
Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie

Video: College Students Get Trolled Into Trashing Socialism – MILO NEWS

The Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapter at Davidson College, a small liberal arts college in North Carolina, posed as “Students for Educational Equality” in an effort to expose the hypocrisy of liberals.

The YAF created a fake petition and asked students if they would “redistribute the top 10 percent of GPAs at Davidson to the bottom 10 percent.”

The conservative students of YAF created the petition to highlight the unfairness of wealth distribution. They also created a short video of them asking students to sign the petition and the student’s reactions to the idea.

Most students would not sign it for a variety of reasons, the most common being that it was unfair that students who earned their A’s should get to keep them.

The Young America’s Foundation announced a nationwide competition asking its chapters to create videos on students reactions when asked to voluntarily redistribute their grades to students that were failing.

“The hypocrisy is obvious. Liberals embrace socialist policies when their own property is unaffected, but when socialism affects them personally, watch them become advocates of free enterprise instantaneously,” the foundation said on its website when the competition was announced...

Communism is a cancer on this world.

Video: College Students Get Trolled Into Trashing Socialism – MILO NEWS

The Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapter at Davidson College, a small liberal arts college in North Carolina, posed as “Students for Educational Equality” in an effort to expose the hypocrisy of liberals.

The YAF created a fake petition and asked students if they would “redistribute the top 10 percent of GPAs at Davidson to the bottom 10 percent.”

The conservative students of YAF created the petition to highlight the unfairness of wealth distribution. They also created a short video of them asking students to sign the petition and the student’s reactions to the idea.

Most students would not sign it for a variety of reasons, the most common being that it was unfair that students who earned their A’s should get to keep them.

The Young America’s Foundation announced a nationwide competition asking its chapters to create videos on students reactions when asked to voluntarily redistribute their grades to students that were failing.

“The hypocrisy is obvious. Liberals embrace socialist policies when their own property is unaffected, but when socialism affects them personally, watch them become advocates of free enterprise instantaneously,” the foundation said on its website when the competition was announced...

Communism is a cancer on this world.

Greedy assholes!

I mean the professors, they should just give everybody an A++.
A far right wing Asian trump whore.
As rare as Tramp going a day without lying.

I'm sure your people ostracize and ignore you like the NATO heads shunned Tramp.
A far right wing Asian trump whore.
As rare as Tramp going a day without lying.

I'm sure your people ostracize and ignore you like the NATO heads shunned Tramp. Preferences Espenshade Chung June 2005.pdf

...In an earlier article in this journal, Espenshade, Chung, and Walling
(2004) examined the strength of admission preferences for underrepresented
minority students, athletes, and alumni children at three highly selective
private research universities in the United States. Using data from the Na-
tional Study of College Experience on 124,374 applications for admission
during the 1980s and the fall semesters of 1993 and 1997, they found that
elite universities give extra weight in admissions to candidates whose SAT
scores are above 1500, who are African American, and who are student

A smaller, but nevertheless important, preference is extended to
Hispanic and legacy applicants. African-American applicants receive the

equivalent of 230 extra SAT points (on a 1600-point scale), and being
Hispanic is worth an additional 185 SAT points. Other things equal, re-
cruited athletes gain an admission bonus worth 200 points, while the pref-
erence for legacy candidates is worth 160 points. Asian-American applicants

face a loss equivalent to 50 SAT points.

The underrepresented minority advantage is greatest for African-American and Hispanic applicants whose SAT scores are in the 1200–1300 range, and not for applicants near the lower end of the SAT distribution as some have suggested (cf. Dugan et al., 1996)....

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