Legislator warns of HIV epidemic in New York if marriage equality becomes law


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Legislator warns of HIV epidemic in New York if marriage equality becomes law

While the debate over marriage equality continues to rage in Albany, one legislator from Clinton County, New York, fears that an HIV epidemic will break out in the Empire State if gay couples are allowed to marry.
Sam Trombley (R), while at Wednesday night’s meeting of the Clinton County legislature, voiced that he couldn’t understand why the health department focused on tobacco and smoking, but not homosexuality.

“I’m surprised the health department has not come out against this because we are going to have an HIV epidemic if this passes,” Trombley said.

Then, he attacked the very idea of homosexual relationships, saying that the idea “blew his mind.”

“You don’t see two male dogs sleeping in the same dog house together,” said Trombley.

Apparently, Trombley’s fellow legislatures were silent, some of them shaking their heads in disagreement as he spoke.
The gentleman is grasping straws.

Marriage will increase homosexual sexual behavior?

While some partners probably have more sex outside both homo and hetero marriages, marriage generally is not good for anyone's sex life.
Single partner relationships are going to REDUCE the spread of STDs and HIV. To say otherwise denotes a complete lack of intelligence and probably a degree of out-and-out bigotry.

Interestingly, the op doesn't state where he stands on the subject.
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The recent concern over increased HIV rates has nothing to do with marriage, but with a shift in the gay community regarding the risk of HIV infection. With current treatments an HIV diagnosis is not the death sentance it was. This has caused problems for groups like GMHC who have seen thier safe sex campaigns lose effectiveness.

The gay community has always had a hedonistic sub-set. This is the area of thier concern, and these men probably have little desire to marry. This sub-set does, however have the worst track record with regards to safe sex, and is the group that is seeing the increases in HIV infection rates.

The concern is that sooner or later you may see an HIV substrain that is resistant to current treatments, which would lead to a return to the fear and death seen in the 80's and 90's.
Single partner relationships are going to REDUCE the spread of STDs and HIV. To say otherwise denotes a complete lack of intelligence and probably a degree of out-and-out bigotry.

Interestingly, the op doesn't state where he stands on the subject.
Nice to know that you care.

One of the tags I used for the OP was 'Republican Asshats'. Does that give you a clue?
Single partner relationships are going to REDUCE the spread of STDs and HIV. To say otherwise denotes a complete lack of intelligence and probably a degree of out-and-out bigotry.

Interestingly, the op doesn't state where he stands on the subject.
Nice to know that you care.

One of the tags I used for the OP was 'Republican Asshats'. Does that give you a clue?

I'm not interested in your juvenile antics of partisan hackery!

Yes promoting monogamy is going to increase the spread of HIV because two non-infected persons having sex is going to magically cause one (or both) of them to acquire the infection.


(Not addressed to the OP, but to the concept.)


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