Levels Unseen’: U.S. Poverty Rate on Track To Be Highest Since 1960s


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
AP Report Reveals U.S. Poverty Rate On Track to Raise to Levels Not Seen Since the 1960s | TheBlaze.com

The ranks of America’s poor are on track to climb to levels unseen in nearly half a century, according to the Associated Press, erasing gains from any sensible economic policies in recent decades.

Census figures for 2011 will be released this fall in the critical weeks ahead of the November elections, and Tom Blumer at Newsbusters suspects the Associated Press’ lengthy write-up is being released now so it doesn’t have to be given as much attention right before the election.

“It looks like the strategy is to get a comprehensive report out on how bad things are in July when few are paying attention, and then to give the official report short shrift when it arrives in mid-September,” he wrote.

The Associated Press reportedly surveyed more than a dozen economists, think tanks and academics, both nonpartisan and those with known liberal or conservative leanings, and found a broad consensus: The official poverty rate will rise from 15.1 percent in 2010, climbing as high as 15.7 percent. Several predicted a more modest gain, but even a 0.1 percentage point increase would put poverty at the highest level since 1965.:clap2::clap2:

Well,looks like the Obama plan is working,he needs just 4 more yers to fullfill his dream,thank god the private sector is doing fine,
record welfare...record number of people on unemployment...record food stamp usage...and now a 40 year record poverty level.
Not to mention the U.S. went from the #1 global competitor to #7.
Buut - Wall Street had a record year in 2009...a great year this year and are about to receive another taxpayer shot in the arm to keep up the market bubble.
Yeah...Obama is there for all of us.
....4 more years...4 more years...4 more years...
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record welfare...record number of people on unemployment...record food stamp usage...and now a 40 year record poverty level.
Not to mention the U.S. went from the #1 global competitor to #7.
....4 more years...4 more years...4 more years...

To be fair, this is due to policies put in place and instituted since the 70's. It will not change overnite, in fact, expect it to get much worse before it gets better.

Ever wonder why there's a increase in preppers? Why grocery stores are now selling long term storage food? Many Americans realize that we can't continue this way and when the SHTF we will be on our own, no government handouts, no freebees.

Ever wonder why so many are purchasing guns and ammo? That's so they can protect the food they've purchased and stored for the bad times yet to come.

And here's the kicker, if the preppers are wrong? They haven't lost anything, if those who don't prep are wrong..well, you get the picture.
The Obama administration seized on the report as an argument for continuation of the Democrats’ policies on job creation and health care.

“As we continue to fight back from the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, the Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage report released today provides further evidence of how critical it is that we implement policies that benefit and create security for struggling families and our middle class — and not just the wealthiest Americans,” said acting US Commerce Secretary Rebecca Blank.

“It is clear that had President Obama not taken swift and aggressive action to grow our economy and create jobs, today’s report would have shown much higher poverty rates, lower incomes, and a greater share of the population without health insurance,” Blank, whose department produced the report, said in a statement.

Once again Obama considers failure a success
So what happens to America when our debt becomes so big it's obvious we can't repay any of it?

Food riots....$10.00 for a loaf of bread,do not worry Obama will shit some money out of his womb to the tomb entitlement ass .....::9:
So what happens to America when our debt becomes so big it's obvious we can't repay any of it?

Its already that big!! $20 trillion is $160,000,000 per household. Its as if every family in America has another mortgage they don't know about it.

Make no mistake, it has to be paid and it is coming out of our standard of living as we speak.
The Obama administration seized on the report as an argument for continuation of the Democrats’ policies on job creation and health care.

“As we continue to fight back from the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, the Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage report released today provides further evidence of how critical it is that we implement policies that benefit and create security for struggling families and our middle class — and not just the wealthiest Americans,” said acting US Commerce Secretary Rebecca Blank.

“It is clear that had President Obama not taken swift and aggressive action to grow our economy and create jobs, today’s report would have shown much higher poverty rates, lower incomes, and a greater share of the population without health insurance,” Blank, whose department produced the report, said in a statement.

Once again Obama considers failure a success

He's growing the welfare state, as he intended. Scary times.

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