Liberals determine ice cream names are now racists.

Damn. That's sounds worse than a cold lima bean sandwich with tartar sauce.

Pfft ... I live in Louisiana, if something doesn't sound good, just fry it.
Deep fired Snicker bars are okay, but fried bacon dipped in chocolate ... Damn, I'll fight you for it.

I remember my initial reaction upon first hearing the word "turducken".
It was good though. Didn't taste like turd at all. Far as I know.

Go to 30 seconds in. You and Madden have talked me into it for this year!

If the environment in this country wasn't so toxic and the left so willing to send thousands of rabid mobsters to shut down businesses at the slightest hint of wrong-think, companies like these would never give a thought to what the name of their products are.

There is no "left" in the story. It doesn't mention politics.
Good. Now read what I said and try to focus.

Here is a simple rule that EVERY business and individual in America should follow.

If it did not bother you two years ago, it doesn not bother you now. Do NOT make changes and do NOT apologize.


I don't run an ice cream factory and I don't give a fuck what they call it, so I have no "changes" or "apologies" to make.

The fact remains there is literally no mention at all of "left" anything in the story at all. You pulled that one out of your ass the same way the OP harvested his own ass. Whole lotta ass-harvesting goin' on.

Puzzling - They hate fake news but they love Newsmax - IRONIC
/—-/ I’ve asked you libtards to post any fake News from Newsmax, but none ever do. Seems like it would be easy to do.
If the environment in this country wasn't so toxic and the left so willing to send thousands of rabid mobsters to shut down businesses at the slightest hint of wrong-think, companies like these would never give a thought to what the name of their products are.

There is no "left" in the story. It doesn't mention politics.
Good. Now read what I said and try to focus.

Here is a simple rule that EVERY business and individual in America should follow.

If it did not bother you two years ago, it doesn not bother you now. Do NOT make changes and do NOT apologize.


I don't run an ice cream factory and I don't give a fuck what they call it, so I have no "changes" or "apologies" to make.

The fact remains there is literally no mention at all of "left" anything in the story at all. You pulled that one out of your ass the same way the OP harvested his own ass. Whole lotta ass-harvesting goin' on.

Puzzling - They hate fake news but they love Newsmax - IRONIC
/—-/ I’ve asked you libtards to post any fake News from Newsmax, but none ever do. Seems like it would be easy to do.
They are being sued for their LIES ABOUT THE ELECTION BEING STOLEN by Dominion and SmartMatic for starters....
If the environment in this country wasn't so toxic and the left so willing to send thousands of rabid mobsters to shut down businesses at the slightest hint of wrong-think, companies like these would never give a thought to what the name of their products are.

There is no "left" in the story. It doesn't mention politics.
Good. Now read what I said and try to focus.

Here is a simple rule that EVERY business and individual in America should follow.

If it did not bother you two years ago, it doesn not bother you now. Do NOT make changes and do NOT apologize.


I don't run an ice cream factory and I don't give a fuck what they call it, so I have no "changes" or "apologies" to make.

The fact remains there is literally no mention at all of "left" anything in the story at all. You pulled that one out of your ass the same way the OP harvested his own ass. Whole lotta ass-harvesting goin' on.

Puzzling - They hate fake news but they love Newsmax - IRONIC
/—-/ I’ve asked you libtards to post any fake News from Newsmax, but none ever do. Seems like it would be easy to do.
Failed Fact Checks

Does President Barack Obama support taxing motorists based on the number of miles they drive? – False

World Health Organization (WHO) has rescinded its advice which urges isolation for COVID-19 patients and social distancing in public. – False

Government Fast-Tracked $29 Million to Charleston – Misleading

Hillary Clinton refused to meet with a contingent of Gold Star mothers. – False

The Obama administration provided a $3.7 million grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. – Mostly False

Will a COVID-19 vaccine alter your DNA? – False

“He basically controls global health policy. What’s the plan? Using vaccines to track people.” – False

As an example of voter fraud, “we have literally 9,000 people who voted in this election (in Nevada) who don’t live in Nevada.” – Pants on Fire

Says Joe Biden is on video “admitting to” election fraud in a “confession.” – False

Denzel Washington Praises Police, Denounces BLM Protesters in a Yahoo Entertainment interview. – False

Overall, we rate Newsmax Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories and pseudoscience as well as numerous failed fact checks. (M. Huitsing 10/8/2017) Updated (02/28/2021)

Your opinion of me and my posting means nothing.

Liberalism wrote the Constitution, ...
Yes, back when classical liberalism was a good thing. Today's liberalism is socialist/Marxist/communist bullshit, far from classical liberalism. The term "liberal" has become so derogatory that the liberals now insist on being called "progressives" instead.

Today's liberalism is a mental disorder.

Finally there is no such thing as "the Democrat Party". Nothing by that name has ever existed.
I know. I use that term because it pisses off the democrats. Many others do the same and have done so for decades.

Screw the Democrat Party!

Besides, "Democratic Party" is a misnomer anyway. There is nothing democratic about their agenda or their modus operandi.

A republican is a member of the Republican Party. The Republican Party is therefore full of republicans.

Likewise, it follows that a democrat is a member of the Democrat Party, it being a party full of democrats.

SCREW THE DEMOCRAT PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh poster please. "Classical" MY ASS. What a classical cop-out. You got caught misusing terms you don't begin to understand and now you're trying to slither out of it. READ YOUR OWN POST --- you started with 'Liberals" and by the end of your own text it had morphed to "leftists". Every one of your links was about "leftists", not "Liberals". Now you're gonna sit here and try to tell us multiple PoliSci terms mean the same thing, because ignorance?

I see your ignorance extends to the written word as well. A member of the Republican party is a Republican, not a republican --- they mean two different things. As do "Democrat" and "democrat".

No Goober, I'm afraid definitions are fixed. They're not made of rubber so you can re-form them to excuse whatever faux pas you just committed through that ignorance. You don't get to revise them to cover up. Your failure to assign a proper label because you don't know what those labels mean, is nobody else's doing but your own. And speaking of historical ignorance the Progressive Era ended about a hundred years ago.

Oh and further, by the same idiot nomenclature you just displayed, that other party would be called the Republic Party.

I know damn well where you got that misspelling --- Lush Rimjob. He couldn't figure it out either.

What a load of crap, STILL hiding behind semantics because you think it nakes you look "intelligent".
If the environment in this country wasn't so toxic and the left so willing to send thousands of rabid mobsters to shut down businesses at the slightest hint of wrong-think, companies like these would never give a thought to what the name of their products are.

There is no "left" in the story. It doesn't mention politics.
Good. Now read what I said and try to focus.

Here is a simple rule that EVERY business and individual in America should follow.

If it did not bother you two years ago, it doesn not bother you now. Do NOT make changes and do NOT apologize.


I don't run an ice cream factory and I don't give a fuck what they call it, so I have no "changes" or "apologies" to make.

The fact remains there is literally no mention at all of "left" anything in the story at all. You pulled that one out of your ass the same way the OP harvested his own ass. Whole lotta ass-harvesting goin' on.

Puzzling - They hate fake news but they love Newsmax - IRONIC
/—-/ I’ve asked you libtards to post any fake News from Newsmax, but none ever do. Seems like it would be easy to do.
Failed Fact Checks

Does President Barack Obama support taxing motorists based on the number of miles they drive? – False

World Health Organization (WHO) has rescinded its advice which urges isolation for COVID-19 patients and social distancing in public. – False

Government Fast-Tracked $29 Million to Charleston – Misleading

Hillary Clinton refused to meet with a contingent of Gold Star mothers. – False

The Obama administration provided a $3.7 million grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. – Mostly False

Will a COVID-19 vaccine alter your DNA? – False

“He basically controls global health policy. What’s the plan? Using vaccines to track people.” – False

As an example of voter fraud, “we have literally 9,000 people who voted in this election (in Nevada) who don’t live in Nevada.” – Pants on Fire

Says Joe Biden is on video “admitting to” election fraud in a “confession.” – False

Denzel Washington Praises Police, Denounces BLM Protesters in a Yahoo Entertainment interview. – False

Overall, we rate Newsmax Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories and pseudoscience as well as numerous failed fact checks. (M. Huitsing 10/8/2017) Updated (02/28/2021)

Lie. That would include BLM and ANTIFA. Your Vax does use Aborted Fetal Tissue and nano-technology. A gentleman from Moderna says that they have hacked the

Denzel Washington says he ‘doesn’t care’ for people who ‘put down’ police that sacrifice their lives

Moderna boss: mRNA jabs are "rewriting the Genetic Code" we call it "information therapy" (Ted 2017)
Hacking the "software of life"

No matter how stupid we think these Libtards are on any given day just wait until the next day and they will surpass that level of stupidity.
Your Vax does use Aborted Fetal Tissue and nano-technology. A gentleman from Moderna says that they have hacked the

We've all lost track of, and are sick and fucking TIRED of your vaccine lies dude. :rolleyes-41:
Your Vax does use Aborted Fetal Tissue and nano-technology. A gentleman from Moderna says that they have hacked the

We've all lost track of, and are sick and fucking TIRED of your vaccine lies dude. :rolleyes-41:

They do indeed son.
Your Vax does use Aborted Fetal Tissue and nano-technology. A gentleman from Moderna says that they have hacked the

We've all lost track of, and are sick and fucking TIRED of your vaccine lies dude. :rolleyes-41:

They do indeed son.

No they don't Pee Wee. We could go on, but you bore me ...
Don't get the vax & be sure to post from ER ;)
that other party would be called the Republic Party.
/----/ " that other party would be called the Republic Party. "
Well. Hell's bells - that would be better than being called deplorables and racists.
Your Vax does use Aborted Fetal Tissue and nano-technology. A gentleman from Moderna says that they have hacked the

We've all lost track of, and are sick and fucking TIRED of your vaccine lies dude. :rolleyes-41:

They do indeed son.

No they don't Pee Wee. We could go on, but you bore me ...
Don't get the vax & be sure to post from ER ;)


New COVID-19 vaccine candidate leveraging nanotechnology is ‘promising’
08-Mar-2021 By Jane Byrne

Researchers from Cleveland Clinic's Global Center for Pathogen Research & Human Health, who have developed the nanotechnology based vaccine, say it has shown strong efficacy in preclinical disease models.


Fetal Cells Lines
Are the vaccines made with fetal cells?
mRNA Vaccines (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna)

No, the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines do not contain any aborted fetal cells. Fetal cell lines are not the same as fetal tissue. Fetal cell lines are cells that grow in a laboratory. They descend from cells taken from elective abortions in the 1970s and 1980s. Those individual cells from the 1970s and 1980s have since multiplied into many new cells over the past four or five decades, creating fetal cell lines. Current fetal cell lines are thousands of generations removed from the original fetal tissue.

Fetal Cell lines grow in the lab and are taken from aborted fetuses, frankly they are using semantics and I don't blame them.. You and care4all are dismissed
Spewsmax is certainly a sketchy source, but the link doesn't even mention either "Liberalism" or "the left" or make any kind of reference to any kind of politics at all. Not that it should, but the OP pulled that part out of his ass.
"Liberal"-obsessives are a hoot! They see their bête noire "liberals!" everywhere.

Their utter failure of self-awareness gets disturbing though.
If the environment in this country wasn't so toxic and the left so willing to send thousands of rabid mobsters to shut down businesses at the slightest hint of wrong-think, companies like these would never give a thought to what the name of their products are.

There is no "left" in the story. It doesn't mention politics.
Good. Now read what I said and try to focus.

Here is a simple rule that EVERY business and individual in America should follow.

If it did not bother you two years ago, it doesn not bother you now. Do NOT make changes and do NOT apologize.


I don't run an ice cream factory and I don't give a fuck what they call it, so I have no "changes" or "apologies" to make.

The fact remains there is literally no mention at all of "left" anything in the story at all. You pulled that one out of your ass the same way the OP harvested his own ass. Whole lotta ass-harvesting goin' on.

Puzzling - They hate fake news but they love Newsmax - IRONIC
/—-/ I’ve asked you libtards to post any fake News from Newsmax, but none ever do. Seems like it would be easy to do.

In this instance it isn't fake. But you're still not taking your own responsibility for perverting it.
Spewsmax is certainly a sketchy source, but the link doesn't even mention either "Liberalism" or "the left" or make any kind of reference to any kind of politics at all. Not that it should, but the OP pulled that part out of his ass.
"Liberal"-obsessives are a hoot! They see their bête noire "liberals!" everywhere.

Their utter failure of self-awareness gets disturbing though.

Sputum Max is a one-trick pony that is out tricks. Not a reliable source, that uses paid by word contributors to spread lies to the maskholes and covidiots in desperate need to be lied to.
Their utter failure of self-awareness gets disturbing though.
Yes, there is justifiable concern for their antagonistic contempt for reality. Ideological fanaticism is normally loosely circumscribed by political parameters, but it has already metastasized to medicine and matters of public health in their case. That's a troubling sign for America.
Very informative article about the origin of the name Jimmies for chocolate sprinkles. ... :cool:
But as Wilton notes, “when one would normally expect to find evidence, its absence can be revealing.”

So, kids, lack of proof of any supposed racist basis for the name "jimmies" means it's racist.

Their utter failure of self-awareness gets disturbing though.
Yes, there is justifiable concern for their antagonistic contempt for reality. Ideological fanaticism is normally loosely circumscribed by political parameters, but it has already metastasized to medicine and matters of public health in their case. That's a troubling sign for America.

Absolutely. Any of us can disagree on how best to do this or the value of that, but we can never disagree on what Reality is. "Up" is always "up" and two plus two MUST equal four.

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