Liberals what de regulation did bush do to cause the housing crises?

Bush wasn't a legislative "de-regulator", he was one that gutted the agencies that oversaw regulation. Additionally he appointed people to head these agencies that either had no idea what they were doing, or looked the other way while some very serious calamities were in the works.

Then how come I remember seeing one of those regulators taken to task in a hearing held by the likes of Barney Frank and Maxine Waters and Congressman Meeks and the rest of the libs when he tried to bring to the attention of Congress problems with Freddie and Fannie?.....

They tore this guy a new asshole...... :(
This was not 30 years in the making. Republicans, during Bush's first term, deregulated Wall Street. This led to more than 70% of the market being transferred to Wall Street where they sold mortgages they KNEW would fail, bundled them together and sold them as securities. Of course they failed and when they did, the insurance companies had to pay out. Hence the term, "Derivatives".

It's not like this is news. Anyone who spent 30 minutes watching one of the business channels had it explained.
Keep believing bought off pubs and their anything for a buck pundits...

Refute an argument or shut the fuck up..

Stop talking shit and attempt to put forth an intelligent argument.

Of course you can't because you don't know anything. If thats the case then learn something.

Glorify Marx for all I care, just stop with the ignorant one line "republicans are idiots" bullshit.
This was not 30 years in the making. Republicans, during Bush's first term, deregulated Wall Street. This led to more than 70% of the market being transferred to Wall Street where they sold mortgages they KNEW would fail, bundled them together and sold them as securities. Of course they failed and when they did, the insurance companies had to pay out. Hence the term, "Derivatives".

It's not like this is news. Anyone who spent 30 minutes watching one of the business channels had it explained.

Can you point to an example of a successful dictated economy?
This was not 30 years in the making. Republicans, during Bush's first term, deregulated Wall Street. This led to more than 70% of the market being transferred to Wall Street where they sold mortgages they KNEW would fail, bundled them together and sold them as securities. Of course they failed and when they did, the insurance companies had to pay out. Hence the term, "Derivatives".

It's not like this is news. Anyone who spent 30 minutes watching one of the business channels had it explained.

Can you point to an example of a successful dictated economy?

"Free market" doesn't mean "unregulated".

Notice how the right never mentions the words "Supply and Demand" or "Investment" or "infrastructure" or "revenue"? Instead, they say, "Rich people make jobs". Odd that.
This was not 30 years in the making. Republicans, during Bush's first term, deregulated Wall Street. This led to more than 70% of the market being transferred to Wall Street where they sold mortgages they KNEW would fail, bundled them together and sold them as securities. Of course they failed and when they did, the insurance companies had to pay out. Hence the term, "Derivatives".

It's not like this is news. Anyone who spent 30 minutes watching one of the business channels had it explained.

Can you point to an example of a successful dictated economy?

"Free market" doesn't mean "unregulated".

Notice how the right never mentions the words "Supply and Demand" or "Investment" or "infrastructure" or "revenue"? Instead, they say, "Rich people make jobs". Odd that.

I never mentioned "free market."

I asked a question and I would really like an answer....

Also you're wrong...

So you buy a 100k house, put 5k down and then use the house as collateral for a credit card in which you rack up 60k in debt but pay minimum payments but then you finally default on the house and the card and you believe that has no impact on our economy???

CRA was effective long before the subprime market existed. CRA was passed in 1977 to correct the longstanding problem of redlining – the lack of lending in low and moderate income communities and in communities of color. CRA has been on the books for three decades, while the lending practices that created this crisis didn’t exist until the past five years.

Most subprime lenders weren’t covered under CRA. The predominant players in the subprime market – mortgage brokers, mortgage companies and the Wall Street investment banks that provided the financing – aren’t covered under CRA. Finance company affiliates of major banks also participated heavily, but are only included in CRA to the extent their bank parents choose them to be. In fact, many banks shifted the most risky lending – the loans at the root cause of this current crisis -- to affiliates to escape CRA requirements and regulatory oversight.

“Republicans have long tried to take the easy way out by pointing the finger at the Community Reinvestment Act and other government-sponsored affordable lending programs; but these programs did not cause our foreclosure crisis," said Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez, Chairman of the Financial Institutions Subcommittee. "The fact that only six percent of high-cost loans in our communities came from CRA institutions proves the true worth and value of the CRA to our neighborhoods.”

Responding to Chairman Gutierrez's questions, Braunstein continued, “We have run data on CRA lending and where loans are located, and we found that only six percent of all higher cost loans were made by CRA covered institutions in neighborhoods targeted, which would be low to moderate income neighborhoods targeted by CRA. So I can tell you if that’s where you’re going that CRA was not the cause of this loan crisis.”
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So you buy a 100k house, put 5k down and then use the house as collateral for a credit card in which you rack up 60k in debt but pay minimum payments but then you finally default on the house and the card and you believe that has no impact on our economy???

CRA was effective long before the subprime market existed. CRA was passed in 1977 to correct the longstanding problem of redlining – the lack of lending in low and moderate income communities and in communities of color. CRA has been on the books for three decades, while the lending practices that created this crisis didn’t exist until the past five years.

Most subprime lenders weren’t covered under CRA. The predominant players in the subprime market – mortgage brokers, mortgage companies and the Wall Street investment banks that provided the financing – aren’t covered under CRA. Finance company affiliates of major banks also participated heavily, but are only included in CRA to the extent their bank parents choose them to be. In fact, many banks shifted the most risky lending – the loans at the root cause of this current crisis -- to affiliates to escape CRA requirements and regulatory oversight.

Wall Street created the demand for riskier loans. The subprime market is the result of loans made without regard to the borrower’s ability to repay the loan and with little or no documentation of income. Lenders chose to engage in risky underwriting practices because Wall Street was eager for high-interest investments, not because of CRA.

Regulatory oversight and accountability was missing. The lack of regulation in the subprime market made it easy for subprime lenders to undercut responsible lending. Because lenders used artificially low initial payments and passed the loans onto investors while hiding the disastrous consequences coming down the line, many borrowers found themselves in loans that were ultimately unaffordable. In many communities, particularly communities of color, subprime lenders were often the only ones serving the community. Had regulators leveled the playing field through common sense underwriting requirements and more vigorously enforced CRA requirements instead of allowing a race to the bottom, this crisis would have been averted.

The majority of subprime loans went to white borrowers. It is true that African-American and Latino families disproportionately received ruinous subprime loans, but the majority of total loans were made to non-Latino white families. According to data from the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) from 2005-2007, 58% of higher-cost loans went to white borrowers, with 18% to African-American borrowers and Latino borrowers each.

House Financial Services Committee

Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis | McClatchy

Apparently no one understands..

Then you tell me shit I already know, just with a twist of liberalism.

Of course the fools clueless on this issue DON'T OWN HOMES or AREN'T AMERICANS...

I know all about the CRA....

Unfucking believable...

When you apply for a credit card does the application NOT ask you if you own a home or not???
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The community reinvestment act is to blame for the housing bubble...

Or not.


So you buy a 100k house, put 5k down and then use the house as collateral for a credit card in which you rack up 60k in debt but pay minimum payments but then you finally default on the house and the card and you believe that has no impact on our economy???

Who the fuck you think ate all that money??

How the fuck can you borrow 100k and pay back 10% of it, declare bankruptcy then settle out at 25k and claim victory? yeah there is still 65k in unpaid debt there.... You think that shit just goes bye-bye? think again. It gets passed on, and passed on again and again until it reaches the top.

Who the fuck wants your house that was paid for by the bank?? not to mention its not like the bullshit you bought on plastic can be repossessed..

Thats the fucking problem...

The problem is there are responsible people and irresponsible people.

BTW, I'm not stupid so I don't have a credit card. I live by my means...

And the irresponsible people were wealthy, not poor. Most risky, subprime loans went to more affluent borrowers.

6% of of all the higher-priced loans were extended by CRA-covered lenders to lower-income borrowers or neighborhoods in their CRA assessment areas.

"The very small share of all higher-priced (home) loans originated that can reasonably be attributed to CRA makes it hard to imagine how this law could have contributed in any meaningful way to the current subprime crisis,"
Fed Governor Randall Kroszner
Liberals what de regulation did bush do to cause the housing crises?

False premise.

There isn't any one single thing that lead us up to the RE collapse.

Only someone who is sure it was the CRA would write an op-ed article claiming it wasn't.

You see, you liberals are easy....

If I was full of shit you would pay no attention to me, yet I'm correct so you come running to defend the bullshit that destroyed us.

I bet you didn't even know what the fuck the CRA was up until a few hours ago when I started posting it...

I work in finance. For the past 15 years, I have seen three bubbles inflate and collapse, first the Asian Contagion, then the Tech Bubble and finally the Financial Crisis. I was, to some extent, involved in all of them. During that time, there was a lot of debate on whether or not these were bubbles, and if so, what caused them.

During the last decade, I had hundreds of conversations with some of the finest minds on Wall Street (I'm not one of them!) including other money managers, strategists, analysts, academics, economists, banking experts, housing executives, etc on the housing market. We discussed the cause of the meteoric rise of housing prices. Many people believed that the price increase was due to fundamental factors. Some of us did not.

We discussed wide-ranging factors influencing the housing market at that time - interest rates, the money supply, monetary policy, securitization, savings from Asia, demographics, zoning restrictions, availability of land, regulations, deregulation etc. Do you know how many times the CRA came up before the Financial Crisis? None. Zero, zip, nada. The first time I ever heard about the CRA as a cause of the housing bubble was from some highly ideological conservative person well after the fact. I talked to a lot of people on Wall Street and read a lot of analysis from Wall Street, and never once did I see anything about the CRA. In fact, it still doesn't come up.

So when you say "I bet you didn't know what the fuck the CRA was ... " Yes, I didn't know about the CRA as a cause of the financial crisis until highly partisan ideological hacks started spinning it as a cause to rationalize their own worldview.

And BTW, this thread

is from 2009. So when you posted is irrelevant.

If, however, you have anything empirical to back up your argument, feel free to post it because I'd like to see it. But I'm betting you don't.
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This was not 30 years in the making. Republicans, during Bush's first term, deregulated Wall Street. was snuck-in at the very-end of the Clinton another Texas-hu$tler....who went-on to become McCain's economic-"advisor":

Phil Gramm

Hu$tler, Extraordinaire


[ame=]YouTube - ‪American Casino: Greenspan's "flaw in the model"‬‏[/ame]​

So you buy a 100k house, put 5k down and then use the house as collateral for a credit card in which you rack up 60k in debt but pay minimum payments but then you finally default on the house and the card and you believe that has no impact on our economy???

Who the fuck you think ate all that money??

How the fuck can you borrow 100k and pay back 10% of it, declare bankruptcy then settle out at 25k and claim victory? yeah there is still 65k in unpaid debt there.... You think that shit just goes bye-bye? think again. It gets passed on, and passed on again and again until it reaches the top.

Who the fuck wants your house that was paid for by the bank?? not to mention its not like the bullshit you bought on plastic can be repossessed..

Thats the fucking problem...

The problem is there are responsible people and irresponsible people.

BTW, I'm not stupid so I don't have a credit card. I live by my means...

Only someone who is sure it was the CRA would write an op-ed article claiming it wasn't.

You see, you liberals are easy....

If I was full of shit you would pay no attention to me, yet I'm correct so you come running to defend the bullshit that destroyed us.

I bet you didn't even know what the fuck the CRA was up until a few hours ago when I started posting it...

If you would like specifics it was Clintons changes that destroyed us - the the act itself.

Every informed individual knows it....

Hell I had to work the debt back to find it.

Best question one can ask is "how did the banks inherit all this debt."

Who forced them to loan?

We have debunked the CRA myth here multiple times, newbie. If you bothered to read the CRA and bothered to believe what you read,

you too would know the truth.
The CRA nonsense is a Rightwing dream myth, because it manages to blame poor people, minorities, and liberal class warfare

all in one shot.

OF COURSE the Right is going to jump on a tale like that and make it part of the big book of Rightwing Mythology.

Like Lawrence O'Donnell said the other day...

...People will believe what they want to believe, until they can't.
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I agree on Clinton. He didn't just deregulate financial markets, but he sold the American worker down river with NAFTA, and made larger cuts to welfare than any president in history. This is why I supported Ross Perot.

FDR created Glass-Stegall because he believed that government regulation was necessary to stabilize financial markets. He believed that markets, left to their own device, would swing wildly from boom to bust, and wreak havoc on the country. He thought that intelligently executed oversight would curb the rough edges of capitalism, which periodically chokes itself on risk, as people herd themselves hysterically into asset bubbles, seduced by the possibility of easy money. [Old time religious conservatives understood the power of money to blind people (which is why many of them accepted FDR's regulations), but Reagan, working on behalf of business, sold America on Homo Economicus, i.e., the belief that rational self interest can defeat the green demon within. Hubris!]

But the fact remains: when Reagan came to power, he convinced Americans that government should not play any role in markets. He believed that financial innovators should be able to regulate their own risk, and that self-interested financial firms didn't need a government bureaucrat to tell them how to protect share holders. Reagan thought self-interest could take the place not only of Glass-Stegall, but all regulations. Greenspan, a primary collaborator with Ayn Rand, felt the exact same way. This is why he called sub-primes a miraculous invention, and proceeded to convince America that these new financial instruments would safely expand home ownership without risk. Greenspan's faith in unregulated markets was made possible by Reagan, who moved the ideological pendulum away from the regulatory state envisioned by FDR. Like FDR, Reagan pulled both parties into his orbit. Just as Eisenhower and Nixon supported the New Deal, democratic presidents after Reagan would support deregulation.

Clinton represents the death of FDR and the liberal regulatory model. He represents the final victory of the Reagan Revolution.

Regarding Bush, you are urged to watch this entire video. He put kerosene on the fire at a time when the economy was not in a position to absorb the shock. The game is over. We swallowed poison in 1980 - Clinton and Bush merely represent the final stages of our financial death.
YouTube - ‪Home Ownership and President Bush‬‏

Clinton only finished what Bush Sr. started. If I remember my politics and Presidents, NAFTA was very popular with that Bush. Reagan sold us down the river by throwing us into the World Market. And the rest of those punks have just been manning the oars ever since. If Conservative America hadn't gone so far to the right that it looks radical to me, they'd have acknowledged what the rest of us already have - neither Clinton or Obama are "liberal" in any sense of that word when applied to Democrats or political thought in general.

In fact, had either been around during the Eisenhower years, both would have been labeled Moderates or even Moderate Republicans.

Some people have a problem understanding that history doesn't begin the day they were born or when another President or political party takes office.
...still a man hears what he wants to hear and he disregards the rest.

[ame=""]The Boxer [/ame]Paul Simon.
The CRA nonsense is a Rightwing dream myth, because it manages to blame poor people, minorities, and liberal class warfare

all in one shot.

OF COURSE the Right is going to jump on a tale like that and make it part of the big book of Rightwing Mythology.

Like Lawrence O'Donnell said the other day...

...People will believe what they want to believe, until they can't.

The Right-Wing is under the delusion that everyone in America has an annuity which will mature at some appropriately appointed date in the future. They even believe they have one. :lol:
Its almost like liberalism is a mental disorder...Oh wait, I think it is according to Michael Savage.


Good book btw..

You use someone who is obviously mentally ill as an "example"? Hilarious.
Conservatives are anti education. The number one reason they don't know anything.

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