The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
In the same vein of the most Wasteful Social Programs in History, "The War on Poverty" where Democrats spent $23 Trillion Dollars, and only enriched themselves and their friends, Seattle Leadership, as Clueless as they are, have Invested in Their Feelings and are dropping $100,000 a person on The Homeless and this issue is worse than ever.

Makes one wonder how much The Left would abuse taxpayers with The Green New Scam, Guaranteed Income, Free Healthcare for Illegal Immigrants, Free College, and Medicare for All.

Seattle residents blame inefficient elected officials for homeless problem, say they've 'lost faith' in system

SEATTLE -- The richest man in America calls Seattle home. So do thousands of others who are forced onto the streets because they are too poor, too addicted or too detached from reality. At night, the city's homeless sleep wherever they can -- in tents crammed in parking garages, in parks or under highway overpasses. Some feel victimized by a society that has moved on without them. Others feel preyed upon by politicians eager to push pet projects and scattered initiatives that make themselves look good but do little else. Sick of stepping over used condoms, broken lighters and needles, residents say they are heartbroken to see the city they've loved turn into a dangerous, drug-infested den of filth and human misery.

Like Los Angeles, San Francisco and Portland, Ore., Seattle's homeless crisis didn't happen overnight. Little by little, the city has succumbed to skyrocketing housing prices, rampant drug use and progressive policies that have made it easy for people to openly feed their addictions and commit crimes and that have made it hard for the mentally ill to get treatment.

The letter was in response to a homeless man storming the church and smashing a 200-year-old wood carving of Mary with a large rock. There was another incident in which a homeless man walked into the crowded church, appeared to have a violent fit and broke a 15-foot bronze crucifix. The church's Seat of Wisdom statue in its courtyard also has been damaged. Things have deteriorated to the point that St. James now has a uniformed officer present during all weekend Masses.

In Seattle, arguably the country's most liberal city, homelessness remains one of the most divisive topics. Over the past five years, the city has seen an explosion in homelessness, crime, substance abuse and addiction. Residents say they struggle to balance compassion with growing resentment.

In all, the city spends $1 billion a year fighting homelessness. That's $100,000 for every homeless man, woman and child in King County and yet the needle has mostly been moving in the wrong direction. Residents say there is a deep disconnect between them and those in charge and say elected officials are tone-deaf and offer up simple solutions to a complex problem.

During an explosive Ballard Town Hall meeting in 2018, the crowd turned on City Council members Mike O'Brien, Teresa Mosqueda, Lorena Gonzalez and Lisa Herbold after O'Brien told a woman who was complaining about the increase in crime to "call 9-1-1."

The crowd erupted and the woman tore into O'Brien's response.

"You've lost all credibility when you say those two words -- call 9-1-1," she said. "Do you understand that the police have told us to vote you all out so that they can do their jobs... and you're telling us to call 9-1-1?"

Somewhere in this nation, huge mental health and drug or alcohol facilities should be built to house and care for these people again. It is unbelievable that such a problem even exist in this country today. Throughout time, we know that there are those who are responsible for it, but somehow they escape scrutiny and penalities for their bullcrap. That needs to change quick fast and in a hurry. Time to hold people responsible for their neglect and derilection of duties again.

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Somewhere in this nation, huge mental health and drug or alcohol facilities should be built to house and care for these people again. It is unbelievable that such a problem even exist in this country today. Throughout time, there are those who are responsible for it
/—-/ We had those facilities for a century, then the ACLU sued to close them down.
We used to put bums in we make it possible for them to live on the streets and supply them with drug and booze money....and there are more bums than ever....
Maybe we should go back to locking them up so they can have a chance of getting clean....
In the same vein of the most Wasteful Social Programs in History, "The War on Poverty" where Democrats spent $23 Trillion Dollars, and only enriched themselves and their friends, Seattle Leadership, as Clueless as they are, have Invested in Their Feelings and are dropping $100,000 a person on The Homeless and this issue is worse than ever.

Makes one wonder how much The Left would abuse taxpayers with The Green New Scam, Guaranteed Income, Free Healthcare for Illegal Immigrants, Free College, and Medicare for All.

Seattle residents blame inefficient elected officials for homeless problem, say they've 'lost faith' in system

SEATTLE -- The richest man in America calls Seattle home. So do thousands of others who are forced onto the streets because they are too poor, too addicted or too detached from reality. At night, the city's homeless sleep wherever they can -- in tents crammed in parking garages, in parks or under highway overpasses. Some feel victimized by a society that has moved on without them. Others feel preyed upon by politicians eager to push pet projects and scattered initiatives that make themselves look good but do little else. Sick of stepping over used condoms, broken lighters and needles, residents say they are heartbroken to see the city they've loved turn into a dangerous, drug-infested den of filth and human misery.

Like Los Angeles, San Francisco and Portland, Ore., Seattle's homeless crisis didn't happen overnight. Little by little, the city has succumbed to skyrocketing housing prices, rampant drug use and progressive policies that have made it easy for people to openly feed their addictions and commit crimes and that have made it hard for the mentally ill to get treatment.

The letter was in response to a homeless man storming the church and smashing a 200-year-old wood carving of Mary with a large rock. There was another incident in which a homeless man walked into the crowded church, appeared to have a violent fit and broke a 15-foot bronze crucifix. The church's Seat of Wisdom statue in its courtyard also has been damaged. Things have deteriorated to the point that St. James now has a uniformed officer present during all weekend Masses.

In Seattle, arguably the country's most liberal city, homelessness remains one of the most divisive topics. Over the past five years, the city has seen an explosion in homelessness, crime, substance abuse and addiction. Residents say they struggle to balance compassion with growing resentment.

In all, the city spends $1 billion a year fighting homelessness. That's $100,000 for every homeless man, woman and child in King County and yet the needle has mostly been moving in the wrong direction. Residents say there is a deep disconnect between them and those in charge and say elected officials are tone-deaf and offer up simple solutions to a complex problem.

During an explosive Ballard Town Hall meeting in 2018, the crowd turned on City Council members Mike O'Brien, Teresa Mosqueda, Lorena Gonzalez and Lisa Herbold after O'Brien told a woman who was complaining about the increase in crime to "call 9-1-1."

The crowd erupted and the woman tore into O'Brien's response.

"You've lost all credibility when you say those two words -- call 9-1-1," she said. "Do you understand that the police have told us to vote you all out so that they can do their jobs... and you're telling us to call 9-1-1?"

Citizens should bring back the jolly practice of tarring and feathering. Maybe then the Left would find the beginnings of enlightenment.
When there are too many deer, we let the hunters loose...

Big city Dem mayors love the homeless. For $10, they vote Dem. For the rest of the time, they can be used to justify tax hikes....
Big city Dem mayors love the homeless. For $10, they vote Dem. For the rest of the time, they can be used to justify tax hikes....

Seattle tried to do just that, use the homeless to justify a massive tax increase on the largest Seattle corporations. The corporations told Seattle liberals they would pack up and leave and the liberals folded like a cheap lawn chair.
When Democrats see a "big town" that is healthy and robust, they see opportunity. Democrats turn healthy big towns into disaster area big cities.

The funny thing is, the worse the city gets, the higher the vote total for the Dems.
We used to put bums in we make it possible for them to live on the streets and supply them with drug and booze money....and there are more bums than ever....
Yep, anytime we incentivize bad behaviors, it just leads to more and more bad behaviours instead of less and less of them. FACT.
Big city Dem mayors love the homeless. For $10, they vote Dem. For the rest of the time, they can be used to justify tax hikes....

Seattle tried to do just that, use the homeless to justify a massive tax increase on the largest Seattle corporations. The corporations told Seattle liberals they would pack up and leave and the liberals folded like a cheap lawn chair.

Yeah, if you vote Republican, get TF out!!!!

That way, no matter how much the Dem establishment steals, or even gets caught stealing, they never lose power.
When Democrats see a "big town" that is healthy and robust, they see opportunity. Democrats turn healthy big towns into disaster area big cities.

The funny thing is, the worse the city gets, the higher the vote total for the Dems.

One NY city decided to rape General Electric with taxes. General Electric said fine, reduced its work force from 70,000 to 2,000, bull dozed most of its property and left. The city went bankrupt.
Homelessness is part of deeper societal problem with no easy answers. You can't fix human behavior with money.
Tell that to the Demon-crats who use these issues to gain power with. Then they throw their victim's under the bus afterwards. By the time the nation responds, they have gotten what they wanted, and they are gone to set up their successor's. The cycle of destruction continues.
Homelessness is part of deeper societal problem with no easy answers. You can't fix human behavior with money.
Tell that to the Demon-crats who use these issues to gain power with. Then they throw their victim's under the bus afterwards. By the time the nation responds, they have gotten what they wanted, and they are gone to set up their successor's. The cycle of destruction continues.

Rarely do the poor see the money Dem's raised using them as the excuse for the tax increases.
Was in Portland last week, it was once one of the cleanest towns in America. Today, it is filth. Begging for money, walking in the middle of the streets blocking traffic, sleeping bags, tents, garbage, the smell of pot and urine. Being homeless is one thing, not taking pride in yourself, or the area you live in, is quite the other.

I am not sure of the solution but their let them "run the city" is a failed policy that needs to change. The city needs to protect all their citizens not just certain citizens.
Was in Portland last week, it was once one of the cleanest towns in America. Today, it is filth. Begging for money, walking in the middle of the streets blocking traffic, sleeping bags, tents, garbage, the smell of pot and urine. Being homeless is one thing, not taking pride in yourself, or the area you live in, is quite the other.

I am not sure of the solution but their let them "run the city" is a failed policy that needs to change. The city needs to protect all their citizens not just certain citizens.

I was in California recently, homeless panhandling, trash, filthy tent city under an overpass.
Was in Portland last week, it was once one of the cleanest towns in America. Today, it is filth. Begging for money, walking in the middle of the streets blocking traffic, sleeping bags, tents, garbage, the smell of pot and urine. Being homeless is one thing, not taking pride in yourself, or the area you live in, is quite the other.

I am not sure of the solution but their let them "run the city" is a failed policy that needs to change. The city needs to protect all their citizens not just certain citizens.
The answer is mental health facilities with living quarters. It is the only solution. Jobs, jobs, jobs right ? Everybody wins including the patients.

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