Liberal Policies, More Crime


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
We have seen that when Liberals are in charge of policy, crime rates soar.

And there are those who view prison sentences, and the death penalty, as being unreasonable and unnecessary deterrents against crime, yet one should carefully consider the the following data before relying on policies that coddle offenders.

1. In 1982, a Rand study of prison inmates found that each committed between 187 and 287 non-drug crimes a year while out on the street.

2. In 1992, the ATF study found that criminals with at least three violent felony convictions committed some 160 crimes per year.

3. And, when viewed from the other side, the stats are even worse!
In the United States, the lifetime costs for all persons who are injured due to rape, robbery, assault and arson and those who are murdered are estimated to be $325.3 billion. This includes:

• $6.1 billion in medical costs
• $4.9 billion in mental health costs
• $37.4 billion in future earnings
• $1.2 billion in public programs
• $1.5 billion in property damage
• $274.2 billion in quality of life lost
The costs are based on 1996 U.S. incidence and are reported in 1997 dollars. Cost

Need it be added that the psychological costs to victims is far worse?

3. Democrat Carter-appointed Liberal judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of Liberal federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …single-handedly decriminalized property and drug crimes in the City of Brotherly Love….And in the past 18 months alone, 9,732 arrestees, out on the streets on pre-trial release because of her prison cap, were arrested on second charges, including 79 murders, 90 rapes, 701 burglaries, 959 robberies, 1,113 assaults, 2,215 drug offenses and 2,748 thefts….Activist judges such as Shapiro and Justice assert that prison crowding violates the Eighth Amendment's ban on cruel and unusual punishments. But there is no empirical evidence to substantiate this assertion. In every study of the subject, the widely believed negative effects of crowding - violence, program disruption, health problems and so on - are nowhere in evidence.” Activist Judges Earn Dunce Caps For Their Prison Caps - Page 3 -

We see over and over again: for Liberals, feeling passes for knowing. "But there is no empirical evidence to substantiate this assertion."

a. In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Liberals lied, black kids died.
Coulter, "Mugged"

4. “Recent evidence, however, suggests that the death penalty, when carried out, has an enormous deterrent effect on the number of murders. More precisely, our recent research shows that each execution carried out is correlated with about 74 fewer murders the following year. For any society concerned about human life, that type of evidence is something that should be taken very seriously.

It is possible that this correlated relationship could be mere coincidence, so we did a regression analysis on the 26-year relationship. The association was significant at the .00005 level, which meant the odds against the pattern being simply a random happening are about 18,000 to one. Further analysis revealed that each execution seems to be associated with 71 fewer murders in the year the execution took place.”
Capital Punishment Works -

The Bible notes, “Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed quickly, therefore the hearts of the sons of men among them are given fully to do evil” (Ecclesiastes 8:11).

It is a huge mistake to place those with Liberal/Progressive inclinations to be placed in a position to make public policy.
Murder Rates in Death Penalty States and Non-Death Penalty States
Murder Rates in Death Penalty States and Non-Death Penalty States

1. BoringFriendlessGuy.....didn't you want to say something about the OP to which you were ostensibly responding???

No? agree with every single word in my post!!!

Good you're learning! (Who knew that was possible???)

2. Now....your pretty graph....who created it?

a....doesn't suggest what the murder rates would have been without the death penalty, does it?

b. Doesn't examine the effect on potential murders in the non-death penalty stated when they see their brethren put to death...does it?

You sure you can't find anything to disagree with in the OP?

What fun is that???
Murder Rates in Death Penalty States and Non-Death Penalty States

1. BoringFriendlessGuy.....didn't you want to say something about the OP to which you were ostensibly responding???

No? agree with every single word in my post!!!

Good you're learning! (Who knew that was possible???)

2. Now....your pretty graph....who created it?

a....doesn't suggest what the murder rates would have been without the death penalty, does it?

b. Doesn't examine the effect on potential murders in the non-death penalty stated when they see their brethren put to death...does it?

You sure you can't find anything to disagree with in the OP?

What fun is that???

Logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.

If the death penalty truly is a deterrent, then the graph should show LOWER murder rates in states that HAVE capital punishment, not higher.

Do you REALLY believe someone who commits murder plans on being caught? Does any possible future punishment even enter their minds??
Murder Rates in Death Penalty States and Non-Death Penalty States

1. BoringFriendlessGuy.....didn't you want to say something about the OP to which you were ostensibly responding???

No? agree with every single word in my post!!!

Good you're learning! (Who knew that was possible???)

2. Now....your pretty graph....who created it?

a....doesn't suggest what the murder rates would have been without the death penalty, does it?

b. Doesn't examine the effect on potential murders in the non-death penalty stated when they see their brethren put to death...does it?

You sure you can't find anything to disagree with in the OP?

What fun is that???

Logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.

If the death penalty truly is a deterrent, then the graph should show LOWER murder rates in states that HAVE capital punishment, not higher.

Do you REALLY believe someone who commits murder plans on being caught? Does any possible future punishment even enter their minds??

1. What is the source of the one can judge perspective.

2. "If the death penalty truly is a deterrent, then the graph should show LOWER murder rates in states that HAVE capital punishment, not higher."

a. Unarguably, it deters the recipient....and society would never have to see a repeat of the crime.

b. One has no way of knowing from the graph what the murder rate would have been sans the death penalty, now what effect the penalty has in other states.

c. A review of executions and homicides in Texas by criminologist Raymond Teske at Sam Houston in Huntsville and Duke sociologists Kenneth Land and Hui Zheng concludes a monthly decline of between 0.5 to 2.5 homicides in Texas follows each execution.
The StandDown Texas Project: Deterrence

3. The following is from a study which determined that there isn't enough information to construct a kind of graph that you provide:

"....information it could be concluded that actively performing executions does not lower the homicide rate therefore does not deter crime but after finding the standard deviation of the calculations it is determined that there is too much variability to reach this conclusion accurately." Methods/Student Papers/Crime/Hunt-Death penalty.pdf

4. "Do you REALLY believe someone who commits murder plans on being caught? Does any possible future punishment even enter their minds??"

Is it possible that you don't see that an answer on either side of that question is equally valid?

Yup...I've seen your're unable to see that.

5. Not only do I believe murderers should be put to death....

...but I believe that 20 years of appeals defeats the purpose of the penalty.

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