LGBT students at BYU want the school to disavow its religious foundation


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

The gay fascists strike again. As the name of the school proclaims, it’s a bastion of Mormon belief and establishment. That marriage is only between a man and a woman is sacred doctrine, something the church can’t and won’t ever change its beliefs about.

And there is something fishy about this story.

The #RestoreHonor movement, led by a group of students who garnered support after creating an Instagram account (@HonorCodeStories), which went viral, has attracted over 37,000 followers and prompted hundreds of students to submit anonymous stories to the page’s creator.

The problem is that the school’s total enrollment is only 33,517.

Where did the 37,000 signatures come from?

This student-led movement has now resulted in a petition that has garnered over 22,000 signatures and is calling for the university to self-impose a ban on discrimination on the basis sexual orientation and gender identity.

Having grown up in the Mormon Church – it now prefers to be called Latter Day Saints – I know that a large number of students at BYU are members of that church. And, most are “in good standing” and believe that homosexual relationships are sinful. I cannot believe they would sign petitions to change a basic tenet of their faith.

We will see what happens but I doubt the school leaders will succumb to this attack.

More @ Pro-LGBT Group at Brigham Young University Wants to Secularize the School
It's fine that the Mormons are all raring to go against homosexuality, but it would be nice if they would help out with abortion. That issue is just a bit more important.
People cannot protest themselves free of their obligations. If they agreed to follow the honor code, they can keep it or not but protesting won’t give them excuse to break their word
Maybe the LGBT at BYU should GTFO.
Or they can peacefully protest and petition the university. I'm not sure how things work in your third world country, but, in the US, this is how we change things.

BYU is not going to disavow it’s foundation. There are many great universities where those students would feel very comfortable and be able to focus on their education.
It is clear to me that none of you understand the most basic belief of Mormonism. To marry and have children exceeds all other obligations. Thus, non-bearing coupling goes against their most important belief.

The gay fascists strike again. As the name of the school proclaims, it’s a bastion of Mormon belief and establishment. That marriage is only between a man and a woman is sacred doctrine, something the church can’t and won’t ever change its beliefs about.

And there is something fishy about this story.

The #RestoreHonor movement, led by a group of students who garnered support after creating an Instagram account (@HonorCodeStories), which went viral, has attracted over 37,000 followers and prompted hundreds of students to submit anonymous stories to the page’s creator.

The problem is that the school’s total enrollment is only 33,517.

Where did the 37,000 signatures come from?

This student-led movement has now resulted in a petition that has garnered over 22,000 signatures and is calling for the university to self-impose a ban on discrimination on the basis sexual orientation and gender identity.

Having grown up in the Mormon Church – it now prefers to be called Latter Day Saints – I know that a large number of students at BYU are members of that church. And, most are “in good standing” and believe that homosexual relationships are sinful. I cannot believe they would sign petitions to change a basic tenet of their faith.

We will see what happens but I doubt the school leaders will succumb to this attack.

More @ Pro-LGBT Group at Brigham Young University Wants to Secularize the School
Definitely something fishy with lesbo's. They just want attention and to destroy something because they can get no fulfillment from their pathetic life.
Maybe the LGBT at BYU should GTFO.
Or they can peacefully protest and petition the university. I'm not sure how things work in your third world country, but, in the US, this is how we change things.
It's not how the fascist LGBT bunch affects change. Failing at this petition they will no doubt become violent, throw temper tantrums and file some stupid, expensive lawsuit.
It is clear to me that none of you understand the most basic belief of Mormonism. To marry and have children exceeds all other obligations. Thus, non-bearing coupling goes against their most important belief.
And a couple decades ago, believing black people were not true human beings was also one of their core beliefs. Things change.

So, maybe you are confusing the idea with "not giving a shit what idiotic things they believe Right now" with "not understanding".
It’s a private religious university and they free to enact whatever honor code they wish.

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