Liberals expect poor and working-class people of all races and ethnicities to just suffer


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
The truth shall set you free

for the sake of the Democratic Party. Clearly, Trump will be a disaster for the working class, but the Democrats have been a disaster in slow motion. Inequality has increased, as has brutality and injustice. There is only so long people will just continue to allow a party that consistently insists that it is the “party of the people” to ignore their basic needs and only offer not being a Republican as the alternative.

But we cannot underestimate the challenge — the crisis — Trump represents for the Black movement and working-class people in general. He is now populating his cabinet with racists, retreads and reactionaries who want to roll the clock back. He wants to put a segregationist in as chief law enforcement officer in the country, as the Attorney General. This man has declared the Black Lives Matter movement to be terrorist and the groups that populate the movement as terrorists. So these are significant challenges.

Black Awakening, Class Rebellion
Trump has assembled the most qualified Cabinet in recent history. Most are highly capable and successful citizens who are making a tremendous sacrifice in order to serve in a much lesser paying position than they have or are currently serving. They are all true patriots.

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