Liberal McCarthy Witch Hunt Blows Up In Their Faces


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015



History of Exchanging Gifts...

Pelosi’s History of Meeting with Russian Officials & Exchanging Gifts with Them | Need To Know Network

"Pelosi herself has had contact with key Russian officials while serving in Congress. In 2007, Pelosi, then-Speaker of the House of Representatives, held a hearing with Russian officials during which Konstantin I. Kosachev, who was at the time the Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, presented Pelosi with a gift.

During that hearing, Pelosi expressed her desire to go to Russia and vist the Duma in Russia. Then she shook hands with members of the Russian deligation and exchanged gifts with Kosachev. In 2017, Kosachev said that “Russophobia” was a pandemic in Donald Trump’s administration.

Additionally, in 2008, Pelosi attend Group of Eight(G8) meeting in Hiroshima, Japan where she posed for a picture with Boris Gryzlov of Russia, who at the time was the Speaker of Russia’s State Duma."


The snowflakes' witch hunt has blown up in their faces, as many of Trump's/Sessions' accuserd have benn exposed as having lied (Pelosi, Schumer, McCaskill...) about their 'communications' / meetings with Russians...some having a history of exchanging gifts with them (Pelosi and...?)

If they want to start 'McCarty-istic' hearings to bring potential 'Commies' / those who have a history of meeting with Russians we can start by bringing Pelosi and Schumer before their 'Tribunal'.

This all started out for them as an attempt to change the focus of them being exposed as racists, sexisys, homophobes, and anti-Semites after their e-mails were hacked and released to a false Russian narrative-based attack on the Trunp it has, as stated, blown up in their faces, exposing them as hypocritical, lying 'Commie Lovers'. :p the way, they still refuse to approve all of Trump's Cabinet. I guess they want the chance to approve then attack / 'politically assassinate' them all one at a time over the next year...or longer...
If someone like Trump wants to establish a partnership with Russia, how it is possible without any talks with Russian officials? Looks like liberals (+Republicans like McCain&Graham) are attacking the idea of partnership with Russia.

If somebody is unable to create anything positive, it's a lot easier to destroy something positive. Just an observation.
Last edited: is only getting worse for Democrats....Obama illegally wire-tapping Trump.

Remember the last Episode of 'Seinfeld'? Put Obama, Hillary, Holder, and Pelosi in a cell together...

If someone like Trump wants to establish a partnership with Russia, how it is possible without any talks with Russian officials? Looks like liberals (+Republicans like McCain&Graham) are attacking the idea of partnership with Russia.

If somebody is unable to create anything positive, it's a lot easier to destroy something positive. Just an observation.
Should have waited. But the traitor did not want because he has traitorous intentions.

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