Liberals! Where Is Your Self-Respect??

When I added the OP, [ ] I noted what I believed would be the most antagonistic aspect of Progressive doctrine…the idea that a citizen has no rights. None- except for whatever scraps the elites believe they can have.

"For over a century the natural rights concept of the Founders, and of Abraham Lincoln, had served as the philosophical foundation for America. But, during the late 19th -early 20th centuries, what we know as ‘progressives’ repudiated the idea. A leading progressive, John Dewey: “Natural rights and natural liberties exist only in the kingdom of mythology and social zoology.”
Dewey, “Liberalism and Social Action,” p. 17.

a. Charles Merriam: “The individualistic ideas of the ‘natural rights’ school of political theory, endorsed in the Revolution, are discredited and repudiated.”
Merriam, “A History of American Political Theories,” p. 307.

3. Let’s be clear: the central doctrine of progressives is that government can withdraw any ‘right’ at any time, as opposed to the view that there are permanent rights founded in “nature and nature’s God.” Perhaps you recall it this way: that humans are “endowed by their Creator” with “unalienable rights.”

a. "Unalienable: incapable of being alienated, that is, sold and transferred." Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, page 1523: You can not surrender, sell or transfer unalienable rights, they are a gift from the creator to the individual and can not under any circumstances be surrendered or taken. All individual's have unalienable rights.

b. In a 1996 paper, "Private Speech, Public Purpose: The Role of Governmental Motive in First Amendment Doctrine," Obama's Supreme Court Justice Kagan argued it may be proper to suppress speech because it is offensive to society or to the government. : "Whether a given category of speech enjoys First Amendment protection depends upon a categorical balancing of the value of the speech against its societal costs."
WyBlog -- Elena Kagan's America: some speech can be "disappeared"

There were a fairly large number of replies….none of those Liberals, or Progressives, or Obama supporters, challenged the idea!

Is there not ANY contumely Leftists will not recoil from??
No….rather, they accepted the role of a slave, a dog….sitting up and begging, inured to the characterization!! ‘Yes master,…please, may I speak? Or even dream?’

Among those trained, schooled, conditioned....and, yes, brainwashed....there is no self-respect, no demand that they be acknowledged to be worth something as an individual.


The warnings weren't enough:

"As usual, the face of Emmanuel Goldstein, the Enemy of the People, had flashed on to the screen. There were hisses here and there among the audience. Goldstein was the renegade and backslider who once, long ago (how long ago nobody quite remembered), had been one of the leading figures of the Party, almost on a level with BIG BROTHER himself, and then had engaged in counter-revolutionary activities, had been condemned to death and had mysteriously escaped and disappeared.

The programmes of the Two Minutes Hate varied from day to day, but there was none in which Goldstein was not the principal figure. He was the primal traitor, the earliest defiler of the Party's purity."

Ok, so a woman has a natural right to an abortion, BUT,

if she does not have a government to protect her exercise of that right, she could be penalized severely for having an abortion by another government that did not agree with the concept of natural rights.

So how do rights exist, as actions in the real world, without government to protect them?
I define the core of self-respect to be the unwillingness to lie to one's self, I know I do not have all the answers, I know that I may even be wrong on many points as I have been wrong in the past, but one thing I am sure of, I have never been wrong in my refusal to hang on to treasured beliefs in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I think for myself, I do not automatically accept the opinions of the often self appointed "liberal" leaders and make them my own and I certainly have grown out of the trap of being a political reactionary because that only makes a person easy to control.

That point leads to another core of self-respect: self-control. Political reactionaries such as yourself lack self control or else they would not be reactionaries. Many here might read some sketchy blog post about some hated opposition leader bent on dastardly deeds and terrible goals and just accept it and then rush here to repost it for all to react mindlessly to, we see it all day here, an entire Internet industry devoted to shoveling likely sounding garbage into the minds people who do not have the self control to not react to things in a knee-jerk fashion.

You ask where is my self-respect? It's there every time to brutally examine and re-examine every single piece of information that goes into what is collectively called my belief system, it's there every time someone wants to me mindlessly react to some piece of shitty propaganda and it's especially there whenever someone wants me to be afraid and controllable rather than courageous and true to myself. Where the hell is your self-respect? I doubt you have ever put as much thought into it as I have writing these three paragraphs, never mind the lifetime I have spent sifting through the garbage looking for what is true and correct in the world.
Better starve free than be a fat slave.

Psst. Can I let you in on a little secret PC? It isn't the government taking our rights away. It is your beloved corporations buying legislation and elections, and chipping away at your rights bit by bit. Hell, now they have even bought our electoral process. THEY now decide who the candidates are that us silly peasants "get" to vote for. If you think the sad, embarrasing but obvious butt-kissing of your corporate overlords will somehow grant you *by magic* more, freedoms, then you have another think coming. But I won't give your intelligence the credit it requires to figure this out...

PS. Maybe if you went out and got a job or hobby or something, you wouldn't feel the need to regurgitate hateful, silly, incorrect right-wing "philosophers" (a delicious oxymoron, I know) all day on this message board. Just a suggestion.

Lunch is over. Back to work.
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Once again you're misinterpreting what was said. There are no such thing as "natural rights". In the natural world the only rights you have are those you're able to fight for. In our world we create associations, usually called governments, to fight for those rights. The problem you seem to be having is that you regard all such associations as "the other", there to either hand you something or take something away. I prefer to see our democratic institutions as "us", not perfect of course, but not "the other". If you see them that way, who's doing the fighting to make sure your rights are observed?
Why do you say she's wrong, then repeat exactly what she said?

You believe people have no rights unless they're granted by government.

This is wrong.

There's a difference between thinking you have a right and being able to exercise that right.

"Belafonte’s Advice to Obama: Imprison Opposition “Like a Third World Dictator” (Video)"
Enlightened Marxist Harry Belafonte was on with pal Al Sharpton this week. His advice for Obama was to imprison opposition like a “third world dictator.”
I define the core of self-respect to be the unwillingness to lie to one's self, I know I do not have all the answers, I know that I may even be wrong on many points as I have been wrong in the past, but one thing I am sure of, I have never been wrong in my refusal to hang on to treasured beliefs in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I think for myself, I do not automatically accept the opinions of the often self appointed "liberal" leaders and make them my own and I certainly have grown out of the trap of being a political reactionary because that only makes a person easy to control.

That point leads to another core of self-respect: self-control. Political reactionaries such as yourself lack self control or else they would not be reactionaries. Many here might read some sketchy blog post about some hated opposition leader bent on dastardly deeds and terrible goals and just accept it and then rush here to repost it for all to react mindlessly to, we see it all day here, an entire Internet industry devoted to shoveling likely sounding garbage into the minds people who do not have the self control to not react to things in a knee-jerk fashion.

You ask where is my self-respect? It's there every time to brutally examine and re-examine every single piece of information that goes into what is collectively called my belief system, it's there every time someone wants to me mindlessly react to some piece of shitty propaganda and it's especially there whenever someone wants me to be afraid and controllable rather than courageous and true to myself. Where the hell is your self-respect? I doubt you have ever put as much thought into it as I have writing these three paragraphs, never mind the lifetime I have spent sifting through the garbage looking for what is true and correct in the world.

That's the fundamental problem with progressives. Everything is self-centered.

Human rights are the polar opposite of being obsessed with yourself.
Natural rights are the rights that all humans are born with, and that most people agree are conferred upon them by God. If not by God, then by universal concensus.

The only people that deny that we are born with certain inalienable rights are the people who want to take them from you. The people who believe humans (particularly humans they don't like) are animals, and should be treated as such.

If "people agree" on certain rights, aren't we talking about some sort of government? How are those rights ensured, if not by government? Also, if they're inalienable rights, why would it matter if "people agree" or there's "universal consensus"? People agreed that Jews had no rights in Nazi Germany. Would that sort of thing be OK with you?

You seem to be the one that's carrying the torch for those who would strip people of their rights. I'm merely pointing out that for rights to mean anything we need a guarantor, i.e. a government that can be trusted to preserve them. The government doesn't give rights, WE DO, because we're the government.
Once again you're misinterpreting what was said. There are no such thing as "natural rights". In the natural world the only rights you have are those you're able to fight for. In our world we create associations, usually called governments, to fight for those rights. The problem you seem to be having is that you regard all such associations as "the other", there to either hand you something or take something away. I prefer to see our democratic institutions as "us", not perfect of course, but not "the other". If you see them that way, who's doing the fighting to make sure your rights are observed?
Why do you say she's wrong, then repeat exactly what she said?

You believe people have no rights unless they're granted by government.

This is wrong.

PROVE IT. If there's no government and I'm stronger than you, what's to prevent me from doing anything I want to you?

You're confusing the granting of a right with the defense of the right or enforcement of law.
I define the core of self-respect to be the unwillingness to lie to one's self, I know I do not have all the answers, I know that I may even be wrong on many points as I have been wrong in the past, but one thing I am sure of, I have never been wrong in my refusal to hang on to treasured beliefs in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I think for myself, I do not automatically accept the opinions of the often self appointed "liberal" leaders and make them my own and I certainly have grown out of the trap of being a political reactionary because that only makes a person easy to control.

That point leads to another core of self-respect: self-control. Political reactionaries such as yourself lack self control or else they would not be reactionaries. Many here might read some sketchy blog post about some hated opposition leader bent on dastardly deeds and terrible goals and just accept it and then rush here to repost it for all to react mindlessly to, we see it all day here, an entire Internet industry devoted to shoveling likely sounding garbage into the minds people who do not have the self control to not react to things in a knee-jerk fashion.

You ask where is my self-respect? It's there every time to brutally examine and re-examine every single piece of information that goes into what is collectively called my belief system, it's there every time someone wants to me mindlessly react to some piece of shitty propaganda and it's especially there whenever someone wants me to be afraid and controllable rather than courageous and true to myself. Where the hell is your self-respect? I doubt you have ever put as much thought into it as I have writing these three paragraphs, never mind the lifetime I have spent sifting through the garbage looking for what is true and correct in the world.

That's the fundamental problem with progressives. Everything is self-centered.

Human rights are the polar opposite of being obsessed with yourself.

Now there is a massive piece of of projection as well as a very topical example of missing the point. Only a reactionary such as yourself could take a post like mine and take to mean that I am self obsessed. No, after careful consideration I have come to the conclusion that I am not even close to being the center of the universe and the entire reason for creation. Information is like a set of tools used to deal with the world and mine are sharp and well oiled, unlike your rusty pile of useless crap.
I define the core of self-respect to be the unwillingness to lie to one's self, I know I do not have all the answers, I know that I may even be wrong on many points as I have been wrong in the past, but one thing I am sure of, I have never been wrong in my refusal to hang on to treasured beliefs in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I think for myself, I do not automatically accept the opinions of the often self appointed "liberal" leaders and make them my own and I certainly have grown out of the trap of being a political reactionary because that only makes a person easy to control.

That point leads to another core of self-respect: self-control. Political reactionaries such as yourself lack self control or else they would not be reactionaries. Many here might read some sketchy blog post about some hated opposition leader bent on dastardly deeds and terrible goals and just accept it and then rush here to repost it for all to react mindlessly to, we see it all day here, an entire Internet industry devoted to shoveling likely sounding garbage into the minds people who do not have the self control to not react to things in a knee-jerk fashion.

You ask where is my self-respect? It's there every time to brutally examine and re-examine every single piece of information that goes into what is collectively called my belief system, it's there every time someone wants to me mindlessly react to some piece of shitty propaganda and it's especially there whenever someone wants me to be afraid and controllable rather than courageous and true to myself. Where the hell is your self-respect? I doubt you have ever put as much thought into it as I have writing these three paragraphs, never mind the lifetime I have spent sifting through the garbage looking for what is true and correct in the world.

That's the fundamental problem with progressives. Everything is self-centered.

Human rights are the polar opposite of being obsessed with yourself.

Now there is a massive piece of of projection as well as a very topical example of missing the point. Only a reactionary such as yourself could take a post like mine and take to mean that I am self obsessed. No, after careful consideration I have come to the conclusion that I am not even close to being the center of the universe and the entire reason for creation. Information is like a set of tools used to deal with the world and mine are sharp and well oiled, unlike your rusty pile of useless crap.

Let's see...

You referenced yourself 20 times in three paragraphs.

Not self obsessed at all.
Why do you say she's wrong, then repeat exactly what she said?

You believe people have no rights unless they're granted by government.

This is wrong.

PROVE IT. If there's no government and I'm stronger than you, what's to prevent me from doing anything I want to you?

You're confusing the granting of a right with the defense of the right or enforcement of law.

Governments don't grant rights. We grant ourselves rights by the government we choose. You're confusing who's granting what. Government is an inanimate thing controlled by US. If it's not doing what you want, work to change it.
And the second paragraph exists only to establish that your thoughts and comprehension are superior to those of others.

Lol....fucking progressives.
I define the core of self-respect to be the unwillingness to lie to one's self, I know I do not have all the answers, I know that I may even be wrong on many points as I have been wrong in the past, but one thing I am sure of, I have never been wrong in my refusal to hang on to treasured beliefs in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I think for myself, I do not automatically accept the opinions of the often self appointed "liberal" leaders and make them my own and I certainly have grown out of the trap of being a political reactionary because that only makes a person easy to control.

That point leads to another core of self-respect: self-control. Political reactionaries such as yourself lack self control or else they would not be reactionaries. Many here might read some sketchy blog post about some hated opposition leader bent on dastardly deeds and terrible goals and just accept it and then rush here to repost it for all to react mindlessly to, we see it all day here, an entire Internet industry devoted to shoveling likely sounding garbage into the minds people who do not have the self control to not react to things in a knee-jerk fashion.

You ask where is my self-respect? It's there every time to brutally examine and re-examine every single piece of information that goes into what is collectively called my belief system, it's there every time someone wants to me mindlessly react to some piece of shitty propaganda and it's especially there whenever someone wants me to be afraid and controllable rather than courageous and true to myself. Where the hell is your self-respect? I doubt you have ever put as much thought into it as I have writing these three paragraphs, never mind the lifetime I have spent sifting through the garbage looking for what is true and correct in the world.

That's the fundamental problem with progressives. Everything is self-centered.

Human rights are the polar opposite of being obsessed with yourself.

Now there is a massive piece of of projection as well as a very topical example of missing the point. Only a reactionary such as yourself could take a post like mine and take to mean that I am self obsessed. No, after careful consideration I have come to the conclusion that I am not even close to being the center of the universe and the entire reason for creation. Information is like a set of tools used to deal with the world and mine are sharp and well oiled, unlike your rusty pile of useless crap.

4 times in one paragraph.
Why are conservatives in America so dumb? Consider the Pew Research Center reports that only 6 percent of scientists identified as Republican and only 9 percent identified as conservatives. No nation was ever founded on conservatism. The idea that a conservative can or would found any nation, or for that matter anything at all, is completely alien to a political philosophy that can be summed up in one word: whining. Think about how could a group who worship a past that never existed and at the same time adhere to their present privilege do anything at all? Why they keep making stupid comments on history is hard to say.

Lots of information below to counter the absurdity of conservatives - look at them today and clearly they show especially in our House of representatives that they cannot do a damn thing, not even try - Whine they do splendidly.

'A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress' A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress | Conceptual Guerilla
And the second paragraph exists only to establish that your thoughts and comprehension are superior to those of others.

What a hypocritical comment on your part! That's what everyone does, even you. It's why we're here, right, to express our views because we think they're better than someone else's?
OP- Absolute brainwashed hater idiocy LOL. Read something. You're voting against your interests and the country's, chump of the greedy idiot lying rich. See sig, dumbbell.
That's the fundamental problem with progressives. Everything is self-centered.

Human rights are the polar opposite of being obsessed with yourself.

Now there is a massive piece of of projection as well as a very topical example of missing the point. Only a reactionary such as yourself could take a post like mine and take to mean that I am self obsessed. No, after careful consideration I have come to the conclusion that I am not even close to being the center of the universe and the entire reason for creation. Information is like a set of tools used to deal with the world and mine are sharp and well oiled, unlike your rusty pile of useless crap.

Let's see...

You referenced yourself 20 times in three paragraphs.

Not self obsessed at all.

You asked where is MY SELF respect and I am supposed to discuss someone else? I should have just saved the typing and called you a retard or something rather than give you the respect of a real answer.
PROVE IT. If there's no government and I'm stronger than you, what's to prevent me from doing anything I want to you?

You're confusing the granting of a right with the defense of the right or enforcement of law.

Governments don't grant rights. We grant ourselves rights by the government we choose. You're confusing who's granting what. Government is an inanimate thing controlled by US. If it's not doing what you want, work to change it.

I get that, but you would feel you had a right to protect your own family, property, life, etc., even if there was no government there to help protect it for you. Hell even animals in the wild will protect their young, defend their den/nest, fight to protect their kill/food sources from scavengers, etc. IOW, even wild animals have a sense of rights. Thats why they're called "natural" rights. So what I mean is your hypothetical was irrelevant.

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