Libertarians are children who want to live in civilization and don't want to contribute to it.

Actually this guy gives real Libertarians a bad name. Libertarians understand there is a role for the government, it is just a very limited role and should not entail telling people how to live their private lives.
Next you will be crying about oh know...he wants to get rid of the fire department.

You are the one that calls himself an anarchist. If you do not know what that means maybe you should not use the label.
You have it backwards. You do not know what it means.
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If you are not dedicated to the destruction of empire and the dismantling of American militarism, then you cannot count yourself as a member of the left. It is not a side issue. It is the issue. Militarists and war profiteers are our greatest enemy. They use fear, bolstered by racism, as a tool in their efforts to abolish civil liberties, crush dissent and ultimately extinguish democracy. To produce weapons and finance military expansion, they ruin the domestic economy by diverting resources, scientific and technical expertise and a disproportionate share of government funds. They use the military to carry out futile, decades-long wars to enrich corporations such as Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman. War is a business. And when the generals retire, guess where they go to work? Profits swell. War never stops. Whole sections of the earth live in terror. And our nation is disemboweled and left to live under what the political philosopher Sheldon Wolin calls “inverted totalitarianism.” Libertarians seem to get this. It is time the left woke up.

Written by Chris Hedges and well done I say. The real enemy is indeed within. When will the American people wake up?

The Real Enemy Is Within

Liberals are confused about things like this.

They think Republican wars are bad but Democrat wars are good.

They claim to be against militarism unless their boy is doing it, then it is OK.

Didn't hear many of these Liberals bitching about Obama being at war every day of his administration, did we? Sure didn't hear them bitch about Slick Willy killing Christians to protect Muslims, bombing Baghdad or going after the Somalian warlords, did we? You would be hard put to get a Liberals to admit the Democrats initiated combat operations and escalated the war in Vietnam.

They love to bitch about Bush invading Iraq but always seem to forget that the asshole Obama fought the war for three years, left before the job was finished and then reintroduced troops. Nothing about him bombing Libya for no damn reason and escalating the war in Afghanistan.
They love to bitch about Bush invading Iraq but always seem to forget that the asshole Obama fought the war for three years, left before the job was finished and then reintroduced troops. Nothing about him bombing Libya for no damn reason and escalating the war in Afghanistan.

If he didn't withdraw troops from Iraq or escalate in Afghanistan (both of which he promised to do in his campaign), you guys would have been the first to bitch about it.

Here's the reality. There is no difference between D and R on foreign policy. The Zionists say "Jump" and we say, "How High?" We stick our dicks in the hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung. And when some angry kid shoots up a nightclub or straps a bomb onto himself, we crap ourselves that the Muslims are going to get us all!!!!

So after Trump gets impeached and Pence gets voted out, we will still have exactly the same policies.
If you are not dedicated to the destruction of empire and the dismantling of American militarism, then you cannot count yourself as a member of the left. It is not a side issue. It is the issue. Militarists and war profiteers are our greatest enemy. They use fear, bolstered by racism, as a tool in their efforts to abolish civil liberties, crush dissent and ultimately extinguish democracy. To produce weapons and finance military expansion, they ruin the domestic economy by diverting resources, scientific and technical expertise and a disproportionate share of government funds. They use the military to carry out futile, decades-long wars to enrich corporations such as Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman. War is a business. And when the generals retire, guess where they go to work? Profits swell. War never stops. Whole sections of the earth live in terror. And our nation is disemboweled and left to live under what the political philosopher Sheldon Wolin calls “inverted totalitarianism.” Libertarians seem to get this. It is time the left woke up.

Written by Chris Hedges and well done I say. The real enemy is indeed within. When will the American people wake up?

The Real Enemy Is Within

Liberals are confused about things like this.

They think Republican wars are bad but Democrat wars are good.

They claim to be against militarism unless their boy is doing it, then it is OK.

Didn't hear many of these Liberals bitching about Obama being at war every day of his administration, did we? Sure didn't hear them bitch about Slick Willy killing Christians to protect Muslims, bombing Baghdad or going after the Somalian warlords, did we? You would be hard put to get a Liberals to admit the Democrats initiated combat operations and escalated the war in Vietnam.

They love to bitch about Bush invading Iraq but always seem to forget that the asshole Obama fought the war for three years, left before the job was finished and then reintroduced troops. Nothing about him bombing Libya for no damn reason and escalating the war in Afghanistan.
So true.

I find that most cons KNOW Bush was a terrible president. Conversely, I find most liberals think BO was a great president. Very strange.
If you are not dedicated to the destruction of empire and the dismantling of American militarism, then you cannot count yourself as a member of the left. It is not a side issue. It is the issue. Militarists and war profiteers are our greatest enemy. They use fear, bolstered by racism, as a tool in their efforts to abolish civil liberties, crush dissent and ultimately extinguish democracy. To produce weapons and finance military expansion, they ruin the domestic economy by diverting resources, scientific and technical expertise and a disproportionate share of government funds. They use the military to carry out futile, decades-long wars to enrich corporations such as Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman. War is a business. And when the generals retire, guess where they go to work? Profits swell. War never stops. Whole sections of the earth live in terror. And our nation is disemboweled and left to live under what the political philosopher Sheldon Wolin calls “inverted totalitarianism.” Libertarians seem to get this. It is time the left woke up.

Written by Chris Hedges and well done I say. The real enemy is indeed within. When will the American people wake up?

The Real Enemy Is Within

Look, everyone, Gipper brought the LIbertarian Crazy.

Libertarians are children who want to live in civilization and don't want to contribute to it.

Bullshit. There's plenty of libertarians, and I count myself among them, who believe that the function of government is to protect the rights of the citizens, and, to that end, we're perfectly willing to contribute. We don't like contributing to moral initiatives that have nothing to do with the protection of actual rights, and we don't believe that any citizen has the right to wealth earned by another citizen.

Accuracy requires some nuance. Learn it.
They love to bitch about Bush invading Iraq but always seem to forget that the asshole Obama fought the war for three years, left before the job was finished and then reintroduced troops. Nothing about him bombing Libya for no damn reason and escalating the war in Afghanistan.

If he didn't withdraw troops from Iraq or escalate in Afghanistan (both of which he promised to do in his campaign), you guys would have been the first to bitch about it.

Here's the reality. There is no difference between D and R on foreign policy. The Zionists say "Jump" and we say, "How High?" We stick our dicks in the hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung. And when some angry kid shoots up a nightclub or straps a bomb onto himself, we crap ourselves that the Muslims are going to get us all!!!!

So after Trump gets impeached and Pence gets voted out, we will still have exactly the same policies.
See? Joe loves BO no matter what.

Ds good. Rs bad. Duh!

Joe's philosophy.

Can't fix stupid.
They love to bitch about Bush invading Iraq but always seem to forget that the asshole Obama fought the war for three years, left before the job was finished and then reintroduced troops. Nothing about him bombing Libya for no damn reason and escalating the war in Afghanistan.

If he didn't withdraw troops from Iraq or escalate in Afghanistan (both of which he promised to do in his campaign), you guys would have been the first to bitch about it.

Here's the reality. There is no difference between D and R on foreign policy. The Zionists say "Jump" and we say, "How High?" We stick our dicks in the hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung. And when some angry kid shoots up a nightclub or straps a bomb onto himself, we crap ourselves that the Muslims are going to get us all!!!!

So after Trump gets impeached and Pence gets voted out, we will still have exactly the same policies.

I don't know who you mean by "you guys" because I am a non interventionist Conservative.

For being a stupid Liberal you got something right for once. I guess even an old blind hog will find an acorn every once in awhile. There is not much difference in the foreign policies of the Democrats and Republicans. They are both parties of interventionism.

The minor difference is that the stupid Democrats do all the interventionism things while projecting weakness. The Republicans do it while projecting strength.

Liberals are as confused about interventionism like they are confused about fiscal irresponsibility. If Republican do either one of those thing the filthy Liberals will bitch about but if the Democrats do it then it is OK.
Bullshit. There's plenty of libertarians, and I count myself among them, who believe that the function of government is to protect the rights of the citizens, and, to that end, we're perfectly willing to contribute. We don't like contributing to moral initiatives that have nothing to do with the protection of actual rights, and we don't believe that any citizen has the right to wealth earned by another citizen.

Accuracy requires some nuance. Learn it.

so again- you are all for civilization, you just don't want to pay for it.

Sorry, man, social welfare IS civilization.

sorry you don't get that.
The minor difference is that the stupid Democrats do all the interventionism things while projecting weakness. The Republicans do it while projecting strength.

No, they don't. They get us into wars with no forethought.

We got rolled by two impoverished third world countries, and we were begging Obama to get us out of there. That's not strength, buddy!

Strength would be if we started a draft, raised taxes and rationed goods until the war was won. That's how Democrats USED to fight wars.

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