let's move on shall we ??


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
ok antman.. you stepped up, we accept your apology... people fuck up... welcome to the club... go back to work now, keep your head down. scott e. washingtonamerica.com
People do fuck up. Most people, however, don't lie to the world about their fuck up. They man up and deal with it.
When a republican guy posted bare chested pictures of himself Boehner bounced his ass before the end of the day. Why does Wiener deserve a break? Did he use gov't facilities or property to do this stuff? Isn't there something in the House ethics similar to what the military has: conduct unbecoming?
When a republican guy posted bare chested pictures of himself Boehner bounced his ass before the end of the day. Why does Wiener deserve a break? Did he use gov't facilities or property to do this stuff? Isn't there something in the House ethics similar to what the military has: conduct unbecoming?
It is a very thin list of things that qualify as "conduct unbecoming a democratic politician".
When a republican guy posted bare chested pictures of himself Boehner bounced his ass before the end of the day. Why does Wiener deserve a break? Did he use gov't facilities or property to do this stuff? Isn't there something in the House ethics similar to what the military has: conduct unbecoming?
It is a very thin list of things that qualify as "conduct unbecoming a democratic politician".

So you're okay with a US Rep who repeatedly lies to you? You're okay with a guy who has that much disregard for anybody else, who has that much poor judgement? Sounds like he used gov't property for personal monkey business. That's a big non-no, and everyone who works for the gov't knows it. And you're fine with that?
When a republican guy posted bare chested pictures of himself Boehner bounced his ass before the end of the day. Why does Wiener deserve a break? Did he use gov't facilities or property to do this stuff? Isn't there something in the House ethics similar to what the military has: conduct unbecoming?
It is a very thin list of things that qualify as "conduct unbecoming a democratic politician".

So you're okay with a US Rep who repeatedly lies to you? You're okay with a guy who has that much disregard for anybody else, who has that much poor judgement? Sounds like he used gov't property for personal monkey business. That's a big non-no, and everyone who works for the gov't knows it. And you're fine with that?
No, he's saying the the Democratic Party doesn't punish ethical lapses by their members very often because ethical lapses are their default mode.
When a republican guy posted bare chested pictures of himself Boehner bounced his ass before the end of the day. Why does Wiener deserve a break? Did he use gov't facilities or property to do this stuff? Isn't there something in the House ethics similar to what the military has: conduct unbecoming?
It is a very thin list of things that qualify as "conduct unbecoming a democratic politician".

So you're okay with a US Rep who repeatedly lies to you? You're okay with a guy who has that much disregard for anybody else, who has that much poor judgement? Sounds like he used gov't property for personal monkey business. That's a big non-no, and everyone who works for the gov't knows it. And you're fine with that?

yes... yes i am... things have been tough in america, and if you can't fool around in the house of representatives, then when can you... ?? when i was in the illinois house, i brought the fuking house down.... with laughter.. it was in the mid seventies... and here i am... thirty years later...
When a republican guy posted bare chested pictures of himself Boehner bounced his ass before the end of the day. Why does Wiener deserve a break? Did he use gov't facilities or property to do this stuff? Isn't there something in the House ethics similar to what the military has: conduct unbecoming?
It is a very thin list of things that qualify as "conduct unbecoming a democratic politician".

So you're okay with a US Rep who repeatedly lies to you? You're okay with a guy who has that much disregard for anybody else, who has that much poor judgement? Sounds like he used gov't property for personal monkey business. That's a big non-no, and everyone who works for the gov't knows it. And you're fine with that?
Never said I was ok with any of his adolescent bullshit.
I was merely pointing out the hypocrisy of the left, where they are quick to demonize a republican for similar behavior but think that it's okay for them.

I honestly think that it's because the repubs are looked at as the "family values" party and it comes across as contradictory when they get caught.
Dems are more "liberal", thus it's expected to see dubious behavior from them.
He resigns or an investigation takes place to determine whether he used gov't faciliities and property for this stuff. If he did, he's gone.
When a republican guy posted bare chested pictures of himself Boehner bounced his ass before the end of the day. Why does Wiener deserve a break? Did he use gov't facilities or property to do this stuff? Isn't there something in the House ethics similar to what the military has: conduct unbecoming?

Did Weiner ever claim to stand for conservative values? The guy's not a hypocrite, just a liar.

The lying is the thing I have a problem with.
People do fuck up. Most people, however, don't lie to the world about their fuck up. They man up and deal with it.

When did Bush do that with the Iraq war?

I'm pretty sure that W never sent a pic of his package to Iraq...and if he had, he would have not only confessed it, he would have held a press conference telling everybody that he did so.

That being said, if you are so convinced that a president should apologize for taking action against a dictator who gave us EVERY reason to believe that he was producing and hiding chemical weapons, then you might want to relocate to wimpier country.

Apparently you need to be reminded, AGAIN, that the majority of Congress backed him up on this decision, giving him the go ahead with the campaign. Are you going to ask for an apology from them too?

Will you ask Obama for an apology for the continuing unemployment rating that he promised would shrink after his first year in office? Or how about his promise to get our troops out of Iraq by the end of his first year? 5 more soldier were killed today in Baghdad. Is that Bush's fault? No...those boys should have been state-side along time ago.

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