Liberalism/Cultural Marxism/Insanity


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

I guarantee not one libtard can explain this away...its an indisputable fact.
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I guarantee not one libtard can explain this away...its an indisputable fact.

These statements are part of the PC propaganda used to bombard and screw with Americans' minds to make them feel guilty and totally confused about everything so they can be easily controlled.

This stuff was designed by behavioral psychologists to condition us to result in the type of behavior those behind the PC propaganda want. We all are being controlled and we don't even know it.

Those behind all of this are the wealthiest 1% of the entire world, and they have been working since the early 1900's to create a NEW WORLD ORDER-PC term for Communism - where they are the rulers of the entire world, controlling the property, rights, and religion of every person. Back to the feudal days.

Who better to help bring all of us down so we will get there as soon as possible?! Islamic Jihadists...who believe in living in the Stone Age. They are a good choice to get the job done.

Our problem is much more deep and hidden than fighting liberals or conservatives, as it starts from this global elite and works its way out into our big corporations, all levels of our government and military, the Press which is owned by them, and into the public's mind. The Global Elite want to start chaos and war.....they are the ones who make money on it.

Billions and Trillions is not enough money for them. They get off on the power and the cruelty imposed on us.

Ever seen HUNGER GAMES? This is what the US in a NEW WORLD ORDER would look like in many ways.
Cultural Marxism: Nobel Scientist Sacked for Making Innocent Joke about Women

We just heard about the Miami high-school principal fired for soberly disagreeing on social media with the McKinney narrative. Now comes an even more outrageous story involving what’s usually called political correctness, but should really be labeled what it is: evil.

Sir Tim Hunt is a darn good scientist. So good, apparently, that he won the 2001 Nobel Prize in physiology. But none of this matters to the University College London, which just forced this esteemed mind to resign over a joke he made at a conference on women in science in South Korea. The quip has been called “sexist,” you see.

And what was his trespass? Did he take the podium drunken and make lewd comments about women’s anatomy? Was it a remark about wife-battery? It must be just awful, as the 39 words uttered have now ended his career. Here’s the joke he told attendees:

“Let me tell you about my trouble with girls. Three things happen when they are in the lab. You fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticize them, they cry.”

Cultural Marxism: Nobel Scientist Sacked for Making Innocent Joke about Women

By Selwyn Duke

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