Let's Have It: the Stupidest, Most Illiterate, Brain-Damaged Website You've Ever Seen (Of Any Topic)


Gold Member
Feb 1, 2016
I propose the most jaw-droppingly babyish sc-fi-fantasy-fanboy-LARPER website of all time, Aint-It-Cool-News (It's been years, I don't even know/care if it still exists). What a CYBER TRAILER PARK that piece of shit is. Whenever a new movie or TV show came out, the average AICN "talkbacker" post read as follows in verbatim spelling: "I liekd (fill in the blank) an ane1 thit doznt can go lik a donkyz bals." And that's it. AICN's members' only defense for any entertainment they liked was to solicit a performance of zoophile-fellatio I'm almost positive is illegal in all 50 states. That's the average mentality of Aint-It-Cool-News and that orange-bearded, brain-addled Harry Knowles blob of infinite mass (hopefully dead by now), who was such an avalanche of hundreds of pounds, he probably had smaller people orbiting around him like planets.
Mr. Knowles is saddened by your displeasure.

I just remembered an older section of the Internet's message boards with a near-0% literacy rate: remember that AOL cyber meth lab? On any type of topic of any kind, EVERY post on EVERY AOL message board was so utterly garbled in every word I never had the slightest idea what the fuck any of these special-needs-unfortunates were saying, good or bad. I never even joined in the conversation because I simply had utterly no idea what I was responding to, it was like monkeys randomly slamming on keyboards.

Look, I natively speak English. I speak basic, butchery French and basic, butchery Spanish. What I DON'T speak is deliberately scrambled fuckwit.

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