Liberal Economic Idiocy - in one Quote


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
From this morning's NYT article on a proposed New York law affecting landlords and tenants:

"Rent control in the city became popular after World War II when soldiers returned home and sought apartments for their families. The demand caused rents to increase, leading to a housing shortage."

What? The rent increase caused the housing shortage?

How about, "The massive influx of returning veterans and their families led to a housing shortage, which brought about rent increases"?

Carry on.

"All the news that's fit to print." Riiiiiiiiiiiight.

The article outlines the new legislation which will "stabilize" rent, but can do nothing to affect the market price of the income property. Liberal "economics" at its best. The measure will inevitably lead to deterioration of the housing stock, which will lead to more stupid regulation, and so on. The hidden factor is that the Democrats took over the NYState Senate this year, so that insanity rules both houses and the Governor's mansion. Governor Cuomo has enthusiastically indicated he will sign "anything they send to me."

Fucking maroon.

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