Liberal Facism Has No Honor: Make a Coloring Book About Patriotism YOU DIE!!!

Truth hurt?

Uhh.. that doesn't even make sense.

Here in grown-up land, we know that "But mom, he did it first" isn't a legitimate argument.

Just pointing out the hypocrisy. Do you also condemn it when the left/dims do it?

Yes. It's just as retarded when the left does it.

Isn't it "hypocritical" of you to attack the Dems for doing it, and give a free pass to people like the OP?
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Uhh.. that doesn't even make sense.

Here in grown-up land, we know that "But mom, he did it first" isn't a legitimate argument.

Just pointing out the hypocrisy. Do you also condemn it when the left/dims do it?

Yes. It's just as retarded when the left does it.

Isn't it "hypocritical" of you to attack the Dems for doing it, and give a free pass to people like the OP?

I merely pointed out facts. Didn't attack anyone for it.

Who's trying to ban the book? Your link doesn't mention that.

Also, you're seriously going to blame the actions of a few crazy people on "the liberals" in general? Grow the fuck up, we're not in kindergarten anymore.

Why not? The right gets tarred with the same brush as every lunatic halfwit the left can go out and dig up, and I DO mean "go out and dig up", because they spend time specifically looking for nuts. Have we already forgotten Terry Jones, pastor of a 60-parishioner church in Florida, who for no good reason was hauled out of obscurity by the national news media and flung in the face of every conservative and right-winger with demands that we answer for his insanity, even though it's doubtful that any of us had ever heard of the man before? How about the wackjobs who kill abortion doctors? Are you really trying to say that the right wing doesn't get called on the carpet for them?

As far as I'm concerned, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

Who's trying to ban the book? Your link doesn't mention that.

Also, you're seriously going to blame the actions of a few crazy people on "the liberals" in general? Grow the fuck up, we're not in kindergarten anymore.

Wow, if that doesn't sound like how some Dims blame the entire Tea-Party for the actions of a few people.

So that makes it ok?

How old are you?

Makes it a learning experience. Perhaps if you lefties get a little of your own medicine back for a while, you'll stop with the childish generalizations and sane, mature people of both sides can reach a point of condemning ALL unmedicated fringe nutjobs and having some real discussion on the issues.

Granted, sometimes I'm too optimistic for my own good, but one can hope.
It's okay for teachers in Public Schools to force kids to sing songs in praise of Obama (Mmm Mmm Mmm), but a coloring book featuring the Statue of Liberty is somehow egregious.

Go figure.
Uhh.. that doesn't even make sense.

Here in grown-up land, we know that "But mom, he did it first" isn't a legitimate argument.

Just pointing out the hypocrisy. Do you also condemn it when the left/dims do it?

Yes. It's just as retarded when the left does it.

Isn't it "hypocritical" of you to attack the Dems for doing it, and give a free pass to people like the OP?

Funny how I didn't see you make any comment on the person who started off with "Joker/Obama pics" and "witch doctor pics", though. You SAY it's retarded when the left does it, but it's mysteriously only commentable when someone on the right does it. Hmmm.
Whoever does it is a fuckhead.

The fauxcon rightists (birtherism, trutherism, stupidism) are the worst about it. They are not real Republicans.
Gosh I wonder if they have any of those Joker/Obama figures for the kids to color in.
You do know that was a far leftist Muslim that did the Joker/Obama pic, but nice try!

But hardly an Obama supporter.

Obama Joker artist unmasked: A fellow Chicagoan | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times
After Obama was elected, you had all of these people who basically saw him as the second coming of Christ," [Firus] Alkhateeb said. "From my perspective, there wasn't much substance to him."

"I abstained from voting in November," he wrote in an e-mail. "Living in Illinois, my vote means close to nothing as there was no chance Obama would not win the state." If he had to choose a politician to support, Alkhateeb said, it would be Ohio Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich.

Who said he was an Obama supporter. I said far leftist!
Whoever does it is a fuckhead.

The fauxcon rightists (birtherism, trutherism, stupidism) are the worst about it. They are not real Republicans.

Stork gets pissy about my avi so he negs me, whining about a radical Islamist made the graphic. I know that, but I have yet to see or hear of one TP supporter denounce it. Buncha whiners.
The 'coloring book' is right wing propaganda for kids.

"The Tea Party Coloring Book for Kids" is a 32-page "special edition" produced by a division of Really Big Coloring Books Inc.

Really Big Coloring Books entered into a partnership with MeadWestvaco Corp. to print and distribute its product line, an arrangement expanded in 2008 and now including the "Tea Party" tome. A business with global interests in packaging, office products, chemicals and real estate in 30 countries, the company also has an active political action committee based in Richmond, Va.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, MeadWestvaco's PAC has spent more than $95,000 in the current election cycle on contributions to 17 House and nine Senate candidates, 91% Republicans. In May, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich led a forum at MeadWestvaco's Richmond offices calling for repeal of healthcare legislation passed this year by Congress.

'Tea Party Coloring Book' is kiddie propaganda art | Los Angeles Times

You right wingers have NO PROBLEM manipulating children, as long as it aligns with your dogma.
1. Liberals don't generally ban books. Look at all the book-banning kerfluffles in the past, and 99.999% of time you will see an uptight "conservative" busybody with too much time on their hands.

2. I hate to break it to you, but most people you consider to be "liberal" do not take the tea party seriously in any way... Not even a little bit. I'm betting it was someone from the "republican" persuasion that did this.
Gosh I wonder if they have any of those Joker/Obama figures for the kids to color in.
You do know that was a far leftist Muslim that did the Joker/Obama pic, but nice try!

Have you condemned the image, GHook93? Doesn't matter who did it, the image is unAmerican and untrue. Go ahead and condemn it.

I thought the image was well out of line when the FAR LEFTIST created it! But of course you will still try to toss that on the tea partiers and conservatives!
Ghook, were you lying then or lying now. Condemn it now, or shut up.
Just pointing out the hypocrisy. Do you also condemn it when the left/dims do it?

Yes. It's just as retarded when the left does it.

Isn't it "hypocritical" of you to attack the Dems for doing it, and give a free pass to people like the OP?

I merely pointed out facts. Didn't attack anyone for it.

So if the tea party does racist things, is that okay? Of course it is. They are patriots fighting for a white america :ahole-1:
The 'coloring book' is right wing propaganda for kids.

"The Tea Party Coloring Book for Kids" is a 32-page "special edition" produced by a division of Really Big Coloring Books Inc.

Really Big Coloring Books entered into a partnership with MeadWestvaco Corp. to print and distribute its product line, an arrangement expanded in 2008 and now including the "Tea Party" tome. A business with global interests in packaging, office products, chemicals and real estate in 30 countries, the company also has an active political action committee based in Richmond, Va.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, MeadWestvaco's PAC has spent more than $95,000 in the current election cycle on contributions to 17 House and nine Senate candidates, 91% Republicans. In May, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich led a forum at MeadWestvaco's Richmond offices calling for repeal of healthcare legislation passed this year by Congress.

'Tea Party Coloring Book' is kiddie propaganda art | Los Angeles Times

You right wingers have NO PROBLEM manipulating children, as long as it aligns with your dogma.

At least we only "manipulate" our own kids, unlike the left, which thinks it has a right to take its agenda into the schools and manipulate EVERYONE'S kids. What's it to you if I decide to buy my kid a Tea Party coloring book?

And by the way, asshole, what does ANY of this have to do with people sending this guy death threats? You figure saying, "Ah ha! It's an evil right-wing plot to indoctrinate children!" makes that okay?
Cecilie1200, tell that to the fauxcon majority of the Texas State Board of Education that has every intention of indoctrinating the children of the state of Texas in far right ideology.

Rightwingers are as moronic as leftwingers.
I like to see the part where you color in Dick Army and his Freedom works foundation putting down astroturf
Gosh I wonder if they have any of those Joker/Obama figures for the kids to color in.
You do know that was a far leftist Muslim that did the Joker/Obama pic, but nice try!

Well the image sure showed up at alot of tea party rallies. But I guess they could include a few Images of the President with one of them little mustaches or even as a witch doctor for the little kiddies to color in.

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