Let Trump try to Run Again??


make excuses as to why you support politicians that take our personal freedoms.
Personal freedoms is another BS line the GOP use to manipulate the gullible into supporting them. You don't believe in personal freedoms, you just say it because it sounds cool
Democrats take freedoms
yet the GOP has taken the right to chose just now and the GOP opposes about 10 other personal freedoms

You are a joke
The gop did no such thing. Democrats mandated you wear a mask, shut down jobs, take away your right to self-defense, take away your money with higher taxes, take away gas engine vehicle.
This little gal is dumb as a stump...and she exposes democrat thinking. See...if you don't believe as WE believe then you're extreme and ....don't say this outloud.......all bets are off.

At this point, the left look very confident they can defeat Trump. :auiqs.jpg:
Not really. The FBI and DOJ are acting like they are scared to death that he might win and find a way to fire a bunch of high level people in those agencies.

I think their raid on Trump caused his popularity to soar with conservatives.
This little gal is dumb as a stump...and she exposes democrat thinking. See...if you don't believe as WE believe then you're extreme and ....don't say this outloud.......all bets are off.

In a free society there always will be different opinions on a number of issues. That’s what makes a free society so interesting and often so productive.

In a dictatorship everybody is required to agree with the government.

In Russia for example if you disagree with those in power you may get thrown out a window.

In the United States we call such incidents Arkancides.
Could the best path for America be letting Trump run for president again, because he has no chance at winning??

After the failed Trump presidency lost to Biden in 2020, mainly due to his complete mishandling of covid
After the disgraceful Jan 6th riots
Failed fake claims of election fraud with no evidence
All the courts and GOP election officials shutting down all fake election fraud claims
failed AZ audit
Now new very serious crime of mishandling ultra top secret material

I think Trump can't win. Despite Biden's bad poll numbers, Trump still loses against Biden.

I think there is the very real possibility that a Trump vs Desantis primary would completely divide the GOP and then turn Trumpers against the party because I think Trump would sabotage the party/election if he doesn't get the nomination. Trump will bring the party down in flames, a fitting end to the MAGA GOP.

If its Desantis, Trump will be so mad that he will try to make sure Desantis doesn't win, this could actually completely split, divide, and blow up the GOP causing them to implode over a lack of character. This could catalyzed the end of the disgraceful MAGA republican wing and save America and democracy in the process.

Let Trump run, he can't win the presidency because only ~25% of the electorate are brainwashed MAGA republicans and the rest of the country would never support Trump at all. He loses to Biden head to head.

Most Americans Fully Support Investigation into Trump for his Crime:

Apparently you believe you have a choice in the matter. The day a bunch of prog NAZIs get to decide who runs for office is the day this country is done.
yea that is the only risk, also with this Russia war who knows how it escalates. The Russia war could bring a big global recession. Putin has fully shut off the nat gas to Europe and they are in big trouble because of Putin inflation.

We all know Putin wants Trump to win because Trump will let Putin take over Europe. I'm sure Putin and Trump are communicating and coordinating on secret back channels right now.

Putin has crashed the global economy with his war and commodity shortage, putin could escalate that, especially if Trump tells him too.

Putin really had nothing to do with it, it is all Biden's fault for giving Zelensky and encouraging him to try to illegally join NATO.
yea that is the only risk, also with this Russia war who knows how it escalates. The Russia war could bring a big global recession. Putin has fully shut off the nat gas to Europe and they are in big trouble because of Putin inflation.

We all know Putin wants Trump to win because Trump will let Putin take over Europe. I'm sure Putin and Trump are communicating and coordinating on secret back channels right now.

Putin has crashed the global economy with his war and commodity shortage, putin could escalate that, especially if Trump tells him too.
Everything you "know" is wrong, turd. Everything you post is just one lie after another.
Trump is a criminal who will be indicted and go to prison for mishandling classified material.

So don't indict him and let him run again.

You are a sheep that needs to spin and twist words to make up for Trump's crime and insurrection.
both bad, but his self coup attempt was worse than his national security abuses.....imho
yet the GOP has taken the right to chose just now and the GOP opposes about 10 other personal freedoms

You are a joke
The only "freedom" the left is concerned about is the freedom to have an abortion. What are these others you refer to?
Putin really had nothing to do with it, it is all Biden's fault for giving Zelensky and encouraging him to try to illegally join NATO.
That was Putin's bogus excuse...... Biden didn't do that.... Everyone KNEW the Ukraine was NOT going to be let in to NATO, anytime soon....
Could the best path for America be letting Trump run for president again, because he has no chance at winning??

After the failed Trump presidency lost to Biden in 2020, mainly due to his complete mishandling of covid
After the disgraceful Jan 6th riots
Failed fake claims of election fraud with no evidence
All the courts and GOP election officials shutting down all fake election fraud claims
failed AZ audit
Now new very serious crime of mishandling ultra top secret material

I think Trump can't win. Despite Biden's bad poll numbers, Trump still loses against Biden.

I think there is the very real possibility that a Trump vs Desantis primary would completely divide the GOP and then turn Trumpers against the party because I think Trump would sabotage the party/election if he doesn't get the nomination. Trump will bring the party down in flames, a fitting end to the MAGA GOP.

If its Desantis, Trump will be so mad that he will try to make sure Desantis doesn't win, this could actually completely split, divide, and blow up the GOP causing them to implode over a lack of character. This could catalyzed the end of the disgraceful MAGA republican wing and save America and democracy in the process.

Let Trump run, he can't win the presidency because only ~25% of the electorate are brainwashed MAGA republicans and the rest of the country would never support Trump at all. He loses to Biden head to head.

Most Americans Fully Support Investigation into Trump for his Crime:

Crime . You liars always claim Trump I'd a criminal . He committed this crime , that crime. What f-in crime. What are the charges? For six years you been yapping about Trump the criminal, Trump the racist , Trump the gifted. Was he charged ? What are the charges? Idiots and their lies. All they got. Criminals calling Trump a criminal . Sick of all this bullshit.
Could the best path for America be letting Trump run for president again, because he has no chance at winning??

After the failed Trump presidency lost to Biden in 2020, mainly due to his complete mishandling of covid
After the disgraceful Jan 6th riots
Failed fake claims of election fraud with no evidence
All the courts and GOP election officials shutting down all fake election fraud claims
failed AZ audit
Now new very serious crime of mishandling ultra top secret material

I think Trump can't win. Despite Biden's bad poll numbers, Trump still loses against Biden.

I think there is the very real possibility that a Trump vs Desantis primary would completely divide the GOP and then turn Trumpers against the party because I think Trump would sabotage the party/election if he doesn't get the nomination. Trump will bring the party down in flames, a fitting end to the MAGA GOP.

If its Desantis, Trump will be so mad that he will try to make sure Desantis doesn't win, this could actually completely split, divide, and blow up the GOP causing them to implode over a lack of character. This could catalyzed the end of the disgraceful MAGA republican wing and save America and democracy in the process.

Let Trump run, he can't win the presidency because only ~25% of the electorate are brainwashed MAGA republicans and the rest of the country would never support Trump at all. He loses to Biden head to head.

Most Americans Fully Support Investigation into Trump for his Crime:

Sorry Bankrupt......You have no say over that.
Anyone with the IQ of a mosquito knows that Trump is the only candidate that poses a threat to Sleepy Joe.

That's why the Biden Regime and their Secret Police seek to take him out in advance.

Maybe Biden can steal enough votes again for reelection, or maybe not. But if the Republican Party nominates a Never Trumper, the GOP will be just mailing it in and Brandon will be able to win legit without a massive Election Fraud apparatus.
I would list the Florida Governor DeSantis as a candidate that could beat Biden easily. DeSantis is a fighter but is less obnoxious than Trump.

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