Liberal Extremist Wave Coming Against 'Old Guard' Democrats - Pelosi Fending Off 2nd Revolt, Feinstein Being Attacked


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Talk about 'making a deal with the devil'....Nancy Pelosi has coddled and supported the new extremist wave of Democrat politicians that have hijacked the Democratic Party while attempting to protect them, keep them in check, and fend of multiple challenges by them to remove her as Speaker of the House.

She protected Ilhan Omar and others from appropriate claims of racist, inappropriate language and deserved Censure. She has stood by them through exposed Immigration Law violations, tax / mis-use of campaign finance, and other exposed scandals...only to have to defend herself from vicious attacks and now the 2nd attempted challenge by these leftist extremist up-starts to remove her as Speaker of the House. (Even moderate Democrats have recently begun to support removing Pelosi as Speaker due to her refusal to negotiate with the GOP to get a Virus Relief deal done.)

Now the 'new blood' is going after D-Sen Diane Feinstein.

Don't get me wrong - IMO Diane Feinstein should have been removed from office and should be sitting in a jail cell for Influence Peddling, selling contract to the Chinese, and for facilitating Chinese espionage right out of her own office for DECADES. She was caught red-handed with a Chinese spy who she had been helping spy on the US - the spy was allowed to return to Beijing, there was no investigation, and Feinstein was protected from even having to answer the 1st question about it.

The Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat 'younglings', however, are targeting the old 'Dino-Dems' like Pelosi and Feinstein, set on removing them from influence / leadership, replacing them with socialist extremists like AOC and Omar. Talk of forcing Feinstein out of leadership position actually began BEFORE the latest USSC ACB Confirmation hearings. Many younger Democrats believed she was too old, too weak, and possibly more feeble than Joe Biden. 'She just does not have the energy or aggressiveness for this', one Democrat said.

Schumer stated in an interview that he had a long talk with her and the decision was to allow her to lead the hearings, that she could do this. The hearings were much tamer, less vile by Democrats, than the despicable Kavanaugh hearings, but it was Feinstein's mutual respect 'Love/Hug-fest' at the end of the hearings that sent the Trump-hating leftist extremists 'over the cliff' and now on the 'warpath' calling for Feinstein's 'scalp'.

This time, Schumer is not making any attempt to sate the 'blood letting' the radicals are calling for. he is remaining quiet, staying low-key, hoping he can hold onto his position before being targeted and shown the door.

Left demands top senator step down over ACB hearing, Schumer keeps quiet

Left demands top senator step down over ACB hearing, Schumer keeps quiet

Talk about 'making a deal with the devil'....Nancy Pelosi has coddled and supported the new extremist wave of Democrat politicians that have hijacked the Democratic Party while attempting to protect them, keep them in check, and fend of multiple challenges by them to remove her as Speaker of the House.

She protected Ilhan Omar and others from appropriate claims of racist, inappropriate language and deserved Censure. She has stood by them through exposed Immigration Law violations, tax / mis-use of campaign finance, and other exposed scandals...only to have to defend herself from vicious attacks and now the 2nd attempted challenge by these leftist extremist up-starts to remove her as Speaker of the House. (Even moderate Democrats have recently begun to support removing Pelosi as Speaker due to her refusal to negotiate with the GOP to get a Virus Relief deal done.)

Now the 'new blood' is going after D-Sen Diane Feinstein.

Don't get me wrong - IMO Diane Feinstein should have been removed from office and should be sitting in a jail cell for Influence Peddling, selling contract to the Chinese, and for facilitating Chinese espionage right out of her own office for DECADES. She was caught red-handed with a Chinese spy who she had been helping spy on the US - the spy was allowed to return to Beijing, there was no investigation, and Feinstein was protected from even having to answer the 1st question about it.

The Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat 'younglings', however, are targeting the old 'Dino-Dems' like Pelosi and Feinstein, set on removing them from influence / leadership, replacing them with socialist extremists like AOC and Omar. Talk of forcing Feinstein out of leadership position actually began BEFORE the latest USSC ACB Confirmation hearings. Many younger Democrats believed she was too old, too weak, and possibly more feeble than Joe Biden. 'She just does not have the energy or aggressiveness for this', one Democrat said.

Schumer stated in an interview that he had a long talk with her and the decision was to allow her to lead the hearings, that she could do this. The hearings were much tamer, less vile by Democrats, than the despicable Kavanaugh hearings, but it was Feinstein's mutual respect 'Love/Hug-fest' at the end of the hearings that sent the Trump-hating leftist extremists 'over the cliff' and now on the 'warpath' calling for Feinstein's 'scalp'.

This time, Schumer is not making any attempt to sate the 'blood letting' the radicals are calling for. he is remaining quiet, staying low-key, hoping he can hold onto his position before being targeted and shown the door.

Left demands top senator step down over ACB hearing, Schumer keeps quiet

Left demands top senator step down over ACB hearing, Schumer keeps quiet

Excellent post.
Well stated.
It almost seems like the democrats are running down, like a liquid bowel movement.
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Always fascinating how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.

The Democratic Party has moved to the Left and the hardcore Lefties may end up turning the party into something else, going far too far in that direction.

The GOP has been changed from the conservative party to the party of Trump and his Trumpsters, this weird, ugly mess led by a damaged autocrat.

The changes in both groups, of course, are essentially in reaction to the actions of the other. All reaction and emotion, and no critical thinking, no mirrors.

Meanwhile, a majority of the country, the rest of us, can only observe the carnage and wonder how the fuck we're going to clean it up.
Never thought I would see the day "The DemNazi Beast" would start attacking it's own because they aren't Satanic enough.
Nazis and communists murdered their own in large numbers

That's how they roll.

I'm fairly certain Joe Stalin murdered Lennon.

Now Joe should be concerned about Kamala in similar fashion.
Always fascinating how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.

The Democratic Party has moved to the Left and the hardcore Lefties may end up turning the party into something else, going far too far in that direction.

The GOP has been changed from the conservative party to the party of Trump and his Trumpsters, this weird, ugly mess led by a damaged autocrat.

The changes in both groups, of course, are essentially in reaction to the actions of the other. All reaction and emotion, and no critical thinking.

Meanwhile, a majority of the country, the rest of us, can only observe the carnage and wonder how the fuck we're going to clean it up.
The GOP hasn't been remotely "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) since Coolidge.

The Overton window has moved so far left that a squishy used car salesman like Eisenhower would be called a reactionary today.

But you g'head and keep patting yourself on the back over how smart you think you are.
I fully expected the democrats to implode after the election but now it appears its going to happen before it.. This means the base is split in most states...the question is will they show up to vote?
Always fascinating how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.

The Democratic Party has moved to the Left and the hardcore Lefties may end up turning the party into something else, going far too far in that direction.

The GOP has been changed from the conservative party to the party of Trump and his Trumpsters, this weird, ugly mess led by a damaged autocrat.

The changes in both groups, of course, are essentially in reaction to the actions of the other. All reaction and emotion, and no critical thinking.

Meanwhile, a majority of the country, the rest of us, can only observe the carnage and wonder how the fuck we're going to clean it up.
The GOP hasn't been remotely "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) since Coolidge.

The Overton window has moved so far left that a squishy used car salesman like Eisenhower would be called a reactionary today.

But you g'head and keep patting yourself on the back over how smart you think you are.
I'm in the majority. You're with the nutters on both ends. You think you and your tribe have all the answers.
Always fascinating how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.

The Democratic Party has moved to the Left and the hardcore Lefties may end up turning the party into something else, going far too far in that direction.

The GOP has been changed from the conservative party to the party of Trump and his Trumpsters, this weird, ugly mess led by a damaged autocrat.

The changes in both groups, of course, are essentially in reaction to the actions of the other. All reaction and emotion, and no critical thinking.

Meanwhile, a majority of the country, the rest of us, can only observe the carnage and wonder how the fuck we're going to clean it up.
The GOP hasn't been remotely "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) since Coolidge.

The Overton window has moved so far left that a squishy used car salesman like Eisenhower would be called a reactionary today.

But you g'head and keep patting yourself on the back over how smart you think you are.
I'm in the majority. You're with the nutters on both ends. You think you and your tribe have all the answers.
"I'm in the majority"...The historical battle cry of bullies and despots.

My only answers are live-and-let-live and MYOFB...A couple bridges that are way too far for do-gooder nanny state thugs like you.
Always fascinating how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.

The Democratic Party has moved to the Left and the hardcore Lefties may end up turning the party into something else, going far too far in that direction.

The GOP has been changed from the conservative party to the party of Trump and his Trumpsters, this weird, ugly mess led by a damaged autocrat.

The changes in both groups, of course, are essentially in reaction to the actions of the other. All reaction and emotion, and no critical thinking.

Meanwhile, a majority of the country, the rest of us, can only observe the carnage and wonder how the fuck we're going to clean it up.
The GOP hasn't been remotely "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) since Coolidge.

The Overton window has moved so far left that a squishy used car salesman like Eisenhower would be called a reactionary today.

But you g'head and keep patting yourself on the back over how smart you think you are.
I'm in the majority. You're with the nutters on both ends. You think you and your tribe have all the answers.
latley your posts put you at one end yourself mac.....and as far as oddball being a nutter,he at leasts bad mouths those nutters on the right....when was the last time you got on a far lefty nutter here?...
Talk about 'making a deal with the devil'....Nancy Pelosi has coddled and supported the new extremist wave of Democrat politicians that have hijacked the Democratic Party while attempting to protect them, keep them in check, and fend of multiple challenges by them to remove her as Speaker of the House.

She protected Ilhan Omar and others from appropriate claims of racist, inappropriate language and deserved Censure. She has stood by them through exposed Immigration Law violations, tax / mis-use of campaign finance, and other exposed scandals...only to have to defend herself from vicious attacks and now the 2nd attempted challenge by these leftist extremist up-starts to remove her as Speaker of the House. (Even moderate Democrats have recently begun to support removing Pelosi as Speaker due to her refusal to negotiate with the GOP to get a Virus Relief deal done.)

Now the 'new blood' is going after D-Sen Diane Feinstein.

Don't get me wrong - IMO Diane Feinstein should have been removed from office and should be sitting in a jail cell for Influence Peddling, selling contract to the Chinese, and for facilitating Chinese espionage right out of her own office for DECADES. She was caught red-handed with a Chinese spy who she had been helping spy on the US - the spy was allowed to return to Beijing, there was no investigation, and Feinstein was protected from even having to answer the 1st question about it.

The Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat 'younglings', however, are targeting the old 'Dino-Dems' like Pelosi and Feinstein, set on removing them from influence / leadership, replacing them with socialist extremists like AOC and Omar. Talk of forcing Feinstein out of leadership position actually began BEFORE the latest USSC ACB Confirmation hearings. Many younger Democrats believed she was too old, too weak, and possibly more feeble than Joe Biden. 'She just does not have the energy or aggressiveness for this', one Democrat said.

Schumer stated in an interview that he had a long talk with her and the decision was to allow her to lead the hearings, that she could do this. The hearings were much tamer, less vile by Democrats, than the despicable Kavanaugh hearings, but it was Feinstein's mutual respect 'Love/Hug-fest' at the end of the hearings that sent the Trump-hating leftist extremists 'over the cliff' and now on the 'warpath' calling for Feinstein's 'scalp'.

This time, Schumer is not making any attempt to sate the 'blood letting' the radicals are calling for. he is remaining quiet, staying low-key, hoping he can hold onto his position before being targeted and shown the door.

Left demands top senator step down over ACB hearing, Schumer keeps quiet

Left demands top senator step down over ACB hearing, Schumer keeps quiet

F them pos. Lets get on with the boogalu...

cartoon2019_03_aoc_pelosi_by_komixmaster_LR censored.jpg
Always fascinating how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.

The Democratic Party has moved to the Left and the hardcore Lefties may end up turning the party into something else, going far too far in that direction.

The GOP has been changed from the conservative party to the party of Trump and his Trumpsters, this weird, ugly mess led by a damaged autocrat.

The changes in both groups, of course, are essentially in reaction to the actions of the other. All reaction and emotion, and no critical thinking.

Meanwhile, a majority of the country, the rest of us, can only observe the carnage and wonder how the fuck we're going to clean it up.
The GOP hasn't been remotely "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) since Coolidge.

The Overton window has moved so far left that a squishy used car salesman like Eisenhower would be called a reactionary today.

But you g'head and keep patting yourself on the back over how smart you think you are.
I'm in the majority. You're with the nutters on both ends. You think you and your tribe have all the answers.
latley your posts put you at one end yourself mac.....and as far as oddball being a nutter,he at leasts bad mouths those nutters on the right....when was the last time you got on a far lefty nutter here?...
It'll be fun to watch if Biden wins, and I'm squabbling with the Regressive Lefties like I did when Obama was in office. You guys won't know what to say.

If you think I've changed my position on one (1) issue, just one, you can point it out.

What's different? There's a Republican (kind of) President in the White House. There's much more to comment on. Every single day.

And here's a search of my using the term "Regressive Left" recently. Here ya go: Search results for query: regressive left
Always fascinating how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.

The Democratic Party has moved to the Left and the hardcore Lefties may end up turning the party into something else, going far too far in that direction.

The GOP has been changed from the conservative party to the party of Trump and his Trumpsters, this weird, ugly mess led by a damaged autocrat.

The changes in both groups, of course, are essentially in reaction to the actions of the other. All reaction and emotion, and no critical thinking.

Meanwhile, a majority of the country, the rest of us, can only observe the carnage and wonder how the fuck we're going to clean it up.
The GOP hasn't been remotely "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) since Coolidge.

The Overton window has moved so far left that a squishy used car salesman like Eisenhower would be called a reactionary today.

But you g'head and keep patting yourself on the back over how smart you think you are.
I'm in the majority. You're with the nutters on both ends. You think you and your tribe have all the answers.
latley your posts put you at one end yourself mac.....and as far as oddball being a nutter,he at leasts bad mouths those nutters on the right....when was the last time you got on a far lefty nutter here?...
There's that....And when I get in debates and disagreements with the righties, we argue over the points of the issue rather than just disparaging the other as "nutters".

I've argued seemingly to no end with the likes of kaz JGalt, JimBowie1958, dblack, gipper, PoliticalChic, and many, many more....And at no time has a one of us condescendingly looked down our noses at one another, like the overbearing fucking snob Mac does to nearly everyone here on a daily basis....We just agree to disagree and move on.
Always fascinating how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.

The Democratic Party has moved to the Left and the hardcore Lefties may end up turning the party into something else, going far too far in that direction.

The GOP has been changed from the conservative party to the party of Trump and his Trumpsters, this weird, ugly mess led by a damaged autocrat.

The changes in both groups, of course, are essentially in reaction to the actions of the other. All reaction and emotion, and no critical thinking.

Meanwhile, a majority of the country, the rest of us, can only observe the carnage and wonder how the fuck we're going to clean it up.
The GOP hasn't been remotely "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) since Coolidge.

The Overton window has moved so far left that a squishy used car salesman like Eisenhower would be called a reactionary today.

But you g'head and keep patting yourself on the back over how smart you think you are.
I'm in the majority. You're with the nutters on both ends. You think you and your tribe have all the answers.
latley your posts put you at one end yourself mac.....and as far as oddball being a nutter,he at leasts bad mouths those nutters on the right....when was the last time you got on a far lefty nutter here?...
It'll be fun to watch if Biden wins, and I'm squabbling with the Regressive Lefties like I did when Obama was in office. You guys won't know what to say.

If you think I've changed my position on one (1) issue, just one, you can point it out.

What's different? There's a Republican (kind of) President in the White House. There's much more to comment on. Every single day.

And here's a search of my using the term "Regressive Left" recently. Here ya go: Search results for query: regressive left
mac you have fallen in with the "i hate trump no matter even if he does good crowd" sound no different than posters like jones,dana,billy,penelope....and quite a few others here....your hatred has priority over all else....i think the guy is a big mouth asswipe,but i will give him credit for at least trying to do something our chickenshit 20 something percent congress does everything they can to avoid immigration and dealing with china,who aint our friend....
Always fascinating how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.

The Democratic Party has moved to the Left and the hardcore Lefties may end up turning the party into something else, going far too far in that direction.

The GOP has been changed from the conservative party to the party of Trump and his Trumpsters, this weird, ugly mess led by a damaged autocrat.

The changes in both groups, of course, are essentially in reaction to the actions of the other. All reaction and emotion, and no critical thinking.

Meanwhile, a majority of the country, the rest of us, can only observe the carnage and wonder how the fuck we're going to clean it up.
The GOP hasn't been remotely "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) since Coolidge.

The Overton window has moved so far left that a squishy used car salesman like Eisenhower would be called a reactionary today.

But you g'head and keep patting yourself on the back over how smart you think you are.
I'm in the majority. You're with the nutters on both ends. You think you and your tribe have all the answers.
latley your posts put you at one end yourself mac.....and as far as oddball being a nutter,he at leasts bad mouths those nutters on the right....when was the last time you got on a far lefty nutter here?...
It'll be fun to watch if Biden wins, and I'm squabbling with the Regressive Lefties like I did when Obama was in office. You guys won't know what to say.

If you think I've changed my position on one (1) issue, just one, you can point it out.

What's different? There's a Republican (kind of) President in the White House. There's much more to comment on. Every single day.

And here's a search of my using the term "Regressive Left" recently. Here ya go: Search results for query: regressive left
Most are defending yourself after being called out by the right. Lol
Always fascinating how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.

The Democratic Party has moved to the Left and the hardcore Lefties may end up turning the party into something else, going far too far in that direction.

The GOP has been changed from the conservative party to the party of Trump and his Trumpsters, this weird, ugly mess led by a damaged autocrat.

The changes in both groups, of course, are essentially in reaction to the actions of the other. All reaction and emotion, and no critical thinking.

Meanwhile, a majority of the country, the rest of us, can only observe the carnage and wonder how the fuck we're going to clean it up.
The GOP hasn't been remotely "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) since Coolidge.

The Overton window has moved so far left that a squishy used car salesman like Eisenhower would be called a reactionary today.

But you g'head and keep patting yourself on the back over how smart you think you are.
I'm in the majority. You're with the nutters on both ends. You think you and your tribe have all the answers.
latley your posts put you at one end yourself mac.....and as far as oddball being a nutter,he at leasts bad mouths those nutters on the right....when was the last time you got on a far lefty nutter here?...
It'll be fun to watch if Biden wins, and I'm squabbling with the Regressive Lefties like I did when Obama was in office. You guys won't know what to say.

If you think I've changed my position on one (1) issue, just one, you can point it out.

What's different? There's a Republican (kind of) President in the White House. There's much more to comment on. Every single day.

And here's a search of my using the term "Regressive Left" recently. Here ya go: Search results for query: regressive left
mac you have fallen in with the "i hate trump no matter even if he does good crowd" sound no different than posters like jones,dana,billy,penelope....and quite a few others here....your hatred has priority over all else....i think the guy is a big mouth asswipe,but i will give him credit for at least trying to do something our chickenshit 20 something percent congress does everything they can to avoid immigration and dealing with china,who aint our friend....
I haven't hated anyone since my high school geometry teacher. It's not the way I am.

I've been honest and literal regarding my feelings on Trump and (far more importantly) Trumpism as a reflection of who and what this country is. There's a much bigger picture here, and I'm pretty concerned about it.
I WISH the Democrats were experiencing a true left wave.

It'll take some years, but I, and many other American patriots, are ready for that fight.

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