Legalizing left-wing lunacy


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
they say gay pride parades expand democratic freedom.
but when did Americans simultaneously agree to over-turn indecent exposure laws?
this isn't democratic freedom, this is a group of activist politicians getting together to tell the majority of the public the way things are going to be.
if police officers do not arrest people during these parades for indecent exposure, then it's a complete break down of law and order.

wanna have a gay pride parade?
then show up in a suit and tie.


i have a house in Nevada that is in a town that was once called "the most libertarian town in the nation", they passed a law that says i need to get a permit to burn weeds in my own backyard.
when did going out into a public street and burning things become legal?
most city ordinances will not allow people to burn things in public, yet our anti-American politicians have MADE AN EXCEPTION by allowing people to burn an American flag during a protest.

if you don't think it's illegal to burn things during a protest, light a trash can on fire the next time you're at a Tea Party rally and see what happens to you



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