Liberal OMISSION Media Strikes Again


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
You know why liberals are so ignorant on political things ? It's because their OMISSION media (CNN, MSNBC, PBS, CBS, NBC, etc) OMITS so many important things. This is how liberals have become the most information-deprived people in America.

Yesterday, on Meet the Press and Face the Nation, panel members yammered on and on about Trump's use of a vulgar word. Completely omitted, was a discussion of his QUESTION about why so many immigrants are admitted to America from poor/unstable countries, as opposed to from prosperous ones.

Conservatives know the answer. It's because liberals want poor people coming here whom they can offer welfare benefits to, and in return, extract VOTES from them. Conversely, the prosperous people from countries like Norway, don't need welfare or low-skilled jobs, and thus don't fit into the Democrats' VOTE-feeding machine.

Then there's the race thing. That's just a smokescreen liberals come up with, to cover up their real agenda , while villianizing Republicans. I wish I had a $10 bill for every time Democrats have twisted something into a racial issue.
Trump was referring to them being poor..from ''shithole'' [ if even said ] countries
I've asked many libs on this forum--if I said ''he lives in a shithole''--would that be racist
no answers so far

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