Liberals Are Lost On Illegal Immigration (Imperialism)


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Well, why wouldn’t they be ? Does anyone think that the liberal MSM is going to report the true picture about illegal immigration ? To get that, one has to seek it out on the internet. And that is something liberals just don’t do.

OK. Let’s get down to the nitty gritty. The primary thing to know about illegal immigration, is that it is simply modern day, 21st century IMPERIALISM. Long gone is the imperialism of the Vandals and Visigoths in Rome. The swords and backpacks of the Vikings in England. The guns and bombs of the Japs in China, and Nazis in France.

All that has been replaced (except for ISIS), with a newer, cleaner, more efficient means of pillaging the prey country for its wealth/resources. This entails sending millions of low wage workers into the prey country, to steal jobs from its workers, and send Billions$$ per year back to the home (imperialist) country.

This could be earnings from work or welfare $$. In either case, it is money being extracted out of the prey country’s (ex. USA) economy, and sent (usually wired) to the imperialist country (ex. Mexico), where it is promptly spent in that country’s stores (AKA the Mexican economy), thereby re-inserting it into the imperialist country’s economy.

In another OP, I asked about this internationally, wired imperialism-money (REMITTANCES). Liberals responded with question marks. They didn’t know what I was talking about. Of course not. Liberal OMISSION media never mentions the word “remittances”. And after decades of being a liberal myself, and watch MSM news, I had never heard the word before. I only first heard “remittances” mentioned, on reports by Lou Dobbs on his old CNN show.

These were about then Mexican president Vicente Fox gloating about the Billions$$/year of remittances, Mexico was plundering of the US economy, and that being Mexico’s top source of income, Fox claimed. See link >> Vicente Fox Says Remittances Largest Source Of Revenue Since 2003, Gloats At Getting Illegals And Matricula Consular Into US : Diggers Realm

EARTH TO LIBERALS: This is 2017. Imperialists now pillage prey countries with remittances (and, with Mexico, the anchor baby racket), and the US is currently the # 1 VICTIM of imperialism, with losses of $133 Billion/year (See link) >> Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2015

The top imperialist countries against the US are 1) Mexico… 2) China… 3) India. India carries out its international burglary by the influx of STEM workers, sent to Hi-Tech companies on H1B visas ( a process President Trump took action against just yesterday). The illegal side of it is also now being attended to by Trump, by stepped up enforcement of immigration law, and deportation of illegal aliens (no more Clinton-Bush-Obama style “catch & release”)

So, I hope liberals, after reading this (and the links), fully understand that all this illegal invasion of our nation, is a 21st century form of the same imperialism that Vikings engaged in a millennium ago. Only difference is Mexico raked in $ 24.3 Billion out of the US economy, in 2015. Never in their wildest dreams did the Vikings ever achieve a looting that big. The Vikings would be envious.
They have no problem whatsoever with illegal immigration, and work day and night to create safe spaces for them.
To them, 'Illegal' immigration doesn't even exist.
Long gone is the imperialism of the Vandals and Visigoths in Rome. .

The Visigoths lead by Alaric pillaged Rome, and these Visigoths were immigrants of Rome, who were bought into do the dirty work Romans didn't want to do.

The Visigoths resented Romans, and in the end bought them down.

Sound familiar?

If one can't connect the dots of Mexicans in the U.S.A, or Muslims in Western Europe being strikingly similar, there is no hope for that individual.
Long gone is the imperialism of the Vandals and Visigoths in Rome. .

The Visigoths lead by Alaric pillaged Rome, and these Visigoths were immigrants of Rome, who were bought into do the dirty work Romans didn't want to do.

The Visigoths resented Romans, and in the end bought them down.

Sound familiar?

If one can't connect the dots of Mexicans in the U.S.A, or Muslims in Western Europe being strikingly similar, there is no hope for that individual.

Liberals WANT the U.S. brought down.
Well, why wouldn’t they be ? Does anyone think that the liberal MSM is going to report the true picture about illegal immigration ? To get that, one has to seek it out on the internet. And that is something liberals just don’t do.

OK. Let’s get down to the nitty gritty. The primary thing to know about illegal immigration, is that it is simply modern day, 21st century IMPERIALISM. Long gone is the imperialism of the Vandals and Visigoths in Rome. The swords and backpacks of the Vikings in England. The guns and bombs of the Japs in China, and Nazis in France.

All that has been replaced (except for ISIS), with a newer, cleaner, more efficient means of pillaging the prey country for its wealth/resources. This entails sending millions of low wage workers into the prey country, to steal jobs from its workers, and send Billions$$ per year back to the home (imperialist) country.

This could be earnings from work or welfare $$. In either case, it is money being extracted out of the prey country’s (ex. USA) economy, and sent (usually wired) to the imperialist country (ex. Mexico), where it is promptly spent in that country’s stores (AKA the Mexican economy), thereby re-inserting it into the imperialist country’s economy.

In another OP, I asked about this internationally, wired imperialism-money (REMITTANCES). Liberals responded with question marks. They didn’t know what I was talking about. Of course not. Liberal OMISSION media never mentions the word “remittances”. And after decades of being a liberal myself, and watch MSM news, I had never heard the word before. I only first heard “remittances” mentioned, on reports by Lou Dobbs on his old CNN show.

These were about then Mexican president Vicente Fox gloating about the Billions$$/year of remittances, Mexico was plundering of the US economy, and that being Mexico’s top source of income, Fox claimed. See link >> Vicente Fox Says Remittances Largest Source Of Revenue Since 2003, Gloats At Getting Illegals And Matricula Consular Into US : Diggers Realm

EARTH TO LIBERALS: This is 2017. Imperialists now pillage prey countries with remittances (and, with Mexico, the anchor baby racket), and the US is currently the # 1 VICTIM of imperialism, with losses of $133 Billion/year (See link) >> Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2015

The top imperialist countries against the US are 1) Mexico… 2) China… 3) India. India carries out its international burglary by the influx of STEM workers, sent to Hi-Tech companies on H1B visas ( a process President Trump took action against just yesterday). The illegal side of it is also now being attended to by Trump, by stepped up enforcement of immigration law, and deportation of illegal aliens (no more Clinton-Bush-Obama style “catch & release”)

So, I hope liberals, after reading this (and the links), fully understand that all this illegal invasion of our nation, is a 21st century form of the same imperialism that Vikings engaged in a millennium ago. Only difference is Mexico raked in $ 24.3 Billion out of the US economy, in 2015. Never in their wildest dreams did the Vikings ever achieve a looting that big. The Vikings would be envious.
Just right wing fantasy? Mexico is among our top trading partners. They have Home Depot in Mexico now; hopefully, they will buy, American ladders.
They have no problem whatsoever with illegal immigration, and work day and night to create safe spaces for them.
To them, 'Illegal' immigration doesn't even exist.
Yes, to some on the left, it is our "failure" to convince the right wing to bear True Witness to our Commerce Clause, simply for the sake of, international Public Morals.
Long gone is the imperialism of the Vandals and Visigoths in Rome. .

The Visigoths lead by Alaric pillaged Rome, and these Visigoths were immigrants of Rome, who were bought into do the dirty work Romans didn't want to do.

The Visigoths resented Romans, and in the end bought them down.

Sound familiar?

If one can't connect the dots of Mexicans in the U.S.A, or Muslims in Western Europe being strikingly similar, there is no hope for that individual.

Liberals WANT the U.S. brought down.

This video about sums it up.


Good post, but you miss the main point.

Liberal Leftist Loons aren't being fooled by mis-understanding the nature of the Mexican Invasion. They know most of the Invaders will vote DEMOCRATIC as soon as they have the chance---which in places like California---is immediately.

Texas is what they want.

Obama's entire immigration policy can be summed up in three words: TURN TEXAS BLUE.

He took an oath to enforce the laws of this nation, and instead of doing that, he actively undermined those very laws....and encouraged a Mexican Invasion of the sort you address...but solely to serve a malignant political purpose---Marxism.

He's a Traitor, and so is every Democratic Official in every Rotting City who gives Sanctuary to the Invaders.
Long gone is the imperialism of the Vandals and Visigoths in Rome. .

The Visigoths lead by Alaric pillaged Rome, and these Visigoths were immigrants of Rome, who were bought into do the dirty work Romans didn't want to do.

The Visigoths resented Romans, and in the end bought them down.

Sound familiar?

If one can't connect the dots of Mexicans in the U.S.A, or Muslims in Western Europe being strikingly similar, there is no hope for that individual.

Liberals WANT the U.S. brought down.

This is exactly correct. It is why they use Illegals, Jihadists and other userful idiots as their mules
Well, why wouldn’t they be ? Does anyone think that the liberal MSM is going to report the true picture about illegal immigration ? To get that, one has to seek it out on the internet. And that is something liberals just don’t do.

OK. Let’s get down to the nitty gritty. The primary thing to know about illegal immigration, is that it is simply modern day, 21st century IMPERIALISM. Long gone is the imperialism of the Vandals and Visigoths in Rome. The swords and backpacks of the Vikings in England. The guns and bombs of the Japs in China, and Nazis in France.

All that has been replaced (except for ISIS), with a newer, cleaner, more efficient means of pillaging the prey country for its wealth/resources. This entails sending millions of low wage workers into the prey country, to steal jobs from its workers, and send Billions$$ per year back to the home (imperialist) country.

This could be earnings from work or welfare $$. In either case, it is money being extracted out of the prey country’s (ex. USA) economy, and sent (usually wired) to the imperialist country (ex. Mexico), where it is promptly spent in that country’s stores (AKA the Mexican economy), thereby re-inserting it into the imperialist country’s economy.

In another OP, I asked about this internationally, wired imperialism-money (REMITTANCES). Liberals responded with question marks. They didn’t know what I was talking about. Of course not. Liberal OMISSION media never mentions the word “remittances”. And after decades of being a liberal myself, and watch MSM news, I had never heard the word before. I only first heard “remittances” mentioned, on reports by Lou Dobbs on his old CNN show.

These were about then Mexican president Vicente Fox gloating about the Billions$$/year of remittances, Mexico was plundering of the US economy, and that being Mexico’s top source of income, Fox claimed. See link >> Vicente Fox Says Remittances Largest Source Of Revenue Since 2003, Gloats At Getting Illegals And Matricula Consular Into US : Diggers Realm

EARTH TO LIBERALS: This is 2017. Imperialists now pillage prey countries with remittances (and, with Mexico, the anchor baby racket), and the US is currently the # 1 VICTIM of imperialism, with losses of $133 Billion/year (See link) >> Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2015

The top imperialist countries against the US are 1) Mexico… 2) China… 3) India. India carries out its international burglary by the influx of STEM workers, sent to Hi-Tech companies on H1B visas ( a process President Trump took action against just yesterday). The illegal side of it is also now being attended to by Trump, by stepped up enforcement of immigration law, and deportation of illegal aliens (no more Clinton-Bush-Obama style “catch & release”)

So, I hope liberals, after reading this (and the links), fully understand that all this illegal invasion of our nation, is a 21st century form of the same imperialism that Vikings engaged in a millennium ago. Only difference is Mexico raked in $ 24.3 Billion out of the US economy, in 2015. Never in their wildest dreams did the Vikings ever achieve a looting that big. The Vikings would be envious.
Just right wing fantasy? Mexico is among our top trading partners. They have Home Depot in Mexico now; hopefully, they will buy, American ladders.

You mean Chinese Ladders, Right?
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Just right wing fantasy? Mexico is among our top trading partners. They have Home Depot in Mexico now; hopefully, they will buy, American ladders.
Like I said, you're completely lost on Mexican Imperialism pillaging the USA. You don't have to show it. We know.:rolleyes:

Bet you didn't click the links, did you ?
Long gone is the imperialism of the Vandals and Visigoths in Rome. .

The Visigoths lead by Alaric pillaged Rome, and these Visigoths were immigrants of Rome, who were bought into do the dirty work Romans didn't want to do.

The Visigoths resented Romans, and in the end bought them down.

Sound familiar?

If one can't connect the dots of Mexicans in the U.S.A, or Muslims in Western Europe being strikingly similar, there is no hope for that individual.

Liberals WANT the U.S. brought down.

This video about sums it up.

I would love to watch someone burn Mexican Flags in front of these Parasitic Son Of A Bitches.
Yes, to some on the left, it is our "failure" to convince the right wing to bear True Witness to our Commerce Clause, simply for the sake of, international Public Morals.
- thread is about REMITTANCES and 21st century IMPERIALISM. Please stay ON TOPIC.
Well, why wouldn’t they be ? Does anyone think that the liberal MSM is going to report the true picture about illegal immigration ? To get that, one has to seek it out on the internet. And that is something liberals just don’t do.

OK. Let’s get down to the nitty gritty. The primary thing to know about illegal immigration, is that it is simply modern day, 21st century IMPERIALISM. Long gone is the imperialism of the Vandals and Visigoths in Rome. The swords and backpacks of the Vikings in England. The guns and bombs of the Japs in China, and Nazis in France.

All that has been replaced (except for ISIS), with a newer, cleaner, more efficient means of pillaging the prey country for its wealth/resources. This entails sending millions of low wage workers into the prey country, to steal jobs from its workers, and send Billions$$ per year back to the home (imperialist) country.

This could be earnings from work or welfare $$. In either case, it is money being extracted out of the prey country’s (ex. USA) economy, and sent (usually wired) to the imperialist country (ex. Mexico), where it is promptly spent in that country’s stores (AKA the Mexican economy), thereby re-inserting it into the imperialist country’s economy.

In another OP, I asked about this internationally, wired imperialism-money (REMITTANCES). Liberals responded with question marks. They didn’t know what I was talking about. Of course not. Liberal OMISSION media never mentions the word “remittances”. And after decades of being a liberal myself, and watch MSM news, I had never heard the word before. I only first heard “remittances” mentioned, on reports by Lou Dobbs on his old CNN show.

These were about then Mexican president Vicente Fox gloating about the Billions$$/year of remittances, Mexico was plundering of the US economy, and that being Mexico’s top source of income, Fox claimed. See link >> Vicente Fox Says Remittances Largest Source Of Revenue Since 2003, Gloats At Getting Illegals And Matricula Consular Into US : Diggers Realm

EARTH TO LIBERALS: This is 2017. Imperialists now pillage prey countries with remittances (and, with Mexico, the anchor baby racket), and the US is currently the # 1 VICTIM of imperialism, with losses of $133 Billion/year (See link) >> Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2015

The top imperialist countries against the US are 1) Mexico… 2) China… 3) India. India carries out its international burglary by the influx of STEM workers, sent to Hi-Tech companies on H1B visas ( a process President Trump took action against just yesterday). The illegal side of it is also now being attended to by Trump, by stepped up enforcement of immigration law, and deportation of illegal aliens (no more Clinton-Bush-Obama style “catch & release”)

So, I hope liberals, after reading this (and the links), fully understand that all this illegal invasion of our nation, is a 21st century form of the same imperialism that Vikings engaged in a millennium ago. Only difference is Mexico raked in $ 24.3 Billion out of the US economy, in 2015. Never in their wildest dreams did the Vikings ever achieve a looting that big. The Vikings would be envious.

Let's say that we stop all remittances immediately. That is 25 BILLION DOLLARS a year that stays right here in the United States. Now, we get no extra production, we get no extra "goods", we just get to keep 20 billion dollars here that usually is sent away. That is 20 billion more dollars chasing the same goods. Are you somehow under the impression that would be a good thing?

Good post, but you miss the main point.

Liberal Leftist Loons aren't being fooled by mis-understanding the nature of the Mexican Invasion. They know most of the Invaders will vote DEMOCRATIC as soon as they have the chance---which in places like California---is immediately.

Texas is what they want.

Obama's entire immigration policy can be summed up in three words: TURN TEXAS BLUE.

He took an oath to enforce the laws of this nation, and instead of doing that, he actively undermined those very laws....and encouraged a Mexican Invasion of the sort you address...but solely to serve a malignant political purpose---Marxism.

He's a Traitor, and so is every Democratic Official in every Rotting City who gives Sanctuary to the Invaders.

Yes, many Liberals are soft on illegal immigrants for votes, and brownie points.

But, ultimately Capitalism is the bigger issue, the Capitalists are the ones hiring the illegal immigrants in mass.

Many Capitalists frigging love cheap labor profits extracted at our expense, by cutting our throats to hire illegal immigrants just because it's cheaper.
They have no problem whatsoever with illegal immigration, and work day and night to create safe spaces for them.
To them, 'Illegal' immigration doesn't even exist.
I agree, they love to tell american citizens to fk off!
"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally,"

Ronnie Raygun super liberal?
Why should those who disrespected our laws (and therefore us) be entitled to anything, in America, especially when they are stealing our jobs, and raiding our economy for $133 Billion/year. Are you lost ?
Yes, many Liberals are soft on illegal immigrants for votes, and brownie points.

But, ultimately Capitalism is the bigger issue, the Capitalists are the ones hiring the illegal immigrants in mass.

Many Capitalists frigging love cheap labor profits extracted at our expense, by cutting our throats to hire illegal immigrants just because it's cheaper.
Businesses seeking cheap labor and liberals looking for votes are 2 of a long list of vested interests in America, who want illegal aliens. Here's that list >>

1. Spanish media needing Spanish-only speakers (ex. Univision, which Jorge Ramos, a top Trump critic is a news anchor for).

2. Businesses wanting cheap labor to boost their profits.

3. Churches wanting parishoners to fill their empty pews.

4. Unions wanting members to replace their declining memberships.

5. Ethnocentrist organizations wanting immigrants to multiply their race, for racist reasons (ex. La Raza- "the race")

6. Democrats seek VOTES (and get them).

7. Terrorists come in to enact terrorism (ex. the 9-11 hijackers came in on visas)

8. Anchor baby parents who become LEGALLY entitled to welfare benefits by having the pregnant woman give birth on the American side of the border. And then help themselves to a lifetime of benefits (more immigrants are receiving welfare benefits than native-born Americans).

9. Mexico - remittances$$$ from the USA are their second largest source of income (second only to their oil exports) Mexico also benefits immensely by dumping their poor people on the US, as we then stupidly pay their poverty bill for them. Other countries also benefit from remittances and poverty dumping.

10. Mexico's reconquista of the American southwest. I take the Mexican govt at it's word when it says that is exactly its plan.
Yes, many Liberals are soft on illegal immigrants for votes, and brownie points.

But, ultimately Capitalism is the bigger issue, the Capitalists are the ones hiring the illegal immigrants in mass.

Many Capitalists frigging love cheap labor profits extracted at our expense, by cutting our throats to hire illegal immigrants just because it's cheaper.
Businesses seeking cheap labor and liberals looking for votes are 2 of a long list of vested interests in America, who want illegal aliens. Here's that list >>

1. Spanish media needing Spanish-only speakers (ex. Univision, which Jorge Ramos, a top Trump critic is a news anchor for).

2. Businesses wanting cheap labor to boost their profits.

3. Churches wanting parishoners to fill their empty pews.

4. Unions wanting members to replace their declining memberships.

5. Ethnocentrist organizations wanting immigrants to multiply their race, for racist reasons (ex. La Raza- "the race")

6. Democrats seek VOTES (and get them).

7. Terrorists come in to enact terrorism (ex. the 9-11 hijackers came in on visas)

8. Anchor baby parents who become LEGALLY entitled to welfare benefits by having the pregnant woman give birth on the American side of the border. And then help themselves to a lifetime of benefits (more immigrants are receiving welfare benefits than native-born Americans).

9. Mexico - remittances$$$ from the USA are their second largest source of income (second only to their oil exports) Mexico also benefits immensely by dumping their poor people on the US, as we then stupidly pay their poverty bill for them. Other countries also benefit from remittances and poverty dumping.

10. Mexico's reconquista of the American southwest. I take the Mexican govt at it's word when it says that is exactly its plan.

Why not just have the Federal Reserve print off replacement dollars for those remitted to foreign countries. It would provide the same result as keeping the money here.

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