Liberal Media Trying To Out Our Seals?


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
SEAL-spotting becomes local sport in Virginia Beach after bin Laden raid

VIRGINIA BEACH — Finding a Navy SEAL in this city should be easy. This is where hundreds of America’s most elite warriors are based. This is where their heroic exploits are celebrated and retold, especially since a team of Navy SEALs killed Osama bin Laden in a bold raid on the al-Qaeda mastermind’s Pakistani hideout.

But finding a real, active-duty SEAL in this beach resort — not to mention one of the 20 or so members of SEAL Team 6 who swept into bin Laden’s compound early this month — is like chasing echoes in a fun house.

.Almost everyone has a military pedigree in this Navy town, so almost everyone claims to know a SEAL, a former SEAL or somebody else who does. After a while, you start thinking you see them everywhere, until you realize that even here, in the heart of SEAL country, all those years of speculation about bin Laden’s whereabouts have been replaced by a new post-Sept. 11 mystery: Where is the SEAL, or SEALs, who put the bullets in bin Laden? Someone has to know around here.

“They say they know who did it or they know someone who knows someone who did it,” said Carlie Kinzey, 18, a server at the Raven restaurant, which was a popular hangout for SEALs years ago when SEAL commando-turned-novelist Dick Marcinko’s daughter waited tables there.

Without fanfare, SEAL Team 6, as it’s popularly known, returned to its base outside this city last weekend after a congratulatory visit with President Obama. The Navy Times, citing unnamed sources, said the elite commandos — who actually go by the official name of Naval Special Warfare Development Group, or DevGru — are divided into four color-coded squadrons based at Dam Neck, Va. Of those, Red Squadron got the call because its 50 or so members, about half of whom were chosen for the raid, were on alert.

Since then, SEALs have become the object of almost feverish attention here, with many people feeling proud of their warriors’ heroics, protective of their identities and a little paranoid about the possibility of some al-Qaeda payback.

SEAL-spotting becomes local sport in Virginia Beach after bin Laden raid - The Washington Post
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SEAL-spotting becomes local sport in Virginia Beach after bin Laden raid

VIRGINIA BEACH — Finding a Navy SEAL in this city should be easy. This is where hundreds of America’s most elite warriors are based. This is where their heroic exploits are celebrated and retold, especially since a team of Navy SEALs killed Osama bin Laden in a bold raid on the al-Qaeda mastermind’s Pakistani hideout.

But finding a real, active-duty SEAL in this beach resort — not to mention one of the 20 or so members of SEAL Team 6 who swept into bin Laden’s compound early this month — is like chasing echoes in a fun house.


Weigh InCorrections?


Seal Team 6, the team of Navy SEALs who killed Osama bin Laden, are known at the Pentagon as a tier one force - reserved for high priority targets. (May 6)

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.Almost everyone has a military pedigree in this Navy town, so almost everyone claims to know a SEAL, a former SEAL or somebody else who does. After a while, you start thinking you see them everywhere, until you realize that even here, in the heart of SEAL country, all those years of speculation about bin Laden’s whereabouts have been replaced by a new post-Sept. 11 mystery: Where is the SEAL, or SEALs, who put the bullets in bin Laden? Someone has to know around here.

“They say they know who did it or they know someone who knows someone who did it,” said Carlie Kinzey, 18, a server at the Raven restaurant, which was a popular hangout for SEALs years ago when SEAL commando-turned-novelist Dick Marcinko’s daughter waited tables there.

Without fanfare, SEAL Team 6, as it’s popularly known, returned to its base outside this city last weekend after a congratulatory visit with President Obama. The Navy Times, citing unnamed sources, said the elite commandos — who actually go by the official name of Naval Special Warfare Development Group, or DevGru — are divided into four color-coded squadrons based at Dam Neck, Va. Of those, Red Squadron got the call because its 50 or so members, about half of whom were chosen for the raid, were on alert.

Since then, SEALs have become the object of almost feverish attention here, with many people feeling proud of their warriors’ heroics, protective of their identities and a little paranoid about the possibility of some al-Qaeda payback.

SEAL-spotting becomes local sport in Virginia Beach after bin Laden raid - The Washington Post

And we watch the SEALS at the beaches by the Amphib Base near Coronado for years and years and years. So?
Security reasons aside, why is it that the media assumes everyone wants and needs attention? There are people in this world who like to do their work anonymously. Not everyone is an attention whore. Not everyone needs constant praise for what they do.

Why can't the media just leave em alone?

You want to thank Seal Team 6? Be a good American. Everyday. For the rest of your life.
Liberal Media Trying To Out Our Seals?

Why do you contribute this to liberalism? Any average journalist is plenty nosey, regardless of political views, and would love to be the first to break that story.
Security reasons aside, why is it that the media assumes everyone wants and needs attention? There are people in this world who like to do their work anonymously. Not everyone is an attention whore. Not everyone needs constant praise for what they do.

Why can't the media just leave em alone?

You want to thank Seal Team 6? Be a good American. Everyday. For the rest of your life.

'Cult of personality'...

And NO I'll spare the board the VID *this time*...

Liberal Media Trying To Out Our Seals?

Why do you contribute this to liberalism? Any average journalist is plenty nosey, regardless of political views, and would love to be the first to break that story.

Because these are liberal papers who print classified info, they have been for years. New York times, Washington Post, L.A. Times, These people wont be happy till they find out the names of the seals who killed Bin-Laden that’s the way it is...traitorous bustards .:evil:
If you watch FOX they have as much if not more coverage than the rest of the media.

Were you all as upset of Valerie Plame? probably not. How sad.
If you watch FOX they have as much if not more coverage than the rest of the media.

Were you all as upset of Valerie Plame? probably not. How sad.

Valerie Plame?....:lol: What a bunch of bullshit that was. Friken publicity hounds and political hacks and you compare them to our seals? :cuckoo: The New York times gleefully leaked classified info throughout the Bush administration and will continue to do so.
If you watch FOX they have as much if not more coverage than the rest of the media.

Were you all as upset of Valerie Plame? probably not. How sad.

Valerie Plame?....:lol: What a bunch of bullshit that was. Friken publicity hounds and political hacks and you compare them to our seals? :cuckoo: The New York times gleefully leaked classified info throughout the Bush administration and will continue to do so.

In order to leak info it must originate somewhere. So if Bush had leaks in his administration that must mean the his people were responsible for the leaks. I believe that our seals and all of our covert operatives deserve the same respect and protection regardless of their politics and who is in charge. The fact that you can't see that makes me wonder.
SEAL-spotting becomes local sport in Virginia Beach after bin Laden raid

VIRGINIA BEACH — Finding a Navy SEAL in this city should be easy. This is where hundreds of America’s most elite warriors are based. This is where their heroic exploits are celebrated and retold, especially since a team of Navy SEALs killed Osama bin Laden in a bold raid on the al-Qaeda mastermind’s Pakistani hideout.

But finding a real, active-duty SEAL in this beach resort — not to mention one of the 20 or so members of SEAL Team 6 who swept into bin Laden’s compound early this month — is like chasing echoes in a fun house.

.Almost everyone has a military pedigree in this Navy town, so almost everyone claims to know a SEAL, a former SEAL or somebody else who does. After a while, you start thinking you see them everywhere, until you realize that even here, in the heart of SEAL country, all those years of speculation about bin Laden’s whereabouts have been replaced by a new post-Sept. 11 mystery: Where is the SEAL, or SEALs, who put the bullets in bin Laden? Someone has to know around here.

“They say they know who did it or they know someone who knows someone who did it,” said Carlie Kinzey, 18, a server at the Raven restaurant, which was a popular hangout for SEALs years ago when SEAL commando-turned-novelist Dick Marcinko’s daughter waited tables there.

Without fanfare, SEAL Team 6, as it’s popularly known, returned to its base outside this city last weekend after a congratulatory visit with President Obama. The Navy Times, citing unnamed sources, said the elite commandos — who actually go by the official name of Naval Special Warfare Development Group, or DevGru — are divided into four color-coded squadrons based at Dam Neck, Va. Of those, Red Squadron got the call because its 50 or so members, about half of whom were chosen for the raid, were on alert.

Since then, SEALs have become the object of almost feverish attention here, with many people feeling proud of their warriors’ heroics, protective of their identities and a little paranoid about the possibility of some al-Qaeda payback.

SEAL-spotting becomes local sport in Virginia Beach after bin Laden raid - The Washington Post

As usual the title you chose is disingenuous. Where in the link provided does it show how the media liberal or otherwise is attempting to "OUT" the SEALs??

You really are totally full of shit.
SEAL-spotting becomes local sport in Virginia Beach after bin Laden raid

VIRGINIA BEACH — Finding a Navy SEAL in this city should be easy. This is where hundreds of America’s most elite warriors are based. This is where their heroic exploits are celebrated and retold, especially since a team of Navy SEALs killed Osama bin Laden in a bold raid on the al-Qaeda mastermind’s Pakistani hideout.

But finding a real, active-duty SEAL in this beach resort — not to mention one of the 20 or so members of SEAL Team 6 who swept into bin Laden’s compound early this month — is like chasing echoes in a fun house.

.Almost everyone has a military pedigree in this Navy town, so almost everyone claims to know a SEAL, a former SEAL or somebody else who does. After a while, you start thinking you see them everywhere, until you realize that even here, in the heart of SEAL country, all those years of speculation about bin Laden’s whereabouts have been replaced by a new post-Sept. 11 mystery: Where is the SEAL, or SEALs, who put the bullets in bin Laden? Someone has to know around here.

“They say they know who did it or they know someone who knows someone who did it,” said Carlie Kinzey, 18, a server at the Raven restaurant, which was a popular hangout for SEALs years ago when SEAL commando-turned-novelist Dick Marcinko’s daughter waited tables there.

Without fanfare, SEAL Team 6, as it’s popularly known, returned to its base outside this city last weekend after a congratulatory visit with President Obama. The Navy Times, citing unnamed sources, said the elite commandos — who actually go by the official name of Naval Special Warfare Development Group, or DevGru — are divided into four color-coded squadrons based at Dam Neck, Va. Of those, Red Squadron got the call because its 50 or so members, about half of whom were chosen for the raid, were on alert.

Since then, SEALs have become the object of almost feverish attention here, with many people feeling proud of their warriors’ heroics, protective of their identities and a little paranoid about the possibility of some al-Qaeda payback.

SEAL-spotting becomes local sport in Virginia Beach after bin Laden raid - The Washington Post

As usual the title you chose is disingenuous. Where in the link provided does it show how the media liberal or otherwise is attempting to "OUT" the SEALs??

You really are totally full of shit.

Umm....there was a question mark in there genius:eusa_whistle:
Security reasons aside, why is it that the media assumes everyone wants and needs attention? There are people in this world who like to do their work anonymously. Not everyone is an attention whore. Not everyone needs constant praise for what they do.

Why can't the media just leave em alone?

You want to thank Seal Team 6? Be a good American. Everyday. For the rest of your life.
If you watch FOX they have as much if not more coverage than the rest of the media.

Were you all as upset of Valerie Plame? probably not. How sad.

Valerie Plame?....:lol: What a bunch of bullshit that was. Friken publicity hounds and political hacks and you compare them to our seals? :cuckoo: The New York times gleefully leaked classified info throughout the Bush administration and will continue to do so.

In order to leak info it must originate somewhere. So if Bush had leaks in his administration that must mean the his people were responsible for the leaks. I believe that our seals and all of our covert operatives deserve the same respect and protection regardless of their politics and who is in charge. The fact that you can't see that makes me wonder.

:eusa_eh:Just becouse we had a Republican president doen't mean all the liberal hacks are out of the government idiot
This is much ado about nothing.

First of all, I don't think this is a matter of "liberal" media vs. "conservative" media. It's just the media without regard to political affiliation. It's a matter of catching the Big Scoop, whether in print, newscast or internet.

Second of all, I can understand the appeal. The Navy SEALs are the embodiment of everything that was portrayed in the Rambo movies. These guys are the real deal and make the movie exploits of Arnold Schwarzenegger look like kids stuff. They are James Bond in government-issue fatigues. And what they do is real.

Third of all, from the absolutely pin-point accuracy of SEAL snipers who took out all three pirates with head shots over a rolling sea as one of them held an AK-47 rifle to an American hostage's head to the killing of bin Laden, this is the stuff even Hollywood would fuck up because no one in Hollywood thinks it would be possible for the military to act with such precision and accuracy. Yet the SEALs did just that a little over a year ago when Captain Richard Phillips was being held by four pirates. When they took the bin Laden compound, they did it some 60-75 miles behind the Pakistani border with the clear understanding that they may be fired upon and killed or captured if the Pakistanis ever found out. And they were able to go in, take out the target cleanly, sweep up a treasure trove of intelligence data, and clear out before the Pakistanis could react. Again, Hollywood would fuck it up because those pinheads simply don't believe that our military has this type of capability. Point here is that I can understand why the media would want to reach out and touch one of these super warriors who make the movie version of Jason Bourne look like a pussy.

I don't see a security concern here. I was stationed at Fort Bragg where we had a wide variety of snake eaters from your run of the mill paratrooper to the Jedi Knight-type Green Beret. If some perp was stupid enough to try a home invasion in the Fayetteville, NC area, there was a chance that the owner was well-versed in hand-to-hand combat, had several personally-owned firearms, and a no-nonsense attitude about killing. I really don't see much of a difference with Virginia Beach. Plus, given the close-knit nature of the military in general, elite units in particular, I think the families are in good hands.

This story is a non-issue.
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I can walk through the Navy Exchange complex in Norfolk any day at lunch time and identify Navy Seals. They're the ones wearing the Bud/s pins. Nothing too complicated about "outing" Seals. The media is always trying to sensationalize everything.

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