Let's Play a Game!

This is one of those threads in which the OP proves the opposition's point. So keep on keepin' on, you sad moron.

Care to elaborate on how you reached that conclusion?

Just look at the assertion in #1 and her subsequent posts. It's laughable.

Her point in the OP is that most of the media includes bias in their reporting and she gave examples of both left and right followed by an unbiased example.

Then she posted an unbiased article from NPR.

Are you alleging that NPR is biased?

In which case the onus is on you to demonstrate that bias.
. NPR is so biased that they will face loss of Federal Grants when the GOP takes control.

If you ever listened to it, you would find the opposite is true.

They are non-partisan to a fault.

Open your mind and listen.
The purpose of my posting that, was to show you that RWing sites are calling it the Torture Report.

And I'm telling you that Alan Colmes does not reflect the views of Fox News. Are you that hard headed, Carla?

I've never heard of Alan Colmes.

Is Breitbart a liberal site? I think not.

Liar. And I don't subscribe to the nonsense Breitbart spews. Too far right wing for me. At any rate, you were drawn to Colmes because of his liberal views at the very least. Why else would you cite his website in the first place, huh?
The purpose of my posting that, was to show you that RWing sites are calling it the Torture Report.

And I'm telling you that Alan Colmes does not reflect the views of Fox News. Are you that hard headed, Carla?

I've never heard of Alan Colmes.

Is Breitbart a liberal site? I think not.

Liar. And I don't subscribe to the nonsense Breitbart spews. Too far right wing for me. At any rate, you were drawn to Colmes because of his liberal views at the very least. Why else would you cite his website in the first place, huh?

You are mentally challenged. I told you already, I don't know who Alan Colmes is, nor do I care.

The National Review is a RWing extremist site, just like Breitbart.
My opinion is the same there has always been bias be it news people or reports.

Your opinion does not change the fact there there are unbiased news reports. You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.

Look at this one for example: Full article @

News from The Associated Press

GAITHERSBURG, Md. (AP) -- A small, private jet slammed into a house Monday, killing a woman and her young sons inside the home and three people on the aircraft, authorities said.

The jet crashed around 10:45 a.m. in Gaithersburg, a Washington, D.C., suburb, Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Chief Steve Lohr said during a news conference.

Authorities quickly said all three people in the plane had been killed, but it took hours for fire crews to sweep the home and confirm that three people were inside. They were identified as 36-year-old Marie Gemmell and her two sons, 3-year-old Cole and a 1-month-old Devon, police said.

They were found in a second-floor bathroom. Gemmell was lying on top of her young sons in an apparent effort to shield them from the smoke and fire, said police Capt. Paul Starks. Her husband and a school-age daughter were not home and were accounted for, police said.

There are no characterizations of the pilot or the victims. News is what happened. There is no bias or spin in this news article.
I never claimed my opinion was fact something you should have known before claiming otherwise.

And you are entitled to your own opinions, just not your own facts.
Never said my opinion was fact.

Thanks for contributing and stopping by. :rolleyes:
Your welcome thanks for finally understanding the difference between giving an opinion and stating a fact.
As far as bias is concerned:

"He who is without sin, cast the first stone."

Oh lordy.


All you do is throw rocks.

No facts. Just regurg.

In your defense, there's your youth and total lack of experience in the real world. Maybe if you ever have to face real-life problems, making a living, supporting yourself, you'll feel differently but I doubt it. You ALWAYS post the words of others, what others tell you to think and I doubt that will ever change.

Nonetheless, I urge you to put away your comic books, video games and cardboard sword and try to think for yourself.
My first major in college, back in the early 1960's was journalism. We were taught that there was a difference between what appeared on the editorial page, and what appeared in the rest of the paper. The rest of the paper only included only: What, When, Who, Where, and How. We all wanted Walter Cronkite's job.

Today, even Walter Cronkite couldn't get Walter Cronkite's job.
The National Review is a RWing extremist site, just like Breitbart.

More moderate than Breitbart, actually.

You are mentally challenged. I told you already, I don't know who Alan Colmes is, nor do I care.

So, was it worth an insult? That tells me all I need to know. With your obsession with how "right wing" Fox News is, you don't know jack about them, do you? It is ironic that you would cite one of the resident leftists on Fox News to prove your point. The evidence is against you, miss. Your denials only make my point.
My first major in college, back in the early 1960's was journalism. We were taught that there was a difference between what appeared on the editorial page, and what appeared in the rest of the paper. The rest of the paper only included only: What, When, Who, Where, and How. We all wanted Walter Cronkite's job.

Today, even Walter Cronkite couldn't get Walter Cronkite's job.

I am also of the generation of Walter Cronkite, Huntley/Brinkley, Edward R. Murrow. Like the documentary, they really are rolling in their graves.

All manner of garbage passes for "news" now. There is no FCC oversight. We have sold out to every country on the planet and it was all led by the Republican puppet, Michael Powell.
Now, guess who has control of the Senate Intelligence Committee? Dianne Feinstein. A Democrat. And the Democrats on that committee want to release a 'torture report.' She is advocating this release knowing full well what the ramifications are. My gosh, how can you not see how biased this is?

The report, which was only approved by the committee's Democrats (Republicans on the committee say they plan to release their own report), concludes that the CIA routinely exceeded legally allowable techniques to get information from detainees and that the techniques were not effective in obtaining it. Yet, the agency systematically lied to the White House, Congress and the Department of Justice about its efficacy in order to continue its operations.

Former CIA Director Braces for Torture Report - The Atlantic

Senate Democrats are pushing to release the report on torture tactics during the George W. Bush administration in the final days before Republicans take control of the Senate.

As chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) started a review in 2009 of the use of waterboarding and other interrogation measures on suspects during Bush’s “War on Terror” to determine if the intelligence community lied to Congress, the White House and the Department of Justice on whether the U.S. violated international agreements on torture.

In 2012, Feinstein’s team produced a 6,200-page review, dubbed the “Torture Report,” which marks the first official overview of government-sanctioned torture tactics at secret interrogation facilities in Europe and Asia that were set up to bypass U.S. oversight.

The Senate investigation team reviewed more than 6 million pages of material to produce the exhaustive review, but the road for its release has been marked with several setbacks.

Though the full report hasn’t been declassified, a 480-page summary could be published for the public’s review this week, pending Feinstein's sign off.

Dems push to release report on torture used in War on Terror - NY Daily News

Nobody is calling it 'torture,' only the Democrats are. It's funny too, those same tactics used were what led to Bin Laden's capture, you guys toss that one up as one of Obama's great successes. How does it feel now that your own party thinks 'torture' was used in the take down? Hmm? Do I smell a double standard?
It's now bias to dub a report about torture a 'torture report'.

I guess then it's some sort of bias to call the nightly report about the the weather the 'weather report'.
It should be called what the CIA calls it and that is enhanced interrogation. Calling it torture is biased reporting.
I guess they have no other sources besides Breitbart, the National Review, the Heritage Foundation, or Fox.

It's too embarrassing for them to post.
Any O'Reilly Factor program is unbiased.


Don't say such utterly stoooopid stuff when I'm sipping red wine in front of my computer screen.


That WAS sarcasm about O'Reilly, right?

My guess is that he was dead serious.

And utterly uninformed.

Thing is, everyone once in a while, O'Reilly gets it right. But most of what I've heard from him is pure garbage.

And the nutters eat it up.

I guess they have no other sources besides Breitbart, the National Review, the Heritage Foundation, or Fox.

It's too embarrassing for them to post.
Any O'Reilly Factor program is unbiased.


Don't say such utterly stoooopid stuff when I'm sipping red wine in front of my computer screen.


That WAS sarcasm about O'Reilly, right?
Not at all. No spin. That's keeping it unbiased. You showing incredulity is bias.
It's now bias to dub a report about torture a 'torture report'.

I guess then it's some sort of bias to call the nightly report about the the weather the 'weather report'.
It should be called what the CIA calls it and that is enhanced interrogation. Calling it torture is biased reporting.

Its called "torture" because its torture.
That's an uninformed opinion. The technique is Enhanced Interrogation. Respect the term.
I don't know what is going to be in the report about "Torture", but if it reveals waterboarding, which I am sure that it will, we prosecuted Japanese in War Crime trials for doing it to the allies. I don't think that we could get away with telling the world that it is torture only when the Japanese do it.
I don't believe there was ever such a thing as unbiased news people just used to try and hide it better and be more subtle about it than they are today.

No one is talking about unbiased news people. We're talking about unbiased news reports.
My opinion is the same there has always been bias be it news people or reports.

Your opinion does not change the fact there there are unbiased news reports. You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.

Look at this one for example: Full article @

News from The Associated Press

GAITHERSBURG, Md. (AP) -- A small, private jet slammed into a house Monday, killing a woman and her young sons inside the home and three people on the aircraft, authorities said.

The jet crashed around 10:45 a.m. in Gaithersburg, a Washington, D.C., suburb, Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Chief Steve Lohr said during a news conference.

Authorities quickly said all three people in the plane had been killed, but it took hours for fire crews to sweep the home and confirm that three people were inside. They were identified as 36-year-old Marie Gemmell and her two sons, 3-year-old Cole and a 1-month-old Devon, police said.

They were found in a second-floor bathroom. Gemmell was lying on top of her young sons in an apparent effort to shield them from the smoke and fire, said police Capt. Paul Starks. Her husband and a school-age daughter were not home and were accounted for, police said.

There are no characterizations of the pilot or the victims. News is what happened. There is no bias or spin in this news article.

The rest of that is a non sequitur. By calling the reports 'torture' they characterized events that took place during the war. This article requires that no characterizations of persons or events be made. It is a recitation of an event which took place.

Fox News is also calling it the "torture report."

Security Concerns Over Release Of CIA Torture Report VIDEO - FOX News Radio
Because that's what the government is calling it and Fox in their usual unbiased way calls the report a torture report. It doesn't mean the CIA is involved in tortune. Believe it or not FOX refers to Obamacare as ACA and refers to that bastard in our White House as President Obama.

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