Legal email confidentiality-or HELP! pls


MeBelle 4 Prez 2024
Jul 16, 2011
I received an email from an acquaintance.

In the email he had included a disclaimer stating:
This is a personal correspondence between 'Bob' and MeBelle and cannot be shared with anyone without 'Bob's' consent.

The content broke no federal laws.

Am I bound by 'Bob's' disclaimer?

He's probably emailing via his workplace server. It's pretty standard for them to include that caveat these days and has more to do with work related, proprietary info then general, personal exchanges.
Of course you're not bound by it.

E-mail disclaimers are not legally binding.

I wouldn't want to be one to pass around information you know isn't supposed to be passed around though.
He's probably emailing via his workplace server. It's pretty standard for them to include that caveat these days and has more to do with work related, proprietary info then general, personal exchanges.

I'ts not work related, nor does it come from his place of employment.
It was personal, having to do with a volunteer project we were working on .

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