Let's list the many ways Republicans help American children after they are born

Funny how Republicans try to turn it back on Democrats. About a million abortions per year in a country that has about 50 million from 1 to 12 years in age. Republicans admit they don't help those 50 million or even want to. Remember "It's not MY kid". What kind of morals to people have who want to force a woman they don't know, whose circumstances they don't know, to have a baby they don't want when there are millions already born who they refuse to help because "It's not MY kid"? Since you want to stay out of their lives, why not mind your own business?

Why aren't the parents that have children not held responsible for raising their own children?

That used to be called neglect... now it is badge of honor to crank out 7 kids when you are on the dole.
Where is that happening? In states the block birth control and abortion?

What state has blocked birth control and abortion? Name one
gop states that block birth control - Google Search

Don't be such a tard.

They haven't block birth control, they stopped a birth control program in Colorado.

Can you be honest? Oh wait, that isn't in you.
Funny how Republicans try to turn it back on Democrats. About a million abortions per year in a country that has about 50 million from 1 to 12 years in age. Republicans admit they don't help those 50 million or even want to. Remember "It's not MY kid". What kind of morals to people have who want to force a woman they don't know, whose circumstances they don't know, to have a baby they don't want when there are millions already born who they refuse to help because "It's not MY kid"? Since you want to stay out of their lives, why not mind your own business?

Why aren't the parents that have children not held responsible for raising their own children?

That used to be called neglect... now it is badge of honor to crank out 7 kids when you are on the dole.
Where is that happening? In states the block birth control and abortion?

What state has blocked birth control and abortion? Name one
gop states that block birth control - Google Search

Don't be such a tard.

Talk about being a tard.....did you even read any of those or did you just do a search and paste up the results?
Why aren't the parents that have children not held responsible for raising their own children?

That used to be called neglect... now it is badge of honor to crank out 7 kids when you are on the dole.
Where is that happening? In states the block birth control and abortion?

What state has blocked birth control and abortion? Name one
gop states that block birth control - Google Search

Don't be such a tard.

Talk about being a tard.....did you even read any of those or did you just do a search and paste up the results?

It's obvious he did search and paste job, very dishonest and lazy, he takes after Hillary.
You didn't actually expect anything he links to to actually back up his claims did you?
Look at the "Dum dums" all lining up.

Colorado GOP blocks successful birth-control program

Colorado launched a health initiative a few years ago with a specific target: reducing teen-birth rates. To that end, Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) implemented a program that provided tens of thousands of contraceptive devices at low or no cost.
The results were amazing: teen-birth rates dropped 40% in just five years. This week, the state even won an award from the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, celebrating Colorado’s success story.
Ironically, the award came the same week Colorado Republicans chose to scrap the effective policy.
Republicans on a Colorado Senate committee Wednesday killed an effort to set aside money for a birth-control program that provides intrauterine devices, or IUDs, to low-income, young women. […]
The legislation would have provided $5 million to expand the Colorado Family Planning Initiative program that health officials say lowered the teen birth rate in Colorado by an impressive 40 percent.

And what is this thread about?

Let's list the many ways Republicans help American children after they are born

Republicans know their policies of fuck the kids, who cares, doesn't go over well, so they deflect. 19 pages and these sorry fucks can't name a single thing. That's what makes them sorry fucks. Next, they will be telling us they don't want to end daycare, school lunches and food stamps for kids. Lucky we know better.
I raised my kids and put both through college through hard work, determination and with absolutely NO assistance from the government. Try it Liberals.
I'm guessing they didn't go to public schools.
I'm guess the college they went to accepted not one penny of government money.
I guessing they didn't get there on government roads.

I could be wrong. But I'm probably not.
The GOP believes things that might or might not help them in the future. Have you ever tried to make a dream sandwich? Unfulfilling at best
I raised my kids and put both through college through hard work, determination and with absolutely NO assistance from the government. Try it Liberals.
I'm guessing they didn't go to public schools.
I'm guess the college they went to accepted not one penny of government money.
I guessing they didn't get there on government roads.

I could be wrong. But I'm probably not.

They did not go to public schools.
Their tuition was paid for in cash, through my earnings and savings and through their part-time work while they were in school.
The road to the college is a PPP road, owned by Spain. As most PPP roads are.
Interesting question from one who supports infanticide.... so, I guess deanie weanie wants to know what we do to help the kids he didn't manage to kill in the womb?

Funny how Republicans try to turn it back on Democrats. About a million abortions per year in a country that has about 50 million from 1 to 12 years in age. Republicans admit they don't help those 50 million or even want to. Remember "It's not MY kid". What kind of morals to people have who want to force a woman they don't know, whose circumstances they don't know, to have a baby they don't want when there are millions already born who they refuse to help because "It's not MY kid"? Since you want to stay out of their lives, why not mind your own business?

Why aren't the parents that have children not held responsible for raising their own children?

That used to be called neglect... now it is badge of honor to crank out 7 kids when you are on the dole.
Where is that happening? In states the block birth control and abortion?

No state blocks birth control and abortion you nitwit....
Why aren't the parents that have children not held responsible for raising their own children?

That used to be called neglect... now it is badge of honor to crank out 7 kids when you are on the dole.
Where is that happening? In states the block birth control and abortion?

What state has blocked birth control and abortion? Name one
gop states that block birth control - Google Search

Don't be such a tard.

They haven't block birth control, they stopped a birth control program in Colorado.

Can you be honest? Oh wait, that isn't in you.

He lives in his own head.... it must get awfully cramped in there.
I raised my kids and put both through college through hard work, determination and with absolutely NO assistance from the government. Try it Liberals.
I'm guessing they didn't go to public schools.
I'm guess the college they went to accepted not one penny of government money.
I guessing they didn't get there on government roads.

I could be wrong. But I'm probably not.

They did not go to public schools.
Their tuition was paid for in cash, through my earnings and savings and through their part-time work while they were in school.
The road to the college is a PPP road, owned by Spain. As most PPP roads are.
Wow, no public schools, a college that receives no money from the government where American roads are owned by Spain.

And you expect people to believe that?
Interesting question from one who supports infanticide.... so, I guess deanie weanie wants to know what we do to help the kids he didn't manage to kill in the womb?

Funny how Republicans try to turn it back on Democrats. About a million abortions per year in a country that has about 50 million from 1 to 12 years in age. Republicans admit they don't help those 50 million or even want to. Remember "It's not MY kid". What kind of morals to people have who want to force a woman they don't know, whose circumstances they don't know, to have a baby they don't want when there are millions already born who they refuse to help because "It's not MY kid"? Since you want to stay out of their lives, why not mind your own business?

Why aren't the parents that have children not held responsible for raising their own children?

That used to be called neglect... now it is badge of honor to crank out 7 kids when you are on the dole.
Where is that happening? In states the block birth control and abortion?

No state blocks birth control and abortion you nitwit....
Next, you'll be telling us no state blocks health care.

Where the states stand on Medicaid expansion

Just to clue there right wingers in, if no money is spent on something, then it's blocked. Try to figure out why. And I went to all the trouble of providing a link, and they didn't.

And they still can't find a way they help US children. And they never will.
Funny how Republicans try to turn it back on Democrats. About a million abortions per year in a country that has about 50 million from 1 to 12 years in age. Republicans admit they don't help those 50 million or even want to. Remember "It's not MY kid". What kind of morals to people have who want to force a woman they don't know, whose circumstances they don't know, to have a baby they don't want when there are millions already born who they refuse to help because "It's not MY kid"? Since you want to stay out of their lives, why not mind your own business?

Why aren't the parents that have children not held responsible for raising their own children?

That used to be called neglect... now it is badge of honor to crank out 7 kids when you are on the dole.
Where is that happening? In states the block birth control and abortion?

No state blocks birth control and abortion you nitwit....
Next, you'll be telling us no state blocks health care.

Where the states stand on Medicaid expansion

Just to clue there right wingers in, if no money is spent on something, then it's blocked. Try to figure out why. And I went to all the trouble of providing a link, and they didn't.

And they still can't find a way they help US children. And they never will.

Name one state where healthcare, abortion or birth control have been blocked. Just one.
Funny how Republicans try to turn it back on Democrats. About a million abortions per year in a country that has about 50 million from 1 to 12 years in age. Republicans admit they don't help those 50 million or even want to. Remember "It's not MY kid". What kind of morals to people have who want to force a woman they don't know, whose circumstances they don't know, to have a baby they don't want when there are millions already born who they refuse to help because "It's not MY kid"? Since you want to stay out of their lives, why not mind your own business?

Why aren't the parents that have children not held responsible for raising their own children?

That used to be called neglect... now it is badge of honor to crank out 7 kids when you are on the dole.
Where is that happening? In states the block birth control and abortion?

No state blocks birth control and abortion you nitwit....
Next, you'll be telling us no state blocks health care.

Where the states stand on Medicaid expansion

Just to clue there right wingers in, if no money is spent on something, then it's blocked. Try to figure out why. And I went to all the trouble of providing a link, and they didn't.

And they still can't find a way they help US children. And they never will.

Nice deflection, please tell us the states that block birth control and abortion.

Name each state please.
Why aren't the parents that have children not held responsible for raising their own children?

That used to be called neglect... now it is badge of honor to crank out 7 kids when you are on the dole.
Where is that happening? In states the block birth control and abortion?

No state blocks birth control and abortion you nitwit....
Next, you'll be telling us no state blocks health care.

Where the states stand on Medicaid expansion

Just to clue there right wingers in, if no money is spent on something, then it's blocked. Try to figure out why. And I went to all the trouble of providing a link, and they didn't.

And they still can't find a way they help US children. And they never will.

Nice deflection, please tell us the states that block birth control and abortion.

Name each state please.

Should we tell him that "MY STATE OF MIND" isn't really a state?
Why aren't the parents that have children not held responsible for raising their own children?

That used to be called neglect... now it is badge of honor to crank out 7 kids when you are on the dole.
Where is that happening? In states the block birth control and abortion?

No state blocks birth control and abortion you nitwit....
Next, you'll be telling us no state blocks health care.

Where the states stand on Medicaid expansion

Just to clue there right wingers in, if no money is spent on something, then it's blocked. Try to figure out why. And I went to all the trouble of providing a link, and they didn't.

And they still can't find a way they help US children. And they never will.

Name one state where healthcare, abortion or birth control have been blocked. Just one.
Abortion clinics are closing in the U.S. at a record pace. In four states — Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming — just one remains.
But the new strategy adopted by abortion opponents, and the court battles it has set off, have tested how far abortion rights can be limited without being overturned.

The Vanishing U.S. Abortion Clinic - QuickTake


See, this is how these fucks operate. They put restrictive laws in place and cut funding and then say innocently, "Name one state where abortion is banned". Fuck you guys. I don't play your game. When abortion clinics are not funded and are outlawed, then abortion is banned.

If it looks like a turd, feels like a turd and smells like shit, then it's probably Republicans looking for a sleazy way to screw Americans again and again and again and again.................
Now, let's get back to the real question:

Let's list the many ways Republicans help American children after they are born
See what happened? Republicans finally gave up on trying to figure out how they have helped American children.

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