Let the Grovelling Begin


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Opinion: The teacher pay gap is a national failure. Here's how to fix it.

Those Americans with a 3-digit IQ know that teachers' unions are the perennial greatest assets of Leftist politicians, providing mountains of cash, years of street and phone pounding volunteer effort, incalculable propaganda to the impressionable minds of American Yoot, in the hope that it will flow up to parents through perverse osmosis.

K. Harris stakes her claim to this cornucopia of socialist gold with the linked article, promising a Fort Knox-level bonus to America's public school teachers, bringing their compensation to the level of their intellectual betters who actually work TWELVE months a year, and go to work every day knowing that if they don't PRODUCE, they could actually lose their jobs.

To hell with the Constitution, we are talking political power here! And lest we forget, our President is corrupt because some foreigners stay at Trump hotels occasionally.
Opinion: The teacher pay gap is a national failure. Here's how to fix it.

Those Americans with a 3-digit IQ know that teachers' unions are the perennial greatest assets of Leftist politicians, providing mountains of cash, years of street and phone pounding volunteer effort, incalculable propaganda to the impressionable minds of American Yoot, in the hope that it will flow up to parents through perverse osmosis.

K. Harris stakes her claim to this cornucopia of socialist gold with the linked article, promising a Fort Knox-level bonus to America's public school teachers, bringing their compensation to the level of their intellectual betters who actually work TWELVE months a year, and go to work every day knowing that if they don't PRODUCE, they could actually lose their jobs.

To hell with the Constitution, we are talking political power here! And lest we forget, our President is corrupt because some foreigners stay at Trump hotels occasionally.

I always ask that and can never get anyone to answer. What does all of this bitching about teacher pay have to do with states that do not have teacher unions?

In Florida, I worked as an assistant principal every single day, whether school was in session of not. I made a whopping $42,000 a year with 10 days vacation. The teachers made thousands less than I did. We had a teacher's union, as did every school district in the state. If what you say is true, why is it that Florida had one of the worst pay rates for teachers anywhere in the US?

I left that state and went to work for the federal government as a teacher again. My pay rate? $42,000 a year with the normal school schedule plus another 10 days of training, planning and parent teacher conferences.

I don't agree with Harris. Teacher pay is not a function of the federal government.
Well, I'm not actually bitching about teacher pay (compensation). Good teachers deserve good compensation. My gripes are about the political involvement of teachers' unions, and how it has compromised Education generally (inability to jettison ineffective teachers), and resulted in massive increases in spending with no measurable improvement in results.

And K. Harris' blatant attempt to secure the political support of the nation's teachers' unions through an unconstitutional bribe.
Well, I'm not actually bitching about teacher pay (compensation). Good teachers deserve good compensation. My gripes are about the political involvement of teachers' unions, and how it has compromised Education generally (inability to jettison ineffective teachers), and resulted in massive increases in spending with no measurable improvement in results.

And K. Harris' blatant attempt to secure the political support of the nation's teachers' unions through an unconstitutional bribe.

No. Your misguided gripes are about the few examples of school districts in liberal dominated states where teacher's unions seemingly overprotect teachers, like the rubber rooms in NYC schools. That is not in the case in most school systems. The media feeds upon your ignorance to convince you the problem is widespread when it is not.

Spending increases are due to demands for accountability that people like you demanded. I would like to see your definition of an ineffective teacher. I was once denied tenure because I held my students accountable and would not knuckle under to parents who demanded I give their offspring a passing grade despite them doing nothing towards learning.

You have probably read many times when I have said that you can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit. I in a suburban high school for ten years where the students did as well as their socioeconomic status and parental involvement would allow. I taught in a military dependent's school where almost every student would rate in the top 5% in any other school. I worked in an inner city school filled with minorities who could not be educated because they did not speak the language, and about 5% of them will ever graduate high school. I taught in rural schools where the motivations ranged from wanting to go to medical school to being a van driver for the Amish community.

Almost every student I had always measured up to the expectations of their parents or fell short because they simply gave up. Even some parents can't fix stupid!

If you want to fix education, grab your college degree and become a teacher. Perhaps then you might see the truth of what it is really like! Until then, you will be a pawn of those who wish to destroy public education.
Those who bash teachers need to quit their current job, and go in and teach and demand lower wages. Then, they need to show everyone how it's done. Oh and without union protection you will not be allowed any representation when you are fired without a reason. So it's time to go into a classroom and fix the problem. Perhaps if conservatives actually had a positive hand in education rather than mindless blathering such as this alot of teachers wouldn't be Democrats. If you bash a large group of people day after day do you expect them to support your view?
Rocky: Here''s how you evaluate teachers. You give their students a standardized test in the subject matter at the beginning of the term and a standardized test at the end of the term (no peeking by teachers, so they won't "teach to the test"). Then you compare the teachers' results. When you find a teachers who consistently gets relatively poor results, despite attempts at improvement, you ask them to move on and find another career, just like a private sector employer would do. The pity of it is that TEACHERS could tell you how to evaluate other teachers, but the UNIONS want no part of meaningful evaluation, because teachers' unions, like ALL unions work for the benefit of the WORST teachers.

Init: I am too old to teach, but would have gladly done so, but the state governments, colluding with teachers' unions make a mid-career switch to teaching nearly and effectively impossible. You have to go at least a year without employment, and be willing to start at the bottom of the payscale. in STEM subjects, the deficiencies of the Teaching Profession are manifest, as very few of them have a degree in the subject matter. Most have a degree in "EDUCATION," with a certain number of credits in the subject. Imagine what would happen if you made it reasonably possible for ENGINEERS to teach for a few years.

Exhibit A, in my mind at least, is the fact that Albert Einstein, were he to be reincarnated as a nuclear engineer in Princeton, New Jersey today, WOULD NOT BE QUALIFIED TO TEACH PHYSICS IN A New Jersey HIGH SCHOOL!

Nuf said?
Rocky: Here''s how you evaluate teachers. You give their students a standardized test in the subject matter at the beginning of the term and a standardized test at the end of the term (no peeking by teachers, so they won't "teach to the test"). Then you compare the teachers' results. When you find a teachers who consistently gets relatively poor results, despite attempts at improvement, you ask them to move on and find another career, just like a private sector employer would do. The pity of it is that TEACHERS could tell you how to evaluate other teachers, but the UNIONS want no part of meaningful evaluation, because teachers' unions, like ALL unions work for the benefit of the WORST teachers.

Init: I am too old to teach, but would have gladly done so, but the state governments, colluding with teachers' unions make a mid-career switch to teaching nearly and effectively impossible. You have to go at least a year without employment, and be willing to start at the bottom of the payscale. in STEM subjects, the deficiencies of the Teaching Profession are manifest, as very few of them have a degree in the subject matter. Most have a degree in "EDUCATION," with a certain number of credits in the subject. Imagine what would happen if you made it reasonably possible for ENGINEERS to teach for a few years.

Exhibit A, in my mind at least, is the fact that Albert Einstein, were he to be reincarnated as a nuclear engineer in Princeton, New Jersey today, WOULD NOT BE QUALIFIED TO TEACH PHYSICS IN A New Jersey HIGH SCHOOL!

Nuf said?
Have you devoted time to think why that might be?
If this thread isn't about stopping further leftist indoctrination of America's youth for the future, starting now, I'm not that interested.

Bring back the New England Primer!
Rocky: Here''s how you evaluate teachers. You give their students a standardized test in the subject matter at the beginning of the term and a standardized test at the end of the term (no peeking by teachers, so they won't "teach to the test"). Then you compare the teachers' results. When you find a teachers who consistently gets relatively poor results, despite attempts at improvement, you ask them to move on and find another career, just like a private sector employer would do. The pity of it is that TEACHERS could tell you how to evaluate other teachers, but the UNIONS want no part of meaningful evaluation, because teachers' unions, like ALL unions work for the benefit of the WORST teachers.

Init: I am too old to teach, but would have gladly done so, but the state governments, colluding with teachers' unions make a mid-career switch to teaching nearly and effectively impossible. You have to go at least a year without employment, and be willing to start at the bottom of the payscale. in STEM subjects, the deficiencies of the Teaching Profession are manifest, as very few of them have a degree in the subject matter. Most have a degree in "EDUCATION," with a certain number of credits in the subject. Imagine what would happen if you made it reasonably possible for ENGINEERS to teach for a few years.

Exhibit A, in my mind at least, is the fact that Albert Einstein, were he to be reincarnated as a nuclear engineer in Princeton, New Jersey today, WOULD NOT BE QUALIFIED TO TEACH PHYSICS IN A New Jersey HIGH SCHOOL!

Nuf said?

Here is the problem with your theory. You did not think it through because you have no experience in education.

I taught low level 9th grade Algebra students most of my career. The truly stellar kids were in another classroom taking Geometry and in some cases Algebra II. Now, give a standardized test to all three groups. Who will do better? You want to grade me lower as a teacher because the students that teach performed lower on a standardized test than students who are taking higher level math classes. What about the teacher in the small special education classroom set aside for those students who can barely function in math? Those students will never receive a high school diploma because of their learning disabilities or physical handicaps. How will that teacher rate when compared to the others?

Your information about teaching is grossly exaggerated and blatantly incorrect. I had a degree in history but a significant math background that I only need a few courses to be certified to teach mathematics. I also took the same test as those with degrees in math.

Why can't you start at the bottom of the payscale? Aren't you one of those who complains that teachers are underworked, overpaid and have lucrative benefits? So do you now admit those are all lies?

I became a teacher at the ripe old age of 36 after my military career was cut short. I never made as much money as a teacher as I did when I served in the Navy as an O-3, despite teaching for 21 years.

Your story about Einstein is pure bullshit.

Have a nice day!
He's about twice your age when you started.

I figured out how good teachers had it before 10th grade...but by 11th grade, I also figured out I'd probably go nuts stuck in a classroom all day.
Rocky: Here''s how you evaluate teachers. You give their students a standardized test in the subject matter at the beginning of the term and a standardized test at the end of the term (no peeking by teachers, so they won't "teach to the test"). Then you compare the teachers' results. When you find a teachers who consistently gets relatively poor results, despite attempts at improvement, you ask them to move on and find another career, just like a private sector employer would do. The pity of it is that TEACHERS could tell you how to evaluate other teachers, but the UNIONS want no part of meaningful evaluation, because teachers' unions, like ALL unions work for the benefit of the WORST teachers.

Init: I am too old to teach, but would have gladly done so, but the state governments, colluding with teachers' unions make a mid-career switch to teaching nearly and effectively impossible. You have to go at least a year without employment, and be willing to start at the bottom of the payscale. in STEM subjects, the deficiencies of the Teaching Profession are manifest, as very few of them have a degree in the subject matter. Most have a degree in "EDUCATION," with a certain number of credits in the subject. Imagine what would happen if you made it reasonably possible for ENGINEERS to teach for a few years.

Exhibit A, in my mind at least, is the fact that Albert Einstein, were he to be reincarnated as a nuclear engineer in Princeton, New Jersey today, WOULD NOT BE QUALIFIED TO TEACH PHYSICS IN A New Jersey HIGH SCHOOL!

Nuf said?

Here is the problem with your theory. You did not think it through because you have no experience in education.

I taught low level 9th grade Algebra students most of my career. The truly stellar kids were in another classroom taking Geometry and in some cases Algebra II. Now, give a standardized test to all three groups. Who will do better? You want to grade me lower as a teacher because the students that teach performed lower on a standardized test than students who are taking higher level math classes. What about the teacher in the small special education classroom set aside for those students who can barely function in math? Those students will never receive a high school diploma because of their learning disabilities or physical handicaps. How will that teacher rate when compared to the others?

Your information about teaching is grossly exaggerated and blatantly incorrect. I had a degree in history but a significant math background that I only need a few courses to be certified to teach mathematics. I also took the same test as those with degrees in math.

Why can't you start at the bottom of the payscale? Aren't you one of those who complains that teachers are underworked, overpaid and have lucrative benefits? So do you now admit those are all lies?

I became a teacher at the ripe old age of 36 after my military career was cut short. I never made as much money as a teacher as I did when I served in the Navy as an O-3, despite teaching for 21 years.

Your story about Einstein is pure bullshit.

Have a nice day!

I took Algebra 1 7x, not sure if I ever passed it or not.

1 teacher was a woman with hair on her chest and wore low-cut braless yoga blouses. wtf?!

During an Algebra hiatus I took Geometry 1 &2 and Trigonometry and got As

I didn't get Algebra until I went to college.
Somehow that prof taught us right.

In all those teacher's defense, I bet the 1st one was teaching it right, but I simply was not interested. It was an old lady.
I'm thinking all the others were probably just sorry teachers.

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