Liberals hatred will inevitably turn into violence

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Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Many of us are predicting that eventually these foam-spitting, psycho liberals are going to embrace violence out of frustration at their inability to recover the power we stripped from them, but we’re already past that point.
Liberals’ Hatred Will Inevitably Turn Into Violence

These mentally impaired and we've all seen on here they try and spin everything violence included onto Trup supporters. Meanwhile video after video has proven who the real violent mental cases are.

Trump haters are vendictic trash who are so far gone mentally they can't see their degenerate thinking is so far gone you can't put anything in front of them where they can admit this or that.......

Some wake up most don't.
They can read the writing on the wall. Without the SALT deductions the liberal utopias of the Blue Wall will collapse. The leftist media is already collapsing.
We're seeing it starting already. Some of the tweets from celebrities calling for violence. Maxine Waters urging butthurt liberals to harass Trump staffers, journalists constantly making Nazi comments, elected officials expressing joy over Scalise being shot by a liberal nutcase...They're TRYING to incite violence and start a war, it's obvious.
I think first and foremost people need to see the far left for what it actually, truly is: a cult. Once you recognize the animal you're facing, then a plan of action can be formulated that is most effective.

In felling a charging bull it is advisable to distract it with multiple plunges of spears in its weak spots until it bleeds out and eventually falls to its knees. The far left cult has extreme vulnerabilities in the eyes of even its devotees, if the conservatives would only pull the wool up a bit. They're ramping up fever about concern for children. OK, so let their devotees see how big of hypocrites their leaders are. Start in CA.
More ******* Lunacy and Conspiracy from 'Mindwars' posting 'Infowars' OPs all day, every day. (Trumpolinis love it)

The SCUMMY non-standards of USMB contine to allow Conspiracy Crap as mainstream section OPs.

USMB only cares about page views not quality discussion.

and when they eventually do get bitch slapped "in return for their own actions" they will say SEE I TOLD YOU THEY'RE VIOLENT!!!
More ******* Lunacy and Conspiracy from Mindwars posting Infowars OPs all day, every day.

The SCUMMY non-stadards of USMB contine to allow Conspiracy Crap as mainstream section OPs.

USMB only cares about page views not quality discussion.

Quick! Cult leaders! Use our uber-control of the media to dungeon any dissenting opinions!! STAT!

*sets stopwatch on how quick this thread goes to the Rubber Room or equally disused/not-viewed forum*
I think first and foremost people need to see the far left for what it actually, truly is: a cult. Once you recognize the animal you're facing, then a plan of action can be formulated that is most effective.

In felling a charging bull it is advisable to distract it with multiple plunges of spears in its weak spots until it bleeds out and eventually falls to its knees. The far left cult has extreme vulnerabilities in the eyes of even its devotees, if the conservatives would only pull the wool up a bit. They're ramping up fever about concern for children. OK, so let their devotees see how big of hypocrites their leaders are. Start in CA.
Take away their cellphones and they'll become inconsolable.
Quick! Cult leaders! Use our uber-control of the media to dungeon any dissenting opinions!! STAT!
We're not talking legitimate "dissent", we're talking about THEE most famous/infamous Conspiracy website on the internet you Mind-porked asshole.
More ******* Lunacy and Conspiracy from 'Mindwars' posting 'Infowars' OPs all day, every day. (Trumpolinis love it)

The SCUMMY non-standards of USMB contine to allow Conspiracy Crap as mainstream section OPs.

USMB only cares about page views not quality discussion.

Don't you just hate that first amendment when it doesn't go your way? :lol:
Democrats are preparing for the starting of a civil war in order to help get rid of Trump, they are also thinking about using an economic collapse .
Go....go......go. Nothing could be better news for Trump Nation, go!! That's how he got elected in the first place......exploding heads and violence on social media and the boob stay prominently in the front of peoples minds come election day!:backpedal:

Too.......people on the right get giddy thinking a:alcoholic:bout snowflakes getting "violent".:113::flirtysmile4:
Quick! Cult leaders! Use our uber-control of the media to dungeon any dissenting opinions!! STAT!
We're not talking legitimate "dissent", we're talking about THEE most famous/infamous Conspiracy website on the internet you Mind-porked asshole.
So their dissent lines up with normal people's views of the situation. Does that mean you can use a minority fringe example to quiet the voices of regular people who happen to agree?
It started the moment Trump crushed Hillary. Anyone remember the baseball game? The media selectively decides what you receive as news. So likely much more has occurred that doesn't get portrayed as it should either.
But I do agree that the violence with the increasing desperation, and the despair that comes with it...
It's been violent. Antifa attacks against groups they deem undesirable, anti-Trump riots outside of his rallies during the campaign, the daily hate-filled media vomit.

I watch this stuff and think...don't these people know they will fight back? Of course they will. That's the way it works.
More ******* Lunacy and Conspiracy from 'Mindwars' posting 'Infowars' OPs all day, every day. (Trumpolinis love it)

The SCUMMY non-standards of USMB contine to allow Conspiracy Crap as mainstream section OPs.

USMB only cares about page views not quality discussion.


No your just that stupid that's why you are labeled a democratic sheeple moron.

In this case, its obviously true. The left is raising the bar of violence. Not that this is a bad thing. Democrat led violence will do wonders in the 2018 mid terms and guarantee a Trump reelection in 2020.
Op, you go, girl!

We're all rooting for you. My guinea pig said you have grand news today. She sure wasn't joking - oh no, not that guinea pig. Not that pig.:eusa_snooty:
Don't you just hate that first amendment when it doesn't go your way? :lol:
Nothing to do with the first amendment.
It has to do with what belongs in the Conspiracy Section.
Infowars, without question, does.
Now go fix the propane tank Moron.
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