Liberal media bias harming the truth, creating hate. Could you imagine if GWB....

Look, I have listened to Hannity and Rush, also Olbermann and Schultz. All are the same they just spout their opinions with the news events that appeals to their audience. Now if you want to listen to the news with a slant, that's your right. I prefer to get the news with no slant, just the facts. That means no Fox, no MSNBC, no talk radio, just the factual news. That's my right and it gives be an objective starting point to form my own opinion, not someone else's opinion.


The partisan blabbers' flocks like to crow that their heroes speak The Truth, when all they're doing is pushing their wing's half of the truth. Sadly, these people are perfectly happy with that, and try to spin it by saying something like, "well, the other side doesn't deserve to be heard."

There's a ton of incurious, intellectually lazy people out there, folks who just won't challenge their own beliefs.


The main stream reports 0 half truths and as was stated in the "lie of the year" they lie about things that are so serious it effected the outcome of the whitehouse
HUGE difference

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