LGBT Rapists

You’re either illiterate or a troll desperate for attention.

I just explained it in the initial post. It wasn’t “willingly” at all. David didn’t want a man touching him. David didn’t invite a man to touch him. All of it was against his will.

That is the textbook definition of rape.
No. It's not unless there was penetration. Touching is a sexual assault. Certainly David was the victim of a sexual assault. Even if he allowed himself to be intimately touched, had he known it was a man he would have rejected the overtures.

Men who pretend to be women like it when a man assumes they are female. For some reason they believe that once a man is aroused they will be emotionally invested in the individual and it won't matter that they are not anatomically female. That's not what happens. I wouldn't call it gay panic. It's blind rage. That kind of rage gets peoplec hurt.
aaronleland is overly committed to defending a transvestite raping people. That’s just creepy. Me thinks he has some major kink fantasies when it comes to a man in a dress. :puke:
The transgendered men who pretend to be women REALLY get into rape when assaulting women. They believev that lesbians should be counseled into accepting intercourse when it is from a man pretending to be women. If course, such men pretending to be women are not above beating women into compliance.
Psst…asshat…I absolutely can judge whoever the fuck I want by whatever standard I choose. And there isn’t a fuck’n thing you can do about it.

I don’t “think” I can. I know I can.

You can know that if you like but its not my fault you're always wrong.
I KNOW you Are wrong.
So you admit (and agree) that he did in fact rape David Bogdanov? Excellent. That is obvious to anyone with half a brain.
There is noting to support a claim that David Bogdanov was raped, at least not in this article nor in the 48 Hours news show.

If he had been raped why wasn't that raised before, or during the trial, unless murder trumps rape?
There is noting to support a claim that David Bogdanov was raped, at least not in this article nor in the 48 Hours news show.
Literally everything confirmed rape. David Bogdanov didn't want a man touching him. David Bogdanov didn't invite a man to touch him.

If you don't want a man touching you, and you don't invite a man to touch you, and a man touches you, that is rape.
If he had been raped why wasn't that raised before, or during the trial, unless murder trumps rape?
I can't speak about the trial and neither can you. Maybe it was brought up. Maybe it wasn't. What I know for 100% fact is that if you don't want a man touching you, and you don't invite a man to touch you, and he touches you, that is the textbook definition of rape.
No I didn't.
Yes, you did. It's right there for everyone to see: :lmao:
Why do you blame democrats because some queer guy rapes?

I pointed out the obvious paranoia you have about democrats. How about focusing on that.
Why? Because you hate the fact I'm "focused on" exposing Democrats for the disgusting, sub-human, pieces of shit that they are? Sorry, not hear to appease Dumbocrats. If you're so ashamed of your party (and you should be), then you should re-examine who you align with.
Where is your evidence there was penetration? Because that is what is required for it to be rape.
Bwahahaha! No snowflake, that is not required. Kobe Bryant was charged with rape for ejaculating on a girl's face. No penetration at all.

Do you realize every time you post, you're wrong? Literally every time. It's bad enough that your so damn dumb, but the fact that you're too lazy to do even a basic Google search before opening your big mouth is inexcusable.
I am against the concept of transexuals BUT no rape occurred. All that happened was touching. As explained that is sexual assault not rape. However the circumstances of the encounter did not merit murder. I am not familiar with the case what was he convicted of? I assume he acted in a moment of rage after finding out it was a male which would not be premediated.
I am against the concept of transexuals BUT no rape occurred. All that happened was touching. As explained that is sexual assault not rape.
Not quite that simple. Kobe Bryant was charged with rape for ejaculating on a woman's face. That's technically not even "touching". But...if you want to insist on "sexual assault", I'm ok with that. Either way, he was violated.
However the circumstances of the encounter did not merit murder.
Oh I'm not arguing that at all. Never said it was "justifiable".
I am not familiar with the case what was he convicted of? I assume he acted in a moment of rage after finding out it was a male which would not be premediated.
He was convicted of murder. And you are correct.
There is no such thing as a Transgender. Those people are just mentally ill homosexuals who cannot come to grips with the fact they like sucking dick and taking it up the ass, and don't want to be called gay.

"I'm a woman trapped in a man's body."

Horse shit.

You are a geigh sodomite. Be honest about your perversion and quit trying to deceive people.
Bwahahaha! No snowflake, that is not required. Kobe Bryant was charged with rape for ejaculating on a girl's face. No penetration at all.

Do you realize every time you post, you're wrong? Literally every time. It's bad enough that your so damn dumb, but the fact that you're too lazy to do even a basic Google search before opening your big mouth is inexcusable.
When the officers told Bryant that she had taken an exam that yielded physical evidence, such as semen, Bryant admitted to having sexual intercourse with her, but stated that the sex was consensual.

Looks like you're the one with ejaculate on your face.
Not quite that simple. Kobe Bryant was charged with rape for ejaculating on a woman's face. That's technically not even "touching". But...if you want to insist on "sexual assault", I'm ok with that. Either way, he was violated.

Oh I'm not arguing that at all. Never said it was "justifiable".

He was convicted of murder. And you are correct.
Wrong again, tard.

Kobe Bryant was charged with rape because he had intercourse with her.

After bending her over a chair and fucking her, he asked if he could cum on her face.

Full penetration, dipshit.

Do you realize every time you post, you're wrong? Literally every time. It's bad enough that your so damn dumb, but the fact that you're too lazy to do even a basic Google search before opening your big mouth is inexcusable.
Oh, gee, look at what my weak Google skills found.

The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”

To convict an offender of rape, some form of nonconsensual sexual penetration, however slight, must occur. Each instance of penetration can serve as a count of rape, as well.

Literally everything confirmed rape. David Bogdanov didn't want a man touching him. David Bogdanov didn't invite a man to touch him.

If you don't want a man touching you, and you don't invite a man to touch you, and a man touches you, that is rape.

I can't speak about the trial and neither can you. Maybe it was brought up. Maybe it wasn't. What I know for 100% fact is that if you don't want a man touching you, and you don't invite a man to touch you, and he touches you, that is the textbook definition of rape.
This occurred in Washington state so the only definition of 'rape' that applies is the one in the Revised Code of Washington's (RCW) criminal section. Note the part regarding 'forcible compulsion':

RCW 9A.44.040

Rape in the first degree.​

(1) A person is guilty of rape in the first degree when such person engages in sexual intercourse with another person by forcible compulsion where the perpetrator or an accessory:
(a) Uses or threatens to use a deadly weapon or what appears to be a deadly weapon; or​
(b) Kidnaps the victim; or​
(c) Inflicts serious physical injury, including but not limited to physical injury which renders the victim unconscious; or​
(d) Feloniously enters into the building or vehicle where the victim is situated.​
(2) Rape in the first degree is a class A felony.

RCW 9A.44.010

Definitions. (Effective until January 1, 2022.)​

As used in this chapter:​
(1) "Sexual intercourse"​
(a) has its ordinary meaning and occurs upon any penetration, however slight, and​
(b) Also means any penetration of the vagina or anus however slight, by an object, when committed on one person by another, whether such persons are of the same or opposite sex, except when such penetration is accomplished for medically recognized treatment or diagnostic purposes, and​
(c) Also means any act of sexual contact between persons involving the sex organs of one person and the mouth or anus of another whether such persons are of the same or opposite sex.​
I can't speak about the trial and neither can you. Maybe it was brought up. Maybe it wasn't. What I know for 100% fact is that if you don't want a man touching you, and you don't invite a man to touch you, and he touches you, that is the textbook definition of rape.
I don't know what about this is sending you off of the rails, but from my perspective if you're going to take the stand to defend WHY you murdered someone, that would be a good time to tell the court and jury that you were raped by the person you murdered. That didn't happen, so from what was reported in the news story, I stand by my statement that nothing was said during the show regarding Bogdanov being "raped". Deceived into partaking in activity with someone of the same sex whom he never would have touched had he known he was male, okay, but as far as was reported, he didn't report being "raped" by anyone, which would have been the right thing to do as opposed to murdering the person who deceived him.

I don't know that it automatically becomes 'rape' because a person is deceived, presuming of course that the activities were consensual prior to Bogdanov discovering that 'Nikki' was male.
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