Liberal Immigration Policy is Killing Sweden


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
Liberal Immigration Policy is Killing Sweden

Keep this in mind when you debate liberal open borders types who want to reward illegal immigration in the US. Sweden will be dead in the next 10-20 years and immigration is her death knell.

[ame=]Swedish Muslim Immigration Problem - YouTube[/ame]
It's just so fucking retarded and befuddling. Dr Kevin MacDonald PHD has written extensively on the subject of the altruism that appears to be inherent in whites. Inherent and insane because it is often to their own detriment. Literally crazy. Self-destruction of race/culture/society, and all voluntary.

Watch the pendulum snap back and issue major destruction though. We've seen glimpses.
It's just so fucking retarded and befuddling. Dr Kevin MacDonald PHD has written extensively on the subject of the altruism that appears to be inherent in whites. Inherent and insane because it is often to their own detriment. Literally crazy. Self-destruction of race/culture/society, and all voluntary.

Watch the pendulum snap back and issue major destruction though. We've seen glimpses.

Multiculturalism is a western ideal that leads to nothing other than the importation of people who certainly don't believe in multiculturalism. Sweden is currently granting asylum to all those who wish to leave Syria as we speak. This will lead further to more parasites sucking off of the Swedish welfare teat and gradually destroy one of the most historically successful cultures in world history. Take note United States! Liberal immigration policies + welfare may create a great Democrat voting block, however, you will slowly destroy the worlds most powerful country from the inside out if you import moochers at the taxpayers expense.
Let me tell what’s going on here: Buku stuff: Oil and the Bush Family, their relationship to Bin laden and the middle east. Or their wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. And then there is Obama and gay marriage and forced mandatory healthcare and legalizing marijuana ... So well meaning. You know, like the road to hell. It’s a political mess. I live in Denver. I am seeing the results of weak political representation. Legal pot and politicizing and minimizing illegal immigration and legitimizing homosexual marriage. You know what they say about the road to hell…? (I personally helped a illegal woman flee from her abusive Mexican spouse that was trying to kill her…!), But NOW? My sister recently divorced a man that later became a woman (transsexual) and later divorced her for another man . And I had a relative marry an illegal and have kids , so, yeah I get this entire issue. I get this crap aright, then some.
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This sucks but this is what anti-science religion fucks do. :(

Odd that, I am agnostic and a European American that has roots in this land for over 100 years , I have a sense of history. America wasn't founded by or for bipartisanism, bisexuals or bilinguals. I have a sense of identity as an American. Now a days, we "Americans" have no sense of identity. Little sense of history…We accept anything. I am sad to say, this country is lost.
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Let me tell what’s going on here: Buku stuff: Oil and the Bush Family, their relationship to Bin laden and the middle east. Or their wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. And then there is Obama and gay marriage and forced mandatory healthcare and legalizing marijuana ... So well meaning. You know, like the road to hell. It’s a political mess. I live in Denver. I am seeing the results of weak political representation. Legal pot and politicizing and minimizing illegal immigration and legitimizing homosexual marriage. You know what they say about the road to hell…? (I personally helped a illegal woman flee from her abusive Mexican spouse that was trying to kill her…!), But NOW? My sister recently divorced a man that later became a woman (transsexual) and later divorced her for another man . And I had a relative marry an illegal and have kids , so, yeah I get this entire issue. I get this crap aright, then some.

And what is your point?:eek:Who fucked up America in the first place and placed Native Americans on welfare?
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Let me tell what’s going on here: Buku stuff: Oil and the Bush Family, their relationship to Bin laden and the middle east. Or their wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. And then there is Obama and gay marriage and forced mandatory healthcare and legalizing marijuana ... So well meaning. You know, like the road to hell. It’s a political mess. I live in Denver. I am seeing the results of weak political representation. Legal pot and politicizing and minimizing illegal immigration and legitimizing homosexual marriage. You know what they say about the road to hell…? (I personally helped a illegal woman flee from her abusive Mexican spouse that was trying to kill her…!), But NOW? My sister recently divorced a man that later became a woman (transsexual) and later divorced her for another man . And I had a relative marry an illegal and have kids , so, yeah I get this entire issue. I get this crap aright, then some.

And what is your point?:eek:Who fucked up America in the first place and placed Native Americans on welfare?

It's coin toss here, kidd. Republicans loosened immigration law and destroyed unions, Regan gave illegals amnesty. Back in the 80s .And then relaxed restrictions on banks, to, if I am not mistaken Then destroyed unions, remember? We lost the unions and gain like 3 million or so illegal aliens, Isn’t that cute? Now in Obomaland we have over 24+ million illegals. NOW. Great ! I lost my job almost a year ago, Anyway, back at the ranch, massive bank failures in ‘08. ...Need I say I nearly lost everything? I remember piddly stuff this… DemoPublicans promise the moon, and then deliver squat. These creeps hurt a lot of people and time goes on and the people pretend not to notice. Suddenly twenty five years later…Here we are. Start noticing !
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Let me tell what’s going on here: Buku stuff: Oil and the Bush Family, their relationship to Bin laden and the middle east. Or their wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. And then there is Obama and gay marriage and forced mandatory healthcare and legalizing marijuana ... So well meaning. You know, like the road to hell. It’s a political mess. I live in Denver. I am seeing the results of weak political representation. Legal pot and politicizing and minimizing illegal immigration and legitimizing homosexual marriage. You know what they say about the road to hell…? (I personally helped a illegal woman flee from her abusive Mexican spouse that was trying to kill her…!), But NOW? My sister recently divorced a man that later became a woman (transsexual) and later divorced her for another man . And I had a relative marry an illegal and have kids , so, yeah I get this entire issue. I get this crap aright, then some.

And what is your point?:eek:Who fucked up America in the first place and placed Native Americans on welfare?

Yes, because we all know that America was a much better and more advanced civilization when Native Americans were exterminating Native Americans instead of Europeans exterminating Native Americans.
America wasn't founded by or for bipartisanism, bisexuals or bilinguals.

Many of the founding fathers were bilingual. Let me guess, they're not old enough to understand like you, right?
It is pretty difficult to immigrate to Sweden. I am not sure why some of you think it is easy to immigrate to Sweden.
It is pretty difficult to immigrate to Sweden. I am not sure why some of you think it is easy to immigrate to Sweden.

Evidently Muslims have found the Swedish immigration system quite favorable.
It is pretty difficult to immigrate to Sweden. I am not sure why some of you think it is easy to immigrate to Sweden.

It is difficult for White Americans and Europeans to immigrate there, but relatively easy for Muslim scumbags to immigrate there. They just have to make there and state they are political refugees and they're in!
It is pretty difficult to immigrate to Sweden. I am not sure why some of you think it is easy to immigrate to Sweden.

It is difficult for White Americans and Europeans to immigrate there, but relatively easy for Muslim scumbags to immigrate there. They just have to make there and state they are political refugees and they're in!

So, you "just" have to have a civil war in your country where thousands upon thousands are being killed, or spend years living in a tent in a refugee camp surrounded by disease and squalor, at the mercy of Lord knows who and then you can 'easily' seek asylum. What a scam! What a sweet deal!

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