Liberals Being Liberals


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The following is a prime example of the sort of thing one has come to expect from the Liberal elites.....
This, being the 23rd of August, an appropriate time to remind all...

1. Here is the background: August 23, 1927 Nicola Sacco and BartolomeoVanzetti were electrocuted in Boston for killing two men in a Mass. payroll hold-up April 15, 1920.

a, The Democrat Governor of Massachusetts, [Michael] Dukakis declared August 23, 1977, the 50th anniversary of their execution, as Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti Memorial Day.His proclamation, issued in English and Italian, stated that Sacco and Vanzetti had been unfairly tried and convicted and that "any disgrace should be forever removed from their names." Sacco and Vanzetti - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Liberals being Liberals.

2. That was in 1977...

" In 1961, a test of Sacco's gun using modern forensic techniques apparently proved it was his gun that killed the guard, though little evidence has been found to substantiate Vanzetti's guilt. In 1977, Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis issued a proclamation vindicating Sacco and Vanzetti, stating that they had been treated unjustly and that no stigma should be associated with their names."
Sacco and Vanzetti executed mdash This Day in History mdash 8 23 1927

3. " Anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were a cause celebre of the 1920s, convicted of murder and executed after a trial many felt was a farce. Author Upton Sinclair wrote extensively about the case. Newly discovered letters reveal his suspicions that the men were guilty." Sacco and Vanzetti Guilty After All NPR

4. Liberal Democrat Dukakis taking the side of felons? Killers?

Is it a doctrine of Liberalism to always bend over backwards in favor of the criminal?
" On April 15, 1920, a paymaster for a shoe company in South Braintree,Massachusetts, was shot and killed along with his guard. "

What about the two victims??? Anyone know their names?
Why didn't Democrat Dukakis excoriate all to the jurors in the know, the way Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson is being excoriated?

5. Dukakis was not just a Democrat....he was chosen by the Democrat Party to be their nominee for President of the United States. They sure must have loved him....and, one assumes, endorsed his views of the judicial system and of convicted felons.

Sacco and Vanzetti were not his only pet felons.
They always take the side of the criminal. Whether they be confessed domestic terrorists, or known strong armed thieves--the interests of the criminals far out weighs truth or what is best for the country.
They always take the side of the criminal. Whether they be confessed domestic terrorists, or known strong armed thieves--the interests of the criminals far out weighs truth or what is best for the country.

So true, so true....even when it is known that they are guilty.

"Sacco and Vanzetti were a cause célèbre during the 1920s. Left-leaning intellectuals, including Sinclair, championed their innocence..... Sinclair describes a meeting with Fred Moore, who was Sacco and Vanzetti's lawyer at the time. They're meeting at a hotel in Denver. And he writes, quote, "Alone in a hotel room with Fred, I begged him to tell me the full truth. He then told me that the men were guilty and he told me in every detail how he had framed a set of alibis for them." Sacco and Vanzetti Guilty After All NPR

Sounds very much like the way Liberals viewed McCarthy as compared to the Rosenbergs.

The thrust is that it was McCarthyism, more than Soviet espionage or Communism infiltration of government, that was – in the words of the October 23, 1998, NYTimes editorial, “a lethal threat to American democracy.” This, in the same editorial that admitted that the evidence against Julius Rosenberg, and “most likely” Alger Hiss, was clear.

Liberals being Liberals.
They always take the side of the criminal. Whether they be confessed domestic terrorists, or known strong armed thieves--the interests of the criminals far out weighs truth or what is best for the country.
Bill Ayers et al.
6. Time and again Liberals/Democrats not only refuse to recognize evil, but actually stand shoulder to shoulder with criminals, felons...enemies of society..
.Let's document that....

a. "Democrats want to let convicted felons and felons in prison vote! Supreme Court Sonia Sotomayor wants to give jailbirds the right to vote. It's her opinion that the federal Voting Rights Act can be used to force states to allow voting by currently imprisoned felons. Ms. Sotomayor's dissenting opinion in a 2006 felon-voting case should make senators extremely wary of confirming her for the high court." Democrats want to let convicted felons and felons in prison vote Do you think this should be allowed or not

But we were speaking of Democrat Dukakis....

An example is the greatest, fairest, and most legitimate political ad ever used, and the convulsive tempest of the Liberal reaction: the Willie Horton ad.

7. To this day, academics, i.e., Liberals, use it as an example of how race is used in an ugly way in American politics. Let's take a look at that....

a. The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, the same one that OK’d gay marriage, ruled that prison furloughs had to be extended to first-degree murderers. This, due to Governor Michael Dukakis eliminating the death penalty.

b. Furloughs: outside visits to prepare convicts who would be released back into the community.
Certainly not those with a life sentence??

c. Wait….don’t Liberals say that life in prison without the possibility of parole is just as good as capital punishment? Anyway….

d. Even the Massachusetts legislature realized the ruling was insane…and passed a law prohibiting the furloughs. But, with the support of the usual suspects, the ACLU, the Democrat Governor Dukakis vetoed the bill.

Coulter does an excellent job on this subject in "Mugged."

And, with Democrat Liberal Dukakis' goes a savage murderer, Willie Horton.

Innocent citizens.....beware!
If you want to remember Democrats had a fit about the "Willie Horton" ads. But like "swiftboating' their pet peeve was, it told the TRUTH about a Democrat. Dukakis was also allowing "furloughs" of convicted criminals to have weekends off from prison. Anyone remember this?

Prison Furloughs in Massachusetts Threaten Dukakis Record on Crime - New York Times

I will follow up on that this afternoon....

But, lest anyone think it is only Democrat presidential nominee Dukakis who has no regard for the innocent citizens?

8. What to expect when Democrats/Liberals control the government:

"The Feds Let Go of Dozens of Convicted Murder Illegal Immigrants, See Where They Are on This Map....
.....convicted killers were let go by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials in 2013. The killers were booked out in 24 states and were associated with 96 different cities, according to the CIS report. The following map shows with red dots the ZIP codes where they were released...." The Feds Let Go of Dozens of Convicted Murder Illegal Immigrants See Where They Are on This Map National Review Online
The following is a prime example of the sort of thing one has come to expect from the Liberal elites.....
This, being the 23rd of August, an appropriate time to remind all...

1. Here is the background: August 23, 1927 Nicola Sacco and BartolomeoVanzetti were electrocuted in Boston for killing two men in a Mass. payroll hold-up April 15, 1920.

a, The Democrat Governor of Massachusetts, [Michael] Dukakis declared August 23, 1977, the 50th anniversary of their execution, as Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti Memorial Day.His proclamation, issued in English and Italian, stated that Sacco and Vanzetti had been unfairly tried and convicted and that "any disgrace should be forever removed from their names." Sacco and Vanzetti - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Liberals being Liberals.

2. That was in 1977...

" In 1961, a test of Sacco's gun using modern forensic techniques apparently proved it was his gun that killed the guard, though little evidence has been found to substantiate Vanzetti's guilt. In 1977, Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis issued a proclamation vindicating Sacco and Vanzetti, stating that they had been treated unjustly and that no stigma should be associated with their names."
Sacco and Vanzetti executed mdash This Day in History mdash 8 23 1927

3. " Anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were a cause celebre of the 1920s, convicted of murder and executed after a trial many felt was a farce. Author Upton Sinclair wrote extensively about the case. Newly discovered letters reveal his suspicions that the men were guilty." Sacco and Vanzetti Guilty After All NPR

4. Liberal Democrat Dukakis taking the side of felons? Killers?

Is it a doctrine of Liberalism to always bend over backwards in favor of the criminal?
" On April 15, 1920, a paymaster for a shoe company in South Braintree,Massachusetts, was shot and killed along with his guard. "

What about the two victims??? Anyone know their names?
Why didn't Democrat Dukakis excoriate all to the jurors in the know, the way Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson is being excoriated?

5. Dukakis was not just a Democrat....he was chosen by the Democrat Party to be their nominee for President of the United States. They sure must have loved him....and, one assumes, endorsed his views of the judicial system and of convicted felons.

Sacco and Vanzetti were not his only pet felons.

PC I find it amazing that you do not see the fallacy of taking anecdotal examples and generalizing them to liberals as a whole. It is a shocking lack of basic critical thinking skills.

Imagine if I said republicans are adulterers! and gave you one or two examples of republicans getting caught in sex scandals with male or female prostitutes. Would you say to yourself "oh my god he's right! Republicans are dogs!" No of course you wouldn't. You would dismiss my claim as being short sided and anecdotal. The same logic applies to liberals however.

As usual you demonstrate that you don't even know the objective definition of the American liberal.
The following is a prime example of the sort of thing one has come to expect from the Liberal elites.....
This, being the 23rd of August, an appropriate time to remind all...

1. Here is the background: August 23, 1927 Nicola Sacco and BartolomeoVanzetti were electrocuted in Boston for killing two men in a Mass. payroll hold-up April 15, 1920.

a, The Democrat Governor of Massachusetts, [Michael] Dukakis declared August 23, 1977, the 50th anniversary of their execution, as Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti Memorial Day.His proclamation, issued in English and Italian, stated that Sacco and Vanzetti had been unfairly tried and convicted and that "any disgrace should be forever removed from their names." Sacco and Vanzetti - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Liberals being Liberals.

2. That was in 1977...

" In 1961, a test of Sacco's gun using modern forensic techniques apparently proved it was his gun that killed the guard, though little evidence has been found to substantiate Vanzetti's guilt. In 1977, Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis issued a proclamation vindicating Sacco and Vanzetti, stating that they had been treated unjustly and that no stigma should be associated with their names."
Sacco and Vanzetti executed mdash This Day in History mdash 8 23 1927

3. " Anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were a cause celebre of the 1920s, convicted of murder and executed after a trial many felt was a farce. Author Upton Sinclair wrote extensively about the case. Newly discovered letters reveal his suspicions that the men were guilty." Sacco and Vanzetti Guilty After All NPR

4. Liberal Democrat Dukakis taking the side of felons? Killers?

Is it a doctrine of Liberalism to always bend over backwards in favor of the criminal?
" On April 15, 1920, a paymaster for a shoe company in South Braintree,Massachusetts, was shot and killed along with his guard. "

What about the two victims??? Anyone know their names?
Why didn't Democrat Dukakis excoriate all to the jurors in the know, the way Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson is being excoriated?

5. Dukakis was not just a Democrat....he was chosen by the Democrat Party to be their nominee for President of the United States. They sure must have loved him....and, one assumes, endorsed his views of the judicial system and of convicted felons.

Sacco and Vanzetti were not his only pet felons.

PC I find it amazing that you do not see the fallacy of taking anecdotal examples and generalizing them to liberals as a whole. It is a shocking lack of basic critical thinking skills.

Imagine if I said republicans are adulterers! and gave you one or two examples of republicans getting caught in sex scandals with male or female prostitutes. Would you say to yourself "oh my god he's right! Republicans are dogs!" No of course you wouldn't. You would dismiss my claim as being short sided and anecdotal. The same logic applies to liberals however.

As usual you demonstrate that you don't even know the objective definition of the American liberal.

"PC I find it amazing that you do not see the fallacy blah blah blah...."

There are no fallacies.

You are a simple fellow, so I'll give you a simple answer.

If you voted for Obama I will blame you for every iniquity of his regime.

It's not my problem that you were remiss in vetting this fraud.

That applies double to Dukakis ! He was the Democrat Liberal pick for President....and his views were well known.

If you don't wish to be tarred with that brush.....don't vote Democrat Liberal.

The rest of the thread will paint an even worse picture of the party you signed up with.
I'm st
The following is a prime example of the sort of thing one has come to expect from the Liberal elites.....
This, being the 23rd of August, an appropriate time to remind all...

1. Here is the background: August 23, 1927 Nicola Sacco and BartolomeoVanzetti were electrocuted in Boston for killing two men in a Mass. payroll hold-up April 15, 1920.

a, The Democrat Governor of Massachusetts, [Michael] Dukakis declared August 23, 1977, the 50th anniversary of their execution, as Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti Memorial Day.His proclamation, issued in English and Italian, stated that Sacco and Vanzetti had been unfairly tried and convicted and that "any disgrace should be forever removed from their names." Sacco and Vanzetti - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Liberals being Liberals.

2. That was in 1977...

" In 1961, a test of Sacco's gun using modern forensic techniques apparently proved it was his gun that killed the guard, though little evidence has been found to substantiate Vanzetti's guilt. In 1977, Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis issued a proclamation vindicating Sacco and Vanzetti, stating that they had been treated unjustly and that no stigma should be associated with their names."
Sacco and Vanzetti executed mdash This Day in History mdash 8 23 1927

3. " Anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were a cause celebre of the 1920s, convicted of murder and executed after a trial many felt was a farce. Author Upton Sinclair wrote extensively about the case. Newly discovered letters reveal his suspicions that the men were guilty." Sacco and Vanzetti Guilty After All NPR

4. Liberal Democrat Dukakis taking the side of felons? Killers?

Is it a doctrine of Liberalism to always bend over backwards in favor of the criminal?
" On April 15, 1920, a paymaster for a shoe company in South Braintree,Massachusetts, was shot and killed along with his guard. "

What about the two victims??? Anyone know their names?
Why didn't Democrat Dukakis excoriate all to the jurors in the know, the way Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson is being excoriated?

5. Dukakis was not just a Democrat....he was chosen by the Democrat Party to be their nominee for President of the United States. They sure must have loved him....and, one assumes, endorsed his views of the judicial system and of convicted felons.

Sacco and Vanzetti were not his only pet felons.

PC I find it amazing that you do not see the fallacy of taking anecdotal examples and generalizing them to liberals as a whole. It is a shocking lack of basic critical thinking skills.

Imagine if I said republicans are adulterers! and gave you one or two examples of republicans getting caught in sex scandals with male or female prostitutes. Would you say to yourself "oh my god he's right! Republicans are dogs!" No of course you wouldn't. You would dismiss my claim as being short sided and anecdotal. The same logic applies to liberals however.

As usual you demonstrate that you don't even know the objective definition of the American liberal.

"PC I find it amazing that you do not see the fallacy blah blah blah...."

There are no fallacies.

You are a simple fellow, so I'll give you a simple answer.

If you voted for Obama I will blame you for every iniquity of his regime.

It's not my problem that you were remiss in vetting this fraud.

That applies double to Dukakis ! He was the Democrat Liberal pick for President....and his views were well known.

If you don't wish to be tarred with that brush.....don't vote Democrat Liberal.

The rest of the thread will paint an even worse picture of the party you signed up with.

I'm starting to think you don't even know what fallacies are.
9. Why was Willie Horton in jail in the first place?

a. Horton was in prison because he “robbed Joseph Fournier, a 17-year-old gas station attendant, and then fatally stabbed him 19 times after he had cooperated by handing over all of the money in the cash register. His body was dumped in a trash can. Fournier died from blood loss….

But Willie Horton did not care if you gave it to him or not. As he would demonstrate at least twice, giving him what he asked for would not make any difference. … He did it for pleasure…

[Democrat Liberal] Michael Dukakis opened up the prison doors in Massachusetts…[Horton] went to Maryland and broke into a home and tied a man to a joist in the basement, slashed his chest and stomach with a knife, then beat and raped his fiancée while she screamed and screamed and screamed. Willie Horton was a killer, a rapist, a torturer, a kidnapper, a brute.
Questia Your Online Research Library

Dukakis facilitated Horton's atrocities because that's what Democrat Liberal elites do.

Dukakis declared August 23, 1977,the 50th anniversary of their execution, as Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti Memorial Day.

Should we wait for a Democrat Liberal sponsor of a " Joseph Fournier Memorial Day"???

Don't hold your breath.
I'm st
The following is a prime example of the sort of thing one has come to expect from the Liberal elites.....
This, being the 23rd of August, an appropriate time to remind all...

1. Here is the background: August 23, 1927 Nicola Sacco and BartolomeoVanzetti were electrocuted in Boston for killing two men in a Mass. payroll hold-up April 15, 1920.

a, The Democrat Governor of Massachusetts, [Michael] Dukakis declared August 23, 1977, the 50th anniversary of their execution, as Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti Memorial Day.His proclamation, issued in English and Italian, stated that Sacco and Vanzetti had been unfairly tried and convicted and that "any disgrace should be forever removed from their names." Sacco and Vanzetti - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Liberals being Liberals.

2. That was in 1977...

" In 1961, a test of Sacco's gun using modern forensic techniques apparently proved it was his gun that killed the guard, though little evidence has been found to substantiate Vanzetti's guilt. In 1977, Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis issued a proclamation vindicating Sacco and Vanzetti, stating that they had been treated unjustly and that no stigma should be associated with their names."
Sacco and Vanzetti executed mdash This Day in History mdash 8 23 1927

3. " Anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were a cause celebre of the 1920s, convicted of murder and executed after a trial many felt was a farce. Author Upton Sinclair wrote extensively about the case. Newly discovered letters reveal his suspicions that the men were guilty." Sacco and Vanzetti Guilty After All NPR

4. Liberal Democrat Dukakis taking the side of felons? Killers?

Is it a doctrine of Liberalism to always bend over backwards in favor of the criminal?
" On April 15, 1920, a paymaster for a shoe company in South Braintree,Massachusetts, was shot and killed along with his guard. "

What about the two victims??? Anyone know their names?
Why didn't Democrat Dukakis excoriate all to the jurors in the know, the way Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson is being excoriated?

5. Dukakis was not just a Democrat....he was chosen by the Democrat Party to be their nominee for President of the United States. They sure must have loved him....and, one assumes, endorsed his views of the judicial system and of convicted felons.

Sacco and Vanzetti were not his only pet felons.

PC I find it amazing that you do not see the fallacy of taking anecdotal examples and generalizing them to liberals as a whole. It is a shocking lack of basic critical thinking skills.

Imagine if I said republicans are adulterers! and gave you one or two examples of republicans getting caught in sex scandals with male or female prostitutes. Would you say to yourself "oh my god he's right! Republicans are dogs!" No of course you wouldn't. You would dismiss my claim as being short sided and anecdotal. The same logic applies to liberals however.

As usual you demonstrate that you don't even know the objective definition of the American liberal.

"PC I find it amazing that you do not see the fallacy blah blah blah...."

There are no fallacies.

You are a simple fellow, so I'll give you a simple answer.

If you voted for Obama I will blame you for every iniquity of his regime.

It's not my problem that you were remiss in vetting this fraud.

That applies double to Dukakis ! He was the Democrat Liberal pick for President....and his views were well known.

If you don't wish to be tarred with that brush.....don't vote Democrat Liberal.

The rest of the thread will paint an even worse picture of the party you signed up with.

I'm starting to think you don't even know what fallacies are.

"I'm starting to think..."

That'll be the day, BillyZeroIQ
I'm st
The following is a prime example of the sort of thing one has come to expect from the Liberal elites.....
This, being the 23rd of August, an appropriate time to remind all...

1. Here is the background: August 23, 1927 Nicola Sacco and BartolomeoVanzetti were electrocuted in Boston for killing two men in a Mass. payroll hold-up April 15, 1920.

a, The Democrat Governor of Massachusetts, [Michael] Dukakis declared August 23, 1977, the 50th anniversary of their execution, as Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti Memorial Day.His proclamation, issued in English and Italian, stated that Sacco and Vanzetti had been unfairly tried and convicted and that "any disgrace should be forever removed from their names." Sacco and Vanzetti - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Liberals being Liberals.

2. That was in 1977...

" In 1961, a test of Sacco's gun using modern forensic techniques apparently proved it was his gun that killed the guard, though little evidence has been found to substantiate Vanzetti's guilt. In 1977, Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis issued a proclamation vindicating Sacco and Vanzetti, stating that they had been treated unjustly and that no stigma should be associated with their names."
Sacco and Vanzetti executed mdash This Day in History mdash 8 23 1927

3. " Anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were a cause celebre of the 1920s, convicted of murder and executed after a trial many felt was a farce. Author Upton Sinclair wrote extensively about the case. Newly discovered letters reveal his suspicions that the men were guilty." Sacco and Vanzetti Guilty After All NPR

4. Liberal Democrat Dukakis taking the side of felons? Killers?

Is it a doctrine of Liberalism to always bend over backwards in favor of the criminal?
" On April 15, 1920, a paymaster for a shoe company in South Braintree,Massachusetts, was shot and killed along with his guard. "

What about the two victims??? Anyone know their names?
Why didn't Democrat Dukakis excoriate all to the jurors in the know, the way Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson is being excoriated?

5. Dukakis was not just a Democrat....he was chosen by the Democrat Party to be their nominee for President of the United States. They sure must have loved him....and, one assumes, endorsed his views of the judicial system and of convicted felons.

Sacco and Vanzetti were not his only pet felons.

PC I find it amazing that you do not see the fallacy of taking anecdotal examples and generalizing them to liberals as a whole. It is a shocking lack of basic critical thinking skills.

Imagine if I said republicans are adulterers! and gave you one or two examples of republicans getting caught in sex scandals with male or female prostitutes. Would you say to yourself "oh my god he's right! Republicans are dogs!" No of course you wouldn't. You would dismiss my claim as being short sided and anecdotal. The same logic applies to liberals however.

As usual you demonstrate that you don't even know the objective definition of the American liberal.

"PC I find it amazing that you do not see the fallacy blah blah blah...."

There are no fallacies.

You are a simple fellow, so I'll give you a simple answer.

If you voted for Obama I will blame you for every iniquity of his regime.

It's not my problem that you were remiss in vetting this fraud.

That applies double to Dukakis ! He was the Democrat Liberal pick for President....and his views were well known.

If you don't wish to be tarred with that brush.....don't vote Democrat Liberal.

The rest of the thread will paint an even worse picture of the party you signed up with.

I'm starting to think you don't even know what fallacies are.

"I'm starting to think..."

That'll be the day, BillyZeroIQ

If I am as dumb as you suggest, why can't you come up with a decent response to my first post?
I'm st
The following is a prime example of the sort of thing one has come to expect from the Liberal elites.....
This, being the 23rd of August, an appropriate time to remind all...

1. Here is the background: August 23, 1927 Nicola Sacco and BartolomeoVanzetti were electrocuted in Boston for killing two men in a Mass. payroll hold-up April 15, 1920.

a, The Democrat Governor of Massachusetts, [Michael] Dukakis declared August 23, 1977, the 50th anniversary of their execution, as Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti Memorial Day.His proclamation, issued in English and Italian, stated that Sacco and Vanzetti had been unfairly tried and convicted and that "any disgrace should be forever removed from their names." Sacco and Vanzetti - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Liberals being Liberals.

2. That was in 1977...

" In 1961, a test of Sacco's gun using modern forensic techniques apparently proved it was his gun that killed the guard, though little evidence has been found to substantiate Vanzetti's guilt. In 1977, Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis issued a proclamation vindicating Sacco and Vanzetti, stating that they had been treated unjustly and that no stigma should be associated with their names."
Sacco and Vanzetti executed mdash This Day in History mdash 8 23 1927

3. " Anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were a cause celebre of the 1920s, convicted of murder and executed after a trial many felt was a farce. Author Upton Sinclair wrote extensively about the case. Newly discovered letters reveal his suspicions that the men were guilty." Sacco and Vanzetti Guilty After All NPR

4. Liberal Democrat Dukakis taking the side of felons? Killers?

Is it a doctrine of Liberalism to always bend over backwards in favor of the criminal?
" On April 15, 1920, a paymaster for a shoe company in South Braintree,Massachusetts, was shot and killed along with his guard. "

What about the two victims??? Anyone know their names?
Why didn't Democrat Dukakis excoriate all to the jurors in the know, the way Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson is being excoriated?

5. Dukakis was not just a Democrat....he was chosen by the Democrat Party to be their nominee for President of the United States. They sure must have loved him....and, one assumes, endorsed his views of the judicial system and of convicted felons.

Sacco and Vanzetti were not his only pet felons.

PC I find it amazing that you do not see the fallacy of taking anecdotal examples and generalizing them to liberals as a whole. It is a shocking lack of basic critical thinking skills.

Imagine if I said republicans are adulterers! and gave you one or two examples of republicans getting caught in sex scandals with male or female prostitutes. Would you say to yourself "oh my god he's right! Republicans are dogs!" No of course you wouldn't. You would dismiss my claim as being short sided and anecdotal. The same logic applies to liberals however.

As usual you demonstrate that you don't even know the objective definition of the American liberal.

"PC I find it amazing that you do not see the fallacy blah blah blah...."

There are no fallacies.

You are a simple fellow, so I'll give you a simple answer.

If you voted for Obama I will blame you for every iniquity of his regime.

It's not my problem that you were remiss in vetting this fraud.

That applies double to Dukakis ! He was the Democrat Liberal pick for President....and his views were well known.

If you don't wish to be tarred with that brush.....don't vote Democrat Liberal.

The rest of the thread will paint an even worse picture of the party you signed up with.

I'm starting to think you don't even know what fallacies are.

"I'm starting to think..."

That'll be the day, BillyZeroIQ

If I am as dumb as you suggest, why can't you come up with a decent response to my first post?


If you are dumb.....why can't I ?????????

I'm responsible for dumbing down posts????

Let me guess: you're a government school grad.
You remain the poster equivalent of Windows Vista.

My response was post #11
If you want to remember Democrats had a fit about the "Willie Horton" ads. But like "swiftboating' their pet peeve was, it told the TRUTH about a Democrat. Dukakis was also allowing "furloughs" of convicted criminals to have weekends off from prison. Anyone remember this?

Prison Furloughs in Massachusetts Threaten Dukakis Record on Crime - New York Times

10. The GOP and it's allies provided the truth about Democrat/Liberal Michael Dukakis, and the effects of his affection for criminals rather than innocent folks.

Having no defense to blunt the truth of events, what could Liberals do?….Of course! Democrats screamed ‘racism.’ Well, one may claim such, except that the Bush commercial never mentioned race, or even showed Willie Horton.

Here it is:

On the other hand….Bush supporters produced this commercial…. the National Security PAC, not directly by the Bush/Quayle campaign.

Both videos are correct.
I'm st
The following is a prime example of the sort of thing one has come to expect from the Liberal elites.....
This, being the 23rd of August, an appropriate time to remind all...

1. Here is the background: August 23, 1927 Nicola Sacco and BartolomeoVanzetti were electrocuted in Boston for killing two men in a Mass. payroll hold-up April 15, 1920.

a, The Democrat Governor of Massachusetts, [Michael] Dukakis declared August 23, 1977, the 50th anniversary of their execution, as Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti Memorial Day.His proclamation, issued in English and Italian, stated that Sacco and Vanzetti had been unfairly tried and convicted and that "any disgrace should be forever removed from their names." Sacco and Vanzetti - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Liberals being Liberals.

2. That was in 1977...

" In 1961, a test of Sacco's gun using modern forensic techniques apparently proved it was his gun that killed the guard, though little evidence has been found to substantiate Vanzetti's guilt. In 1977, Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis issued a proclamation vindicating Sacco and Vanzetti, stating that they had been treated unjustly and that no stigma should be associated with their names."
Sacco and Vanzetti executed mdash This Day in History mdash 8 23 1927

3. " Anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were a cause celebre of the 1920s, convicted of murder and executed after a trial many felt was a farce. Author Upton Sinclair wrote extensively about the case. Newly discovered letters reveal his suspicions that the men were guilty." Sacco and Vanzetti Guilty After All NPR

4. Liberal Democrat Dukakis taking the side of felons? Killers?

Is it a doctrine of Liberalism to always bend over backwards in favor of the criminal?
" On April 15, 1920, a paymaster for a shoe company in South Braintree,Massachusetts, was shot and killed along with his guard. "

What about the two victims??? Anyone know their names?
Why didn't Democrat Dukakis excoriate all to the jurors in the know, the way Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson is being excoriated?

5. Dukakis was not just a Democrat....he was chosen by the Democrat Party to be their nominee for President of the United States. They sure must have loved him....and, one assumes, endorsed his views of the judicial system and of convicted felons.

Sacco and Vanzetti were not his only pet felons.

PC I find it amazing that you do not see the fallacy of taking anecdotal examples and generalizing them to liberals as a whole. It is a shocking lack of basic critical thinking skills.

Imagine if I said republicans are adulterers! and gave you one or two examples of republicans getting caught in sex scandals with male or female prostitutes. Would you say to yourself "oh my god he's right! Republicans are dogs!" No of course you wouldn't. You would dismiss my claim as being short sided and anecdotal. The same logic applies to liberals however.

As usual you demonstrate that you don't even know the objective definition of the American liberal.

"PC I find it amazing that you do not see the fallacy blah blah blah...."

There are no fallacies.

You are a simple fellow, so I'll give you a simple answer.

If you voted for Obama I will blame you for every iniquity of his regime.

It's not my problem that you were remiss in vetting this fraud.

That applies double to Dukakis ! He was the Democrat Liberal pick for President....and his views were well known.

If you don't wish to be tarred with that brush.....don't vote Democrat Liberal.

The rest of the thread will paint an even worse picture of the party you signed up with.

I'm starting to think you don't even know what fallacies are.

"I'm starting to think..."

That'll be the day, BillyZeroIQ

If I am as dumb as you suggest, why can't you come up with a decent response to my first post?


If you are dumb.....why can't I ?????????

I'm responsible for dumbing down posts????

Let me guess: you're a government school grad.
You remain the poster equivalent of Windows Vista.

My response was post #11

Yeah and post #11 sucked. You completely missed the point as usual. I made no mention of Obama nor was I defending any of the dems in your post. The point is that you use anecdotal cases to make sweeping generalizations about an entire ideology. It's dumb and is not a relevant argument against the merits of being liberal.
I'm st
The following is a prime example of the sort of thing one has come to expect from the Liberal elites.....
This, being the 23rd of August, an appropriate time to remind all...

1. Here is the background: August 23, 1927 Nicola Sacco and BartolomeoVanzetti were electrocuted in Boston for killing two men in a Mass. payroll hold-up April 15, 1920.

a, The Democrat Governor of Massachusetts, [Michael] Dukakis declared August 23, 1977, the 50th anniversary of their execution, as Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti Memorial Day.His proclamation, issued in English and Italian, stated that Sacco and Vanzetti had been unfairly tried and convicted and that "any disgrace should be forever removed from their names." Sacco and Vanzetti - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Liberals being Liberals.

2. That was in 1977...

" In 1961, a test of Sacco's gun using modern forensic techniques apparently proved it was his gun that killed the guard, though little evidence has been found to substantiate Vanzetti's guilt. In 1977, Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis issued a proclamation vindicating Sacco and Vanzetti, stating that they had been treated unjustly and that no stigma should be associated with their names."
Sacco and Vanzetti executed mdash This Day in History mdash 8 23 1927

3. " Anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were a cause celebre of the 1920s, convicted of murder and executed after a trial many felt was a farce. Author Upton Sinclair wrote extensively about the case. Newly discovered letters reveal his suspicions that the men were guilty." Sacco and Vanzetti Guilty After All NPR

4. Liberal Democrat Dukakis taking the side of felons? Killers?

Is it a doctrine of Liberalism to always bend over backwards in favor of the criminal?
" On April 15, 1920, a paymaster for a shoe company in South Braintree,Massachusetts, was shot and killed along with his guard. "

What about the two victims??? Anyone know their names?
Why didn't Democrat Dukakis excoriate all to the jurors in the know, the way Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson is being excoriated?

5. Dukakis was not just a Democrat....he was chosen by the Democrat Party to be their nominee for President of the United States. They sure must have loved him....and, one assumes, endorsed his views of the judicial system and of convicted felons.

Sacco and Vanzetti were not his only pet felons.

PC I find it amazing that you do not see the fallacy of taking anecdotal examples and generalizing them to liberals as a whole. It is a shocking lack of basic critical thinking skills.

Imagine if I said republicans are adulterers! and gave you one or two examples of republicans getting caught in sex scandals with male or female prostitutes. Would you say to yourself "oh my god he's right! Republicans are dogs!" No of course you wouldn't. You would dismiss my claim as being short sided and anecdotal. The same logic applies to liberals however.

As usual you demonstrate that you don't even know the objective definition of the American liberal.

"PC I find it amazing that you do not see the fallacy blah blah blah...."

There are no fallacies.

You are a simple fellow, so I'll give you a simple answer.

If you voted for Obama I will blame you for every iniquity of his regime.

It's not my problem that you were remiss in vetting this fraud.

That applies double to Dukakis ! He was the Democrat Liberal pick for President....and his views were well known.

If you don't wish to be tarred with that brush.....don't vote Democrat Liberal.

The rest of the thread will paint an even worse picture of the party you signed up with.

I'm starting to think you don't even know what fallacies are.

"I'm starting to think..."

That'll be the day, BillyZeroIQ

If I am as dumb as you suggest, why can't you come up with a decent response to my first post?


If you are dumb.....why can't I ?????????

I'm responsible for dumbing down posts????

Let me guess: you're a government school grad.
You remain the poster equivalent of Windows Vista.

My response was post #11

Yeah and post #11 sucked. You completely missed the point as usual. I made no mention of Obama nor was I defending any of the dems in your post. The point is that you use anecdotal cases to make sweeping generalizations about an entire ideology. It's dumb and is not a relevant argument against the merits of being liberal.

"... make sweeping generalizations...."

Stop begging to be shielded from responsibility after putting these anti-American sociopaths in office.

I will hold you and every Democrat/Liberal responsible for their vote.

You may think of me as the star-spangled hammer.

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