Let's See ... $200 Extra SS Per Month ...

Plus $1000 per month minimum income to all citizens ... in addition to pensions and dividends ...

That would be swell, as in an entertainment fund swelling. I wonder who will be paying for it?

Elizabeth Warren Wants To Give Social Security Beneficiaries A Raise | HuffPost
Does Warren, assuming she is mentally stable enough to realize that we are TRILLIONS IN DEBT, NOT JUST 'BROKE', plan on crapping out billions of dollars to pay for this, or does she plan on SEIZING money from tax payers to pay for this and for their intent to give criminal illegals health care, education, housing, food, etc... and to pay for 'free' college tuition for everyone and to pay for a deranged Green Energy policy that admittedly will cost $100+ trillion and economically collapse this nation before we ever get close to it working?
Yet it has been perfectly fine to give away free rent to illegals that live in large real estate developers complexes that were built with large amounts of taxpayers money. All because people like Steyer knew how to game the system and still are for that matter.
Plus $1000 per month minimum income to all citizens ... in addition to pensions and dividends ...

That would be swell, as in an entertainment fund swelling. I wonder who will be paying for it?

Elizabeth Warren Wants To Give Social Security Beneficiaries A Raise | HuffPost

She pandering for the old people's vote.
She may very well get it too. Their are a lot of widows and widowers that are barely hanging on and many who have been forced to sell their homes because their SS is slow low.

That's just campaign talk. You can bet that even if she did win, whatever raise would only be a pittance and purely for show.
Breaking: Dem's propose raising taxes $200 a month on news SS benefits may increase $200 a month. THAT'S how Dem's rub their hands together scheming.
Plus $1000 per month minimum income to all citizens ... in addition to pensions and dividends ...

That would be swell, as in an entertainment fund swelling. I wonder who will be paying for it?

Elizabeth Warren Wants To Give Social Security Beneficiaries A Raise | HuffPost

She pandering for the old people's vote.
She may very well get it too. Their are a lot of widows and widowers that are barely hanging on and many who have been forced to sell their homes because their SS is slow low.

That's just campaign talk. You can bet that even if she did win, whatever raise would only be a pittance and purely for show.
Wouldn't matter. It is something that needs to be addressed. A 30yr old kid and her brothers and sisters of a drunken mom whose daddy was an officer is still getting a thousand more a month than a person who work three minimum wage jobs for most of their lives. It is not the workers who paid into SS that caused the problem.
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Republicans are not doing themselves a favor when they ignore the facts. And asshats that claim people didn't plan good are also full of crap. My parents worked their whole lives and they lived pretty frugally. Dad got cancer that was attributed to working on a nuclear plant. He knew mom would only get half of the SS when he passed so he had another house built for her and they sold the big house they had built for retiring in. Mom worked all her life too but she worked on the houses during the day they rebuilt and built and after work he helped work on them at night. Over the years they did over 60 homes and several larger land investment developments which of course they paid taxes on the profits when they sold them. Mom would not be able to afford to pay the taxes on her current home with the SS check and she has to pay for her medicare supplement too. She dips into the cash savings they have earned over the years to pay for things she needs and pay for bills the SS check doesn't cover. That wouldn't be an issue if she got as return on that money from the interest but most of you should know damn well that Congress elected to bail out the investment bankers who f'd up instead of charging the crooked SOB's with all of the fraud committed instead; so the only way to get back on track is have lower interest rate. If you all end up with a bunch of Bolshevist and ultimately end up with Communist running the country, well I suppose justice does have a way of working itself out.

What percent of retirees live on Social Security alone?
With a monthly benefit averaging just $1,369 (as of June 2017), the idea to retire on Social Security alone may sound next to impossible. Still, 23 percent of married retirees and 43 percent of single retirees count on their Social Security benefit for 90 percent or more of their monthly income.
Republicans are not doing themselves a favor when they ignore the facts. And asshats that claim people didn't plan good are also full of crap. My parents worked their whole lives and they lived pretty frugally. Dad got cancer that was attributed to working on a nuclear plant. He knew mom would only get half of the SS when he passed so he had another house built for her and they sold the big house they had built for retiring in. Mom worked all her life too but she worked on the houses during the day they rebuilt and built and after work he helped work on them at night. Over the years they did over 60 homes and several larger land investment developments which of course they paid taxes on the profits when they sold them. Mom would not be able to afford to pay the taxes on her current home with the SS check and she has to pay for her medicare supplement too. She dips into the cash savings they have earned over the years to pay for things she needs and pay for bills the SS check doesn't cover. That wouldn't be an issue if she got as return on that money from the interest but most of you should know damn well that Congress elected to bail out the investment bankers who f'd up instead of charging the crooked SOB's with all of the fraud committed instead; so the only way to get back on track is have lower interest rate. If you all end up with a bunch of Bolshevist and ultimately end up with Communist running the country, well I suppose justice does have a way of working itself out.

What percent of retirees live on Social Security alone?
With a monthly benefit averaging just $1,369 (as of June 2017), the idea to retire on Social Security alone may sound next to impossible. Still, 23 percent of married retirees and 43 percent of single retirees count on their Social Security benefit for 90 percent or more of their monthly income.

Financial stress = poor health.
Under capitalism, all are created equal but do not end up financially equal.
Got a better system?
Republicans are not doing themselves a favor when they ignore the facts. And asshats that claim people didn't plan good are also full of crap. My parents worked their whole lives and they lived pretty frugally. Dad got cancer that was attributed to working on a nuclear plant. He knew mom would only get half of the SS when he passed so he had another house built for her and they sold the big house they had built for retiring in. Mom worked all her life too but she worked on the houses during the day they rebuilt and built and after work he helped work on them at night. Over the years they did over 60 homes and several larger land investment developments which of course they paid taxes on the profits when they sold them. Mom would not be able to afford to pay the taxes on her current home with the SS check and she has to pay for her medicare supplement too. She dips into the cash savings they have earned over the years to pay for things she needs and pay for bills the SS check doesn't cover. That wouldn't be an issue if she got as return on that money from the interest but most of you should know damn well that Congress elected to bail out the investment bankers who f'd up instead of charging the crooked SOB's with all of the fraud committed instead; so the only way to get back on track is have lower interest rate. If you all end up with a bunch of Bolshevist and ultimately end up with Communist running the country, well I suppose justice does have a way of working itself out.

What percent of retirees live on Social Security alone?
With a monthly benefit averaging just $1,369 (as of June 2017), the idea to retire on Social Security alone may sound next to impossible. Still, 23 percent of married retirees and 43 percent of single retirees count on their Social Security benefit for 90 percent or more of their monthly income.

Financial stress = poor health.
Under capitalism, all are created equal but do not end up financially equal.
Got a better system?
We had limits on what investment companies and bankers could do previously with Glass Steagal. Giving billions of tax dollars to a few elitist corporates and investment fund managers is not merely capitalism. Bankers propaganda, "You can't buy a house without a mortgage banker". Investment fund managers propaganda, "You won't have any money when you retire unless you invest with me".

Yes in fact I do have a better idea. Make sure everyone actually has a level playing field and quit skewing it all to favor few elitist or making bullshit laws that favor one class over another. Make all abide by the same law and same rules as it was intended from the founding of the nation.

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