Legalize Marijuana?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Marijuana legalization activists are on a roll (no pun intended). Won in a couple of states and more will be voting between now and the end of the year.

Let me surprise you by saying I'm all for it!

But understand what it means.

In some states marijuana has long been "decriminalized". That means a person can grow their own (within reasonable limits), carry it on their person and use it themselves with no penalty.

After legalization those rights become somewhat expanded. In fact, even sale of marijuana becomes legal - just as is sale of tobacco products.

So, yes, there ARE benefits. There are also some aspects most activists don't tell you about:

License required to grow (fee).
License required to process (fee).
License required to sell (fee)
Zoning requirements to be met to grow any plants for sale.
Taxes at every step.

Yes, definitely no license to buy. Definitely though not an impossibility as the revenue enhancements from all of the above become obvious to liberal municipal governments.

Revenue enhancement? Oh yeah, let's not overlook the fines that can be levied for things like growing without a license. Selling without a license. Zoning infringements. Marijuana legalization is not just a cash-cow, it's a whole friggin' herd of cash cows!

The funny part is that most of the activists who are jonesing for all those fees and taxes believe they are liberals who stand for freedom.

Funny as hell!

That's why this conservative will vote (but only once) to legalize marijuana! Give 'em the government intrusion they love and which they don't even see comin'.
Pretty much just like distilling spirits. A multi-tiered tax structure that is. Except it is still illegal to distill at home. But then again growing a plant is a lot less dangerous than distilling alcohol.
I prefer a glass of gin, a line of coke, and a drag on a cigarette, but that is just me. However, I don't think coke will legalized anytime soon, oh well...

Don't really care what happens to pot don't smoke it much.
I'd say legalize it. Not only can you sell the buds, but the excess plant material (stems and leaves), can be used for anything from livestock feed to cloth to food for humans, as well as can provide bio fuel.

Besides............if marijuana were legal, then those stores that sold "synthetic marijuana" would go out of business and we wouldn't have kids dying from smoking the synthetic stuff.
I prefer a glass of gin, a line of coke, and a drag on a cigarette, but that is just me. However, I don't think coke will legalized anytime soon, oh well...

Don't really care what happens to pot don't smoke it much.

It's none of my business what you do as long as you can control yourself.
Legalize Pot – Reduce Crime?

Since Denver legalized pot sales, revenue is up and crime is down :doubt:

This clearly comes from a pro-pot site but it does provide some charts that seem to prove their claim. Something similar happened in Amsterdam, Holland when they legalized drugs and I haven't read anything to say the trend swevred back the other way. Read the story @ Since Denver legalized pot sales, revenue is up and crime is down - Vox

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