Let's all support Tea Party Primaries

Get a job and PAY for your fucking health care... ever think of that you little commie dip shit?

Fuck off, you pathetic parasite.
That's what the ACA is all about! Paying for your own healthcare.

YOU want your employer to pay for it, you moocher.

Oh, wait - you're probably jobless, as well as brainless and dickless.

The government pays for his healthcare. Oh and he voted for Romney simply because he felt that Romney would increase his monthly government check more than Obama would. True story.
So he IS a moocher!

I'm so shocked!!! :lol:
Total bullshit. An amended insurance policy is a changed insurance policy. Obama explained this stuff when he was excusifying his lie.


Changed is not a synonym for Cancelled, dope.

There was no need to cancel a single policy, like I said.

Plans are no longer 'Grandfathered' if they are changed. Am I going too fast?
Why would it need to be grandfathered if it was amended to be up to code?
If you like your insurance you can keep it period lets encourage the Democrats to run on that promise.

Please point to one policy that either Obama or the government cancelled.


Your extremely dense are you not?, there are millions that have been canceled because of Obama care,but then your the type that will piss for distance arguing about the meaning of is.
I'm not going to discuss politics with a retard who can't even spell 'chicken' correctly.
Get a job and PAY for your fucking health care... ever think of that you little commie dip shit?

Fuck off, you pathetic parasite.
That's what the ACA is all about! Paying for your own healthcare.

YOU want your employer to pay for it, you moocher.

Oh, wait - you're probably jobless, as well as brainless and dickless.

Some how, the right forgets that fact.
The Democrats are the actual Party of Personal Responsibility.
What happened is the debt ceiling bill could have passed the Senate with 55 Democrats voting for it, but because of Ted Cruz threatening to filibuster, Republicans had to get their hands dirty to make 60. And it couldn't just be a few. No Republican wanted to be vote "60".

Now a lot of Republican Senators have a big Tea Party target on their backs a la Ted Cruz.

Thanks Ted.


We wanted to do that for you but couldn't think of a way. You did it for us.

Can anyone say "Tea Party Primary"?

in 2014 the tea party is going to mop the floor with the democrats like they did in 2010

So which theory would prevail?

A) Democrats are over confident, so the dem voters do not feel a need to show up.


B) Democrats are dejected, so the dem voters feel it would be hopeless to bother showing up.


C) Democrats cheat by casting votes for imaginary people and win.

You left out "GOP Voter Suppression":

Get a job and PAY for your fucking health care... ever think of that you little commie dip shit?

Fuck off, you pathetic parasite.
That's what the ACA is all about! Paying for your own healthcare.

YOU want your employer to pay for it, you moocher.

Oh, wait - you're probably jobless, as well as brainless and dickless.

Some how, the right forgets that fact.

I don't know. Maybe it's because you aren't paying for your own healthcare when you are taking subsidies from the government.

And maybe because government subsidies make things more expensive ensuring that the poor are priced out of the market even more.
That's what the ACA is all about! Paying for your own healthcare.

YOU want your employer to pay for it, you moocher.

Oh, wait - you're probably jobless, as well as brainless and dickless.

Some how, the right forgets that fact.
The Democrats are the actual Party of Personal Responsibility.

Thanks for the laugh Synth. When you guys stop blaming everyone else for all your mistakes, ill actually think you are serious.
Please point to one policy that either Obama or the government cancelled.


Your extremely dense are you not?, there are millions that have been canceled because of Obama care,but then your the type that will piss for distance arguing about the meaning of is.
I'm not going to discuss politics with a retard who can't even spell 'chicken' correctly.

Then discuss it with me, wiseass.
Also cite where in the ACA insurance companies were required to cancel policies that didn’t meet the Act’s requirements, or be subject to punitive measures.

If the policies that we're being offered no longer meet the requirements the law now demanded what did you think would happen the insurance companies would continue to offer plans the law no said we're below the government mandated standard? If the government really wanted the people to able to keep the plans they had why rewrite the grandfather clause?

Republicans fighting to keep garbage insurance is like Republicans fighting to lower the minimum wage or fighting for voter suppression or fighting to end daycare or school lunches. They are always fighting to somehow screw over as many people as possible. They indulge in voter suppression and then scream "We are losing our freedom". Yea, because of them.
They are like the worst of America with below average intelligence all rolled into one 90% white political party.
I can't guess how many times I've asked them to name one of their policies they are proud of and they can't. Not even one. With only barely enough to sense to not say "Redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1%".

YEAh, fighting so that women in their 50's and 60's don't have to pay for prenatal care is all about screwing those women over. What if they get pregnant post-menopause!? Why would you not want protection from medical conditions that don't affect you? Republicans are so ignorant!

And fighting to keep garbage insurance, too! Fighting so a guy in his 20's who doesn't hardly get sick can shell out a minimal amount of money and just get the cheap catastrophic coverage he logically might need in stead of paying top dollar to fund preventative measures against conditions he probably won't encounter for several more decades is super ignorant! Don't give people choices, that shit isn't healthy. Let the central planners tell everyone what they need, otherwise you're just being ignorant.
That's what the ACA is all about! Paying for your own healthcare.

YOU want your employer to pay for it, you moocher.

Oh, wait - you're probably jobless, as well as brainless and dickless.

Some how, the right forgets that fact.
The Democrats are the actual Party of Personal Responsibility.

So the personal responsibility route is demanding that those who are healthy pay for those who aren't? Personal responsibility demands that I buy more insurance than I need or want in order to subsidize the insurance costs of those who aren't earning enough to pay for their own health care?

Why doesn't personal responsibility demand that they pay for their own shit without my increased cost offsetting their lack of capacity? Sorry if that seems callous to you, but responsibility lies where it lies. Just because people who are less financially well off than I are likely to be having a rougher go of it than I, that doesn't mean that I assume some portion of their personal responsibility. No matter how strongly your dogmatic views of fairness would like to delegate that responsibility to me because I am more financially able, logic does not.

The D's are also the party of Eric Holder, who says that black children in school should be disciplined less harshly than white children to make up for the fact that, statistically, they are punished more often per capita than their white counterparts. No thought given to whether or not there actually exists a statistical gap in unruly behavior between black and white students. Of course not, even considering that as possible is probably racist. Better to simply require less personal responsibility out of our preferred class.

The D's are also the party that allow President Obama to blame people in his administration or staffers of his administrators when shit goes wrong as though that somehow abdicates his responsibility. Only a politician could get away with that shit. In the private sector, any upper level manager who surrounds himself with incompetence gets shit-canned after trying to pile Benghazi type Fast n Furious type shit on the people beneath him. At best, if proof of responsibility stops with a lesser manager, they'll give the upper level guy overseeing all of it the option to resign and keep his pension. Obama, the D president, apparently shares no such personal responsibility as those evil, lazy, greedy, good-for-nothing private sector rich bitches.

How about Jay Carney, who was proud that the ACA's subsidy cutoff points provide people in certain income ranges disincentives to work, actually saying it was good that people could decide if and how much to work without having to worry about whether or not they could afford health care. Yeah, the ACA is all -about- personal responsibility.

It's about the personal responsibility of the people you feel should pay, just not about the personal responsibility of the people you feel should benefit. Fuckin hilarious.

Not that the repubs are much better. However, simply because Republicans aren't so amazing at personal responsibility outside of their rhetoric doesn't mean your party represents it by default. Whether you like it or not, Democrat policies tend to favor the loafers at the expense of the entrepreneurs simply by virtue of it being so easy for loafers and fraudulent freeloaders to piggyback on programs designed to help the truly needy.

However, even helping the truly needy abdicates them of their personal responsibility. When you're the party of "giving shit away" to your voting demographic (and I use the term giving loosely since it ain't even your shit you give away) you can't also be the party of personal responsibility.
What happened is the debt ceiling bill could have passed the Senate with 55 Democrats voting for it, but because of Ted Cruz threatening to filibuster, Republicans had to get their hands dirty to make 60. And it couldn't just be a few. No Republican wanted to be vote "60".

Now a lot of Republican Senators have a big Tea Party target on their backs a la Ted Cruz.

Thanks Ted.


We wanted to do that for you but couldn't think of a way. You did it for us.

Can anyone say "Tea Party Primary"?

in 2014 the tea party is going to mop the floor with the democrats like they did in 2010

I doubt that there will ever be a swing that hard anytime soon. The tea party was relatively new and without blemish at the time. If you are hoping for that to repeat then you are likely going to be just as vindicated as those who were predicting a Romney landslide.

It simply is not going to happen.

Now, there is a possibility for the republicans (tea party and not) to take the senate but the real question is if they are going to be able to stay on message and not sink their own chances. It is a sad fact that the dems usually don’t even have to bother with a real campaign, the republicans lose the election without any help. I have strong doubts that they will be able to stay on message. The past is a clear indication that they are very bad at this.
If you like your insurance you can keep it period lets encourage the Democrats to run on that promise.
They're either talking it down or avoiding it altogether...they're in trouble, and they know it. Witness this thread and Rdean? *Lashing Out* because he knows their failure is catching u to them. Heck Most Democrats don't want to be seen with Obama.
If you like your insurance you can keep it period lets encourage the Democrats to run on that promise.

Please point to one policy that either Obama or the government cancelled.


So we have TWO governing entities..
A) Obama who governs us give us food, water,etc.
B) Government.

See I always thought the idiot in chief worked for the American People and not the other way around!
But what else can we expect from the vast majority of people like you and THESE people who think Obama controls ALL our lives!
ROGULSKI: Why are you here?
WOMAN #1: To get some money.
ROGULSKI: What kind of money?
BWOMAN #1: Obama money.
ROGULSKI: Where's it coming from?
WOMAN #1: Obama.
ROROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?
WOMAN #1: I don't know, his stash. I don't know. (laughter) I don't know where he got it from, but he givin' it to us,
WOMAN #2: And we love him.
WOMAN #1: We love him. That's why we voted for him!

Or maybe this person... "I wont have to worry about putting gas in my car, I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage..
You know, If I help him, he's gonna help me."

I absolutely count YOU as exactly like the above people!
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If you like your insurance you can keep it period lets encourage the Democrats to run on that promise.
They're either talking it down or avoiding it altogether...they're in trouble, and they know it. Witness this thread and Rdean? *Lashing Out* because he knows their failure is catching u to them. Heck Most Democrats don't want to be seen with Obama.

except Dottie and RW most Democrats dont want to be seen with Dean....at least thats what they tell me in PM's.....

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