Let's See ... $200 Extra SS Per Month ...


and he'll be paying cash.

throw it in Trumps $4 trillion dollar budget - He's doesnt mind spending it, and his drones kiss his ass when he does.
throw it in Trumps $4 trillion dollar budget - He's doesnt mind spending it, and his drones kiss his ass when he does.
I don't see any lip marks-I think you are making that up. Don't be a sore Hillary loser.
You have to realize that the left will never stop and try to fiqure out where that money would come from.
Note to the left.

Please nominate this woman...please please please.

It will guarantee Trump for 4 more years.
Plus $1000 per month minimum income to all citizens ... in addition to pensions and dividends ...

That would be swell, as in an entertainment fund swelling. I wonder who will be paying for it?

Elizabeth Warren Wants To Give Social Security Beneficiaries A Raise | HuffPost
Does Warren, assuming she is mentally stable enough to realize that we are TRILLIONS IN DEBT, NOT JUST 'BROKE', plan on crapping out billions of dollars to pay for this, or does she plan on SEIZING money from tax payers to pay for this and for their intent to give criminal illegals health care, education, housing, food, etc... and to pay for 'free' college tuition for everyone and to pay for a deranged Green Energy policy that admittedly will cost $100+ trillion and economically collapse this nation before we ever get close to it working?
Problem: Social Security is running out of money.

Solution: Give everyone a $200 per month raise.

Being a Democrat is simple (minded).
Plus $1000 per month minimum income to all citizens ... in addition to pensions and dividends ...

That would be swell, as in an entertainment fund swelling. I wonder who will be paying for it?

Elizabeth Warren Wants To Give Social Security Beneficiaries A Raise | HuffPost

She pandering for the old people's vote.
She may very well get it too. Their are a lot of widows and widowers that are barely hanging on and many who have been forced to sell their homes because their SS is slow low.

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