Let the spin begin...rip "Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy Daughter"


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
AOL proves they are just another unreliable news source as history twister. As some try to alter or change history with their NEW truths. Truth just wouldn't do for the darlings of the Demoncrats as the new agenda's are pushing America off the cliff. (note this is not saying the Republicans are all perfect, clean and pure either but this twist on the darlings of the Dem's [the Kennedy's] is beyond comprehension and reprehensible)

You can read the article at AOL;

According to AOL's inside edition the lobotomy was given to Rosemary because ole' Joe wanted to prevent her from getting pregnant. They apparently got their information from East coast editor, Liz McNeil of People (her credibility for writing the truth goes to shit when someone starts pulling the old photo's and video's of Rosemary's family visits shortly after the lobotomy forced upon her at age 22). Rosemary went from being a bright fun loving, articulate, vibrant young woman to having the mental capacity of a two year old.

AOL "But her winning Kennedy smile hid a tragic fact - Rosemary's delivery at birth was botched by a nurse that resulted in brain damage."

The truth is her unfitting behavior (she liked to hang out with people who were not in that uber rich crowd) was not going to be allowed for a politically ambitious family. Now it is being alleged she had a birth defect (again her desired lifestyle as a normal person didn't fit into or with the family agenda). So ambitious to get political control and rule ole' Joe willingly ruined their own daughter's life and made her an imbecile. Could not have an unruly daughter getting in the way of those rich folks desires.

An obscure blog excerpt that reads much more truthful about the history of Rosemary Kennedy;

To hear the Kennedy family spin, they embraced Rosie as a child, kept at her at home singin’ Irish drinking songs like “Sweet Rosie O’Grady” and “Pretty Maid Milking the Cow” and competing in sailing races off the Cape, against the advice of Harvard University doctors who encouraged Joe and Rose to put her in an institution. In actuality, the family considered Rosemary “a disgrace.” Joe Kennedy could not tolerate losers and banned Rosie from the house.

Up until his appointment as ambassador to King James’ Court in 1939, Rosemary lived with Joe’s closest aide – Edward Moore for whom Teddy is named – afraid that Rosie would jeopardize his presidential ambitions for his oldest, anti-Semitic son, Joe, Jr., who once wrote in a letter to his father that “Hitler has some good ideas about the Jews.” more at the above link......

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