Liberals: Would you support making Obama King Of America?

LOLOL.... nice one, we're not talking classical politics. We're talking American politics, and monarchy, communism, facism, it's all the same and the right isnt for more government, we're for less, so I guess we're for utopian socialism (or as we like to call it anarchy), but since we know it's impossible, we stay in the real world and want a liberal democratic-republic based on conservative ideology.

The right is for leaders chosen by god.

The left is for leaders chosen by people.

Simple as that.

I still don't know what game God was playing when he told Every. Single. Republican candidate that he wanted them to run for President.

Good thing he didn't tell them to kill their first-born, that's all I'm sayin.

"I hate these assholes... time to fuck with their heads."

And yeah, it's a good thing he didn't pull an Abraham on them. I think he's saving that for 2016.
Like I said. You seem passionate about the subject. If we could get lil ole Trig to debate you on this issue, and you have the courage of your convictions, I see no reason for you not to place a bet. Or do you fear the contest might be too close to call, and thus a poor bet? I would put my money down on you, just so you know. I have always had a rooting heart for underdogs.

Weeeall....I appreciate your recognition as the underdog but I must reiterate.....I will not debate anything as rediculous as a book written by primitives which contains such tales as virgin birth, turning water into fine wine, healing leprosy on the spot by a touch, walking on water, raising from the dead, etc.

That doesn't even get into the Mormon faith which encompassed 40-50 wives and magic underwear. If they were 60 minute men and worked with 50 wives they would have to be wearing magic underwear.

Sounds like you are afraid of facing off with Trig. I don't blame you. I hear that, amongst other tards (including the ones that "appreciate" Bill Maher's comedy), he is a very worthy adversary...

Okay, that's about enough. I am no fan of his mother, but dragging Trig into this is just really inappropriate.
I don't watch Bill Maher because of his viewers...I appreciate his comedy. I also appreciated the comedy of George Carlin. Carlin had one of if not the best deliveries in comedy. The man was intelligent...very intelligent.

Your appreciation of this retarded "comedian" is noted. I assure you that Trig Palin appreciates his rattles in much the same way.

The real retards in this country are those who live their lives according to primitive writings by ignorant people who were trying to learn to control developing imaginations 2000 years ago. Primitives who believed in witches and thought the earth was flat. Primitives who shit on the ground and wiped on their hands. It's difficult for me to believe that ancient god worship is still alive.
It's difficult for me to accept the fact that you still are, asshole. Do you talk this shit in real life?
Given that I was referring to the retarded "comedy" of Bill Maher, and the general retardedness of his viewers, I was clearly referring to retards with a lefty mindset. Sure, there are retards on the right. Trig Palin comes to mind. And even poor l'il Trig could keep his own in a showdown of wits against any of Maher's viewers.

I don't watch Bill Maher because of his viewers...I appreciate his comedy. I also appreciated the comedy of George Carlin. Carlin had one of if not the best deliveries in comedy. The man was intelligent...very intelligent.

It's a Lenny Bruce style. He deconstructs the social sense of sacred and profane, and finds twist that shocks the hell out of you, but recognize a gem of truth in the humor. The only right wing comedian that seems to do that well is PJ O'Rourke. People like Dennis Miller just comes off as being fake, and using conventional wisdom as a crutch, rather than something to challenge.

In other words, you don't understand Miller's humor, right?
Gee don't the Libs worship him as such now?

Only in your deluded, uneducated world.

If they don't then Obama sure thinks they do:

[ame=]"Obama" PERSON FAINTS AT EVENT - YouTube[/ame]

Not only are libs worshiping Obama, they're teaching children to worship him. And of course that includes the Kenyan kids worshiping him as the great Muslim saying, yes we can, yes the Kenyan Muslim can destroy America from within.

And the funny part of this video is until the very end I figured it was a video meant to expose Obama. It's actually supposed to be a pro Obama video LMAO.

[ame=]Praise and Worship Obama !!! - YouTube[/ame]

And of course, you got lefties literally praying to Obama in masses.

[ame=]Lefty's Pray To Obama - YouTube[/ame]
I would love to hear what liberals would support Obama becoming king and your rationale.

Conservatives and Independents hold your tongues. No need to go off on any diatribes. Let the libs weigh in first.

I vote for George W. Bush.....doubled the national debt, started two wars one totally unnecessary, expanded the si e of government by 15%, wrecked the economy and made peons out of what used to be the middle class.

I won't even mention the 4000 dead and 33000+ peons seriously wounded....well, I guess I did.

Don't forget the dead from Katrina; had the boy funded the ACE budget, as had even Reagan before him, we might not have lost 1300+ more lives, at a cost of 500 billion.
Weeeall....I appreciate your recognition as the underdog but I must reiterate.....I will not debate anything as rediculous as a book written by primitives which contains such tales as virgin birth, turning water into fine wine, healing leprosy on the spot by a touch, walking on water, raising from the dead, etc.

That doesn't even get into the Mormon faith which encompassed 40-50 wives and magic underwear. If they were 60 minute men and worked with 50 wives they would have to be wearing magic underwear.

Sounds like you are afraid of facing off with Trig. I don't blame you. I hear that, amongst other tards (including the ones that "appreciate" Bill Maher's comedy), he is a very worthy adversary...

Okay, that's about enough. I am no fan of his mother, but dragging Trig into this is just really inappropriate.

Why? L'il ole Trig appreciates his rattles the same way other retards appreciate Bill Maher. Im not insulting the little feller, just makin observations....
And more:

[ame=]School Children Taught to Praise Obama - YouTube[/ame]

And more:

[ame=]Yet another Obama indoctrination video of kids from Sand Hill Elementary School in Asheville, NC - YouTube[/ame]
Sounds like you are afraid of facing off with Trig. I don't blame you. I hear that, amongst other tards (including the ones that "appreciate" Bill Maher's comedy), he is a very worthy adversary...

Okay, that's about enough. I am no fan of his mother, but dragging Trig into this is just really inappropriate.

Why? L'il ole Trig appreciates his rattles the same way other retards appreciate Bill Maher. Im not insulting the little feller, just makin observations....

You keep making those observations, ass fedora. Your rep shows how much we all appreciate it.

Ok. good data,

But the first site is a hypothetical - a liberal trying to point out what changing the constitution seems like to others.

The second article I does show some members of congress (including Democrat Harry Reid) looking to get rid of amendment 22. Research shows republicans tried to repeal it as well during Regan's second term. So I guess some fools on both sides have thought the same thing.

As I keep having to say, I am not a Democrat or Republican. I think both parties are dishonest and driven fully by special interests, as all US politicians seem to be.

Anyone wanting to allow someone unlimited term as president is an idiot, and it seems this sentiment is not specific to a party.

Uggh. I've often said, that I'd hate to be a real liberal (not a fake one like 97 percent of them) b/c of the condescending rubbish that so many pinhead libs say. That first article was just full of it.

"You guys have no one to replace Barack Obama with. No one running is actually fit to debate him"

"there are no smart and decent people who call themselves Republicans"

"So, let's repeal the 22nd. Let's just keep electing Barack Obama President until you, as a party, grow up. He' young, he's healthy, he can run the country for the next 12 or 16 or 20 years until you get over your desire to elect a right-wing talk radio host President"

"of course the fabled "life begins at conception" amendment."

And you guys seriously brag about your alleged higher intelligence and yet you write and read this mind numbing nonsense.

You keep saying "you guys" over and over as if "liberals" are some unified body, and as if the statements of the person who wrote that PERSONAL BLOG entry somehow had the support and acceptance of all liberals.

The biggest and most dangerous logical fallacy used by all tyrants, fear mongers and idiots is the fallacy of generalization. Generalizing a big group of people under the words of one random person, of one thing you heard.

I never say "you conservatives" because I know better.

But I can't deny I often sense a more angry, illogical sense behind some conservatives arguments of the issues.

I, personally, stick with data and facts. Any other way of reasoning is a few short steps towards another dark ages. Why don't you do the same as opposed to starting a whole thread about no information, just an instigating "question" for liberals?

You have no credibility. You pretended that there aren't liberals worshiping Obama and I showed you video after video to the contrary. Just man up and admit your wrong. Or cow down like you've been doing.

There's no hope for you. If you think all that shit is worshipping, you don't know what worship is.

I would question your faith in your religion.
Okay, that's about enough. I am no fan of his mother, but dragging Trig into this is just really inappropriate.

Why? L'il ole Trig appreciates his rattles the same way other retards appreciate Bill Maher. Im not insulting the little feller, just makin observations....

You keep making those observations, ass fedora. Your rep shows how much we all appreciate it.

Aww're sweet. But I am happily married. Flirting with me will get you nowhere.

You have no credibility. You pretended that there aren't liberals worshiping Obama and I showed you video after video to the contrary. Just man up and admit your wrong. Or cow down like you've been doing.

There's no hope for you. If you think all that shit is worshipping, you don't know what worship is.

I would question your faith in your religion.

Worship - To regard with ardent or adoring esteem or devotion.

Now that you know the definition, man up like I said.
Why? L'il ole Trig appreciates his rattles the same way other retards appreciate Bill Maher. Im not insulting the little feller, just makin observations....

You keep making those observations, ass fedora. Your rep shows how much we all appreciate it.

Aww're sweet. But I am happily married. Flirting with me will get you nowhere.

I can tell you're married, since you no longer know what flirting looks like.

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