Liberal has no answer when asked why enforcing immigration law is racist ( video)


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Video: Liberal Has No Answer When Asked Why Enforcing Immigration Laws Is ‘Racist’

"Why does your argument always take a turn into racial demagoguery?"

Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson wanted to know why the head of the New York City Council suggested that enforcing illegal immigration laws is racist, but his guest, a sanctuary cities advocate, couldn’t provide the answers.

The comments were made by Melissa Mark-Viverito at the National Conference on Sanctuary Cities, where she repeated claims she made earlier in the month that enforcing US immigration laws against those seeking to enter the country illegally was tantamount to ethnic cleansing.

The council speaker has claimed that “I think in the last couple of weeks .........................

Well there isn't anything to shocking about the liberal zombies that are open mouth insert foot..
Video: Liberal Has No Answer When Asked Why Enforcing Immigration Laws Is ‘Racist’

"Why does your argument always take a turn into racial demagoguery?"

Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson wanted to know why the head of the New York City Council suggested that enforcing illegal immigration laws is racist, but his guest, a sanctuary cities advocate, couldn’t provide the answers.

The comments were made by Melissa Mark-Viverito at the National Conference on Sanctuary Cities, where she repeated claims she made earlier in the month that enforcing US immigration laws against those seeking to enter the country illegally was tantamount to ethnic cleansing.

The council speaker has claimed that “I think in the last couple of weeks .........................

Well there isn't anything to shocking about the liberal zombies that are open mouth insert foot..

Is there anything you hear, see or read you won't use to put forth your agenda as a partisan hack?

"Tantamount" is likely a word beyond your grade level, and hyperbole is a rhetorical tool used to make a point.
Video: Liberal Has No Answer When Asked Why Enforcing Immigration Laws Is ‘Racist’

"Why does your argument always take a turn into racial demagoguery?"

Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson wanted to know why the head of the New York City Council suggested that enforcing illegal immigration laws is racist, but his guest, a sanctuary cities advocate, couldn’t provide the answers.

The comments were made by Melissa Mark-Viverito at the National Conference on Sanctuary Cities, where she repeated claims she made earlier in the month that enforcing US immigration laws against those seeking to enter the country illegally was tantamount to ethnic cleansing.

The council speaker has claimed that “I think in the last couple of weeks .........................

Well there isn't anything to shocking about the liberal zombies that are open mouth insert foot..

Is there anything you hear, see or read you won't use to put forth your agenda as a partisan hack?

"Tantamount" is likely a word beyond your grade level, and hyperbole is a rhetorical tool used to make a point.
Fancy way of saying lie......
Ah Tucker is doing his best Hannity impression. When someone asks how is something racist it's a sure bet they don't believe racism exists (again minorities) therefore no answer is valid.
Video: Liberal Has No Answer When Asked Why Enforcing Immigration Laws Is ‘Racist’

"Why does your argument always take a turn into racial demagoguery?"

Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson wanted to know why the head of the New York City Council suggested that enforcing illegal immigration laws is racist, but his guest, a sanctuary cities advocate, couldn’t provide the answers.

The comments were made by Melissa Mark-Viverito at the National Conference on Sanctuary Cities, where she repeated claims she made earlier in the month that enforcing US immigration laws against those seeking to enter the country illegally was tantamount to ethnic cleansing.

The council speaker has claimed that “I think in the last couple of weeks .........................

Well there isn't anything to shocking about the liberal zombies that are open mouth insert foot..

Is there anything you hear, see or read you won't use to put forth your agenda as a partisan hack?

"Tantamount" is likely a word beyond your grade level, and hyperbole is a rhetorical tool used to make a point.
Fancy way of saying lie......

Video: Liberal Has No Answer When Asked Why Enforcing Immigration Laws Is ‘Racist’

"Why does your argument always take a turn into racial demagoguery?"

Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson wanted to know why the head of the New York City Council suggested that enforcing illegal immigration laws is racist, but his guest, a sanctuary cities advocate, couldn’t provide the answers.

The comments were made by Melissa Mark-Viverito at the National Conference on Sanctuary Cities, where she repeated claims she made earlier in the month that enforcing US immigration laws against those seeking to enter the country illegally was tantamount to ethnic cleansing.

The council speaker has claimed that “I think in the last couple of weeks .........................

Well there isn't anything to shocking about the liberal zombies that are open mouth insert foot..

Is there anything you hear, see or read you won't use to put forth your agenda as a partisan hack?

"Tantamount" is likely a word beyond your grade level, and hyperbole is a rhetorical tool used to make a point.
Fancy way of saying lie......

Exactly...say anything ......
Video: Liberal Has No Answer When Asked Why Enforcing Immigration Laws Is ‘Racist’

"Why does your argument always take a turn into racial demagoguery?"

Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson wanted to know why the head of the New York City Council suggested that enforcing illegal immigration laws is racist, but his guest, a sanctuary cities advocate, couldn’t provide the answers.

The comments were made by Melissa Mark-Viverito at the National Conference on Sanctuary Cities, where she repeated claims she made earlier in the month that enforcing US immigration laws against those seeking to enter the country illegally was tantamount to ethnic cleansing.

The council speaker has claimed that “I think in the last couple of weeks .........................

Well there isn't anything to shocking about the liberal zombies that are open mouth insert foot..

Is there anything you hear, see or read you won't use to put forth your agenda as a partisan hack?

"Tantamount" is likely a word beyond your grade level, and hyperbole is a rhetorical tool used to make a point.
Fancy way of saying lie......

Exactly...say anything ......

As previously noted, way above your grade level.
Last edited:
Video: Liberal Has No Answer When Asked Why Enforcing Immigration Laws Is ‘Racist’

"Why does your argument always take a turn into racial demagoguery?"

Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson wanted to know why the head of the New York City Council suggested that enforcing illegal immigration laws is racist, but his guest, a sanctuary cities advocate, couldn’t provide the answers.

The comments were made by Melissa Mark-Viverito at the National Conference on Sanctuary Cities, where she repeated claims she made earlier in the month that enforcing US immigration laws against those seeking to enter the country illegally was tantamount to ethnic cleansing.

The council speaker has claimed that “I think in the last couple of weeks .........................

Well there isn't anything to shocking about the liberal zombies that are open mouth insert foot..

Is there anything you hear, see or read you won't use to put forth your agenda as a partisan hack?

"Tantamount" is likely a word beyond your grade level, and hyperbole is a rhetorical tool used to make a point.
Fancy way of saying lie......

Exactly...say anything ......

As previously noted, way above you grade level.
yeah thats why the guy couldnt answer cause its so deep nobody not brainwashed would see it LLMAAOOOOO

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