Let's Overturn Citizens United in the name of you and me!


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
It is no secret that our political system is corrupted by the influence of corporate money in elections. Pick any issue - financial regulation, energy policy, healthcare reform - and its problems can be traced back to unspoken quid quo pro agreements between politicians and their campaign backers.

Polling on the issue is striking. Despite a fiercely partisan national climate, Americans agree across the board that limits should be set on money in politics. Following the landmark Supreme Court case that removed a bulk of those limits, Citizens United v. FEC (2010), a poll taken by ABC News/Washington Post revealed that eighty percent of Americans opposed the ruling. Seventy-two percent stated that they would support efforts by Congress to reinstate the restrictions that were stripped away by the decision.

Under Citizens United any meaningful legislative workaround would suffer the same fate of the McCain-Feingold Act of 2002, key portions of which were overturned by the Roberts Court. In fact, there now remains only one option for addressing America's campaign finance problem, and a galvanizing one at that: we must amend the Constitution.

Marge Baker: Overturning Citizens United: A Movement Moment
If you want to "overturn" the 1st Amendment you would be better off just finding a new country to live in.
Nah, republicans like having republicans in office more than they like freedom, true story.
The Repubs are going to cry like little bitch slapped school girls when they see what the dem pacs do with complete anonymity.

Passing the "Patriot Act" didn't teach these fuckwits a damn thing.. They will rue the day they idiotically ran the Citizens United case in front of the Supreme Court.

Repubs have the forsight of fruit flies...

Just sayin...:lol: :lol: :lol:
The Repubs are going to cry like little bitch slapped school girls when they see what the dem pacs do with complete anonymity.

Passing the "Patriot Act" didn't teach these fuckwits a damn thing.. They will rue the day they idiotically ran the Citizens United case in front of the Supreme Court.

Repubs have the forsight of fruit flies...

Just sayin...:lol: :lol: :lol:

They dont play chess they play tic tac toe
Replace 95% of all elected officials every 4 years for the house and every 6 years for the Senate.

Isn't it time to take upon ourselves the implementation of term limits?

Let's demand a new system and vote in Fair Vote America : FairVote.org | Instant Runoff Voting
If you want to "overturn" the 1st Amendment you would be better off just finding a new country to live in.

The law has been perverted. Just because nine corrupted judges say otherwise means nothing. We know what is right, and what is wrong.
It is no secret that our political system is corrupted by the influence of corporate money in elections. Pick any issue - financial regulation, energy policy, healthcare reform - and its problems can be traced back to unspoken quid quo pro agreements between politicians and their campaign backers.

Polling on the issue is striking. Despite a fiercely partisan national climate, Americans agree across the board that limits should be set on money in politics. Following the landmark Supreme Court case that removed a bulk of those limits, Citizens United v. FEC (2010), a poll taken by ABC News/Washington Post revealed that eighty percent of Americans opposed the ruling. Seventy-two percent stated that they would support efforts by Congress to reinstate the restrictions that were stripped away by the decision.

Under Citizens United any meaningful legislative workaround would suffer the same fate of the McCain-Feingold Act of 2002, key portions of which were overturned by the Roberts Court. In fact, there now remains only one option for addressing America's campaign finance problem, and a galvanizing one at that: we must amend the Constitution.

Marge Baker: Overturning Citizens United: A Movement Moment

This is the most useful thing you have ever had to say.
The big money candidates are more beholden than ever to corporate special interests due to the very long nature of campaigns. How do they have time to do the job they were elected to do?

We need public financing of campaigns.

Citizens cannot afford special interest money campaigns for it is the citizens that get left out. Let citizens vote on this issue.
Home | Public Campaign

Excellent reasoning behind public financing of campaigns:
DeMinted Disclosure | Public Campaign
If you want to "overturn" the 1st Amendment you would be better off just finding a new country to live in.

The law has been perverted. Just because nine corrupted judges say otherwise means nothing. We know what is right, and what is wrong.

Because YOU say so? Are you an expert in Constitutional law? Any kind of law? Or are you just another idiot whose greatest accomplishment is having an asshole like everyone else?
The disdain in which some of these lefty assholes hold the US Constitution is appalling.
If you want to "overturn" the 1st Amendment you would be better off just finding a new country to live in.
Money isn't speech. Money is access. Anonymous speech isn't protected speech. Anonymous money is corrupt money. And playing fast and loose with the First Amendment is unworthy of an elected official.
The disdain in which some of these lefty assholes hold the US Constitution is appalling.

Really? Which "lefty assholes" in particular gave us The Patriot Act and Citizens United?

I'm starting to think that you just aren't wired right Sparky.

They all gave us the patriot act. They all gave us SOPA. They all gave us NDAA. They all accept corporate money. They all lie to us. They all pass bill after bill that panders to corporate America at our expense.

You all need to grow up.
If you want to "overturn" the 1st Amendment you would be better off just finding a new country to live in.
Money isn't speech. Money is access. Anonymous speech isn't protected speech. Anonymous money is corrupt money. And playing fast and loose with the First Amendment is unworthy of an elected official.

How long have you served on the Supreme Court? (and you know they are not "elected," right?)
The disdain in which some of these lefty assholes hold the US Constitution is appalling.

Really? Which "lefty assholes" in particular gave us The Patriot Act and Citizens United?

I'm starting to think that you just aren't wired right Sparky.

They all gave us the patriot act. They all gave us SOPA. They all gave us NDAA. They all accept corporate money. They all lie to us. They all pass bill after bill that panders to corporate America at our expense.

You all need to grow up.

This just in. I'm 62...all grown up... Actually I would like to get younger. 25 would do quite nicely thankyou. :lol:

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