Liberals Attack Jet Blue As Being Racist For Giving Cops Free Flights To NYPD Officers Funeral

Like Jet Blue is going to pay attention. Maybe some protesters will take Jet Blue flights and start protesting in the air.

The person who commented on a boycott of the police had it right. If you don't like the police just don't call them. Carry band aids.
Breaking news: There are a lot of idiots on Twitter. Who cares what these people think?

Amazing that some clowns actually think what goes on Twitter constitutes some sort of "news".

This just in: free speech. Who knew.
Breaking news: There are a lot of idiots on Twitter. Who cares what these people think?

Amazing that some clowns actually think what goes on Twitter constitutes some sort of "news".

This just in: free speech. Who knew.

I could understand if it was somebody politically important or hell even somebody famous but random twitter users?! That is like having an article on moronic statements people make in comments sections.
Breaking news: There are a lot of idiots on Twitter. Who cares what these people think?

Amazing that some clowns actually think what goes on Twitter constitutes some sort of "news".

This just in: free speech. Who knew.

I could understand if it was somebody politically important or hell even somebody famous but random twitter users?! That is like having an article on moronic statements people make in comments sections.

The OP is easily impressed.
Hold on, we interrupt this program for a breaking news bulletin:

"Man complains coffee not strong enough, requests refill"
I see a bunch of retarded libs responding here.

Moronic twitter posts from internet randoms isn't exactly breaking or startling news.

I do find it rather comical to see one of the biggest racist on this forum complain about other racists.
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I see a bunch of retarded libs responding here.

Moronic twitter posts from internet randoms isn't exactly breaking or startling news.

I do find it rather comical to see one of the biggest racists on this forum complain about other racists.

Even now, six or eight months running those bogus quotes in his sigline, I don't think he gets that they make his political enemies look more like him, rather than less.

Although I'm sure those tweets aren't representing liberals, the one by Jaime made a good point.

Why don't they offer free flights to family members of innocent killed by police?
B/c those who were killed by the cops weren't innocent.
Watched a bit of Meet The Press yesterday on MSNBC. The photos of the young negro thugs who have been recently killed showed the thug's school photos. Remember the 'baby' photo of TM? That was one of them.

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