Liberation of Mosul begins


Nov 14, 2012
The war in Mosul has begun and here is some basic information.

Participating will:
- Iraqi army
- Supporting militias
- Kurdish Peshmerga
- Nineveh Guard
- US led Coalition
- US Special Forces

The militias will focus on Tal Afar while the military on Mosul itself. It is planned to leave a corridor open for ISIS to retreat. This plan is heavily criticized due to the fact ISIS forces could flee for Syria. On one hand, this has been a method the Syrian army has been using in most of the big urban battles against ISIS and the Iraqi army announced to not to allow ISIS to enter Syria. On the other hand, the US and Saudi Arabia (!!) granted free passage to the thousands of ISIS terrorists, what looks like the US and SA are trying to redeploy ISIS against the Syrian army with no intention to liberate Mosul itself. According to reports the Coalition will only strike "vacated" buildings, whatever that means.
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Washington must love Hollywood scenarios.

"More than 9,000 Daesh fighters from Mosul will be redeployed to eastern Syria to carry out a large-scale offensive which will involve among other things taking control over Deir ez-Zor and Palmyra," the source detailed.

For Washington, this plan, the source suggested, will be an attempt to diminish Russia's success in Syria. Moscow has been credited with helping the Syrian Arab Army turn the tide of war that has seen Damascus fighting against foreign-sponsored terrorist groups for more than five years.

The expert further said that the Democrats will try to claim any success in Mosul, whether perceived or real.
Washington and Riyadh 'Plan to Let Daesh Leave Mosul and Move to Syria'

The jihadi army – and their families – will allegedly be let back in to Syria to battle president Bashar al-Assad and his Russian allies.
US 'plotting to allow 9,000 ISIS fighters to escape terror capital Mosul', Moscow claims

Thanks to the irresponsible foreign policies of both President Obama and Hillary Clinton, the terrorist group ISIS has been allowed to spread in more than 30 Nations. This group has caused a lot of damage to United States soldiers and civilians.

Meanwhile President Obama and Clinton have never come up with a plan to completely destroy ISIS. Despite the fact that they are the ones that helped create them in the first place, they don’t seem keen on making sure they don’t spread. As a result, other nations have been forced to help clean up their mess.

Russian military leaders have said that President Obama is allowing thousands of ISIS fighters to be given a safe passage out of Iraq! They would then be let back into the country to fight against the Russian army, or go somewhere else to fight them!

The military source in Moscow said: “In preparation for the operation in Mosul, US intelligence agencies and Saudi Arabia agreed that before the assault all militants will be offered a safe route to leave the city with their families.” President Obama is literally allowing people to leave the city!
BREAKING: Obama Approved Operation To Release 9,000 ISIS Soldiers Inside Moscow
Forces 15 Km from Mosul


"Led by the 9th Armored Division, the Iraqi Armed Forces and their Assyrian and Kurdish counterparts began the day by liberating the key town of Bashiqa after a short battle with the Islamic State terrorists.

Following the liberation of Bashiqa, the Kurdish Peshmerga forces carried out their own assault in eastern Mosul, capturing the villages of Bakhdida, Sheikh 'Amir, Baskhara, Tarjalah, Badana, and Qarqosh from the Islamic State.

Meanwhile, south of Mosul, the Iraqi Army, alongside the Nineveh Plains Protection Units (Assyrian paramilitary), liberated the historical town of Al-Nimrod, while also seizing the villages of Al-Khadr, Kani Harami, Quriyat Al-'Abbas."
Iraqi Armed Forces liberate several sites near ISIS stronghold
Last week ISIS had to put down an insurgency within it's own ranks, looks like the end of ISIS.............In Mosul...
Last week ISIS had to put down an insurgency within it's own ranks, looks like the end of ISIS.............In Mosul...
There is currently a civilian uprising.
No. They will be killed.
Yes, some will, the price to pay to throw off tyranny..
They have no arms and will all be killed. Similar uprisings in Syria took place and it was not a good idea in the end.
Last week ISIS had to put down an insurgency within it's own ranks, looks like the end of ISIS.............In Mosul...
There is currently a civilian uprising.
No. They will be killed.
Yes, some will, the price to pay to throw off tyranny..
They have no arms and will all be killed. Similar uprisings in Syria took place and it was not a good idea in the end.
I understand..
Uncle Sam´s angry as the Iraqi airforce bombs a convoy of fleeing ISIS terrorists heading to Syria. For those who manage to slip through their fingers, the Russians reactivate and upgrade the T-4 military airport at Palmyra. Vlad makes sure he accords a hearty welcome for them...

Meanwhile the Iraqi army has liberated the town of Karemlash.

BREAKING: Iraqi army liberates another ISIS-held Assyrian town east of Mosul
Video: Intense footage of Iraqi air force pulverizing ISIS fleeing Mosul to Syria
Russian military builds new runway in east Syria as ISIS flees Mosul
A gigantic majority of the Iraqi army approaches towards Mosul. In Iraq, the war focuses on one or few hotspots while in Syria, the war rages in various locations. The Mosul offensive took a year of preparations.

"True to his word, airstrikes and artillery shells pounded Mosul and its outskirts on Monday and Tuesday as the Iraqi Army and Popular Mobilization Units (Hashd Al-Sha'abi) - spearheaded by the newly formed 16th Division - captured around 20 villages southeast of Mosul. Meanwhile, a simultaneous Peshmerga offensive saw Kurdish forces grind to a halt some 15 kilometers east of Mosul.

The latest villages to be captured by the Iraqi Armed Forces are Karemlash and Qaraqoshwhile ISIS forces have reversed some of the Peshmerga's recent gains.

Between 3,000 and 4,500 jihadists are estimated to defend Mosul while advancing Iraqi troops boast a fighting force of some 30,000 soldiers, thus vastly outnumbering the Islamic State's manpower.

Despite dropping 'surrender leaflets' over Mosul and utilizing the recently liberated Qarrayah Airbase to maximum effect, the Iraqi Army must explore cutting off the Islamic State's supply line to Mosul if they are to successfully capture Iraq's second largest city."

ISIS fighters patrol the streets of Mosul as the Iraqi Army pushes forward
The PMU have announced that they are going to push towards the Syrian border to intercept escaping ISIS terrorists.

"The 18 villages liberated by the PMU and Iraqi Federal Police are:

Wadi al-Saf, Al-Faj, Al-Hamadiya, Al-Bajwaniya, Sufla & Ulya, Bashmaya al-Madraj, Al-Hawd, Lazzaga, Al-Sard, Al-Gharbiya, Najma Al-Sufla, Najma Al-Ulya, Gabir Nayif, Al-Faya, Sayyed Hasan, Sa'idiya, Ibn Nayif and Al-Mohandes.

On top, the Iraqi forces have killed a total of 66 ISIS fighters and destroyed 31 rocket launchers and 5 mortar positions."
18 villages south of Mosul liberated from ISIS in first 48 hours
The claims of ISIS and the Iraqi government are contradicting. ISIS claims to have killed already hundreds of soldiers while the Iraqi PM said the operation is ahead of schedule.

"Since a US-led anti-ISIS coalition launched a campaign to liberate Mosul four days ago, ISIS has conceeded a total of 26 villages to the Iraqi Army and a handful of villages to the Peshmerga."

VIDEO: ISIS suicide truck blown up inches before reaching Peshmerga checkpoint
Iraqi PM says Mosul offensive going faster than expected
ISIS throws waves of suicide bombers at Iraqi Army, Peshmerga on Mosul outskirts
While the Peschmerga achieved little in Mosul so far, ISIS has launched an offensive in Kirkuk. The Kurds say the situation is under control and there are only few ISIS terrorists, but ISIS claims to have captured half of the city. They also captured the prison and released their terrorist brethren. They also take money from civilians in order to let them go.
The PMU and the PKK rush to help Peschmerga and the US conducted airstrikes over the city.

ISIS breaks open Kirkuk prison releasing many terrorists
ISIS holds civilians close to its positions as human shields.

"(Reuters) ISIS militants have taken 550 families from villages around Mosul and are holding them close to ISIS locations in the Iraqi city, probably as human shields, the U.N. human rights office said Friday.

"We are gravely worried by reports that ISIS is using civilians in and around Mosul as human shields as the Iraqi forces advance, keeping civilians close to their offices or places where fighters are located, which may result in civilian casualties," U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad al Hussein said in a statement.

"There is a grave danger that ISIS fighters will not only use such vulnerable people as human shields but may opt to kill them rather than see them liberated."

U.N. spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani, citing "verified information" from local contacts, said 200 families were forced to walk to Mosul from Samalia village on Oct. 17, and another 350 families left Najafia village for Mosul on the same day."

ISIS seizes 550 families as human shields in Mosul: UN
Latest News:

"Deadly fumes released when a sulphur plant was blown up by Isis have killed two Iraqi civilians and injured many others. US soldiers involved in the fight for the Iraqi city of Mosul wore protective masks as a chemical facility was set alight. Toxic gases caused by the blaze were blown towards the Qayyara airfield – the main US hub supporting the operation in the ongoing battle against Islamic State (ISIS), for control of the city."

On Saturday (22 October), Iraqi troops stormed a Christian region under Islamic State control since 2014, driving IS from the town of Qaraqosh, approximately 13 miles southeast of Mosul. Activity was also underway in neighbouring village Karamless, with Iraqi forces looking to seize. This comes following capture of Bartella, another Christian village, earlier this week.

The operation to recapture Mosul is thought to be the biggest battle in Iraq since 2003, and comes as IS lose significant ground within the region. According to the Iraqi army, 50 villages had been captured since Monday as 5,000-6,000 soldiers prepared to enter Mosul.

Speaking to Reuters, a U.S. military source said they believed there were less than a couple of hundred IS fighters still in Qaraqosh."

"The Iraqi Army, backed by the Nineveh Plains Protection Units (Assyrian paramilitary), entered the strategic town of Al-Hamdaniyah* this morning after an intense firefight with the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS).

Once Al-Hamdaniyah is secured, the Iraqi Army and the NPU will have Mosul surrounded from two different flanks, leaving little to no room to retreat."


"BAGHDAD, IRAQ (12:40 P.M.) - The Iraqi Security Forces reportedly killed 48 members of the so-called "Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham" (ISIS) in Kirkuk today after a fierce battle that lasted for several hours.

The Iraqi security forces are currently working in conjunction with their Kurdish counterparts to restore order in Kirkuk after a massive security breach."

Battle for Mosul: Chemical plant torched by Isis leaves many injured from 'toxic smoke'
Iraqi Army, Assyrian forces enter strategic town near Mosul
Iraqi security forces kill 48 ISIS terrorists in Kirkuk
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