Lib Protestors turn violent at Ryan's rally: Ryan handles it graciously


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This gentleman is truly a class act. There's a video at the link showing how well Ryan handled the situation.

Paul Ryan gave a campaign speech at the Iowa State Fair on Monday, addressing an appreciate crowd of thousands… plus a few protesters who grew violent, and had to be escorted from the venue by state troopers. The Des Moines Register reports:

The audience of more than 3,000, many holding up Romney campaign signs, hooted and cheered, but a handful of protesters shouted at him about cutting Medicare and “the war on the poor.”

It was an intense 12 minute speech, with much shouting and Iowa State Patrol officer dispatched into the crowd multiple times to quell unruly behavior. One protester struck a woman in crowd in the face, and there was a report that state Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Red Oak, was getting pushed down.

“It’s funny because Iowans and Wisconsinites, we like to be respectful of one another and peaceful with one another and listen to each other. These ladies must not be from Iowa,” Ryan said of the protesters, who tried to jump up on stage and struggled to get away from state troopers.

Paul Ryan speaks in Iowa; protesters grow violent - Conservative News, Views & Books

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