Leftwing Domestic Terrorist Lawyer Firebomber Gets Light Sentence After Intervention of Biden DOJ


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
You may recall the story of the two young New York lawyers — Urooj Rahman and Colinford Mattis — who were involved in a firebomb attack on an NYPD van during the BLM rioting in New York City on May 30, 2020. What was unusual about the case was that rather than be chastised for their actions, they seemed to get favorable coverage from left-wing media because of their elite connections.


The 2 domestic terrorist lawyers firebombed a police van, was distributinh incendiary devices to others while encouraging telling other liberal terrorists “only way they hear us is through violence.” It wouldn’t ever stop unless we “f**king take it all down.”

The two also attacked a police office by striking him in the head with a rock, announcing this act on social media with a smiley face emoji.


The accused enjoy widespread support and sympathy from New York’s legal and media elites.

A former Obama official guaranteed their $250,000 bail.

Despite being charged with, among other things, Terrorism and facing 10+ years in jail Biden's / Garland's DOJ stepped in -

In mid-May, the same career DOJ prosecutors who argued for a 10-year sentence for these terrorists were back in court, withdrew their plea deal based on confessions, entered a new plea deal that more than generously allowed the defendants to cop to the lesser charge of conspiracy, and the DOJ tossed out the terrorism charge entirely.

The DOJ Posecutors knew these LAWYERS understood the law, knew exactly what they were doing, knew the severity of their crimes, and knew what the punishment could be before they committed these crimes.

These DOJ prosecutors sought to Enforcenthe law and mete out justice.


Apparently the former Community Organizer, leftist domestic terrorist supporter, and President and his former aide / official came to the rescue of these two terrorists by guarnteeing their bail.

Biden and Garland then stepped in to order DOJ Prosecutors to cut the domestic terrorists an even bigger break by by cancelling their original confession-based plea deal, entering much lesser charges that included eliminating their terrorist crime charge enhancement, and pushing the court for a laughable 18 - 24 months in Jail.

They were given 15 months.


Keep in mind that several US citizens who never entered the US Capitol on J6, who never engaged in violence on J6, spent 2 YEARS in DC Gitmo getting beaten and placed for long periods of time in solitary confinement THEN were sentence for 6 months more for 'PARADING'.

This was more time in jail than confessed liberal domestic terrorists who firebombed a police van, were distributing explosive devices, and attempted to kill a police officer by throwing a rock at and striking a police officr in the head.

Again, WTF?

Democrats and their followers sure do like their terrorists.

After Trump killed Iran's top general - the biggest terrorist in the entire Middle East, perhaps the world, who was responsible for the deaths of countless innocent men/women/children and US military members - Democrats actually sent condolences and apologies to Irans' leaders and sent the message, 'WE STAND WITH YOU / IRAN!'


After domestic terrorists looted, damaged, destroyed, burned local communities across the country, attempted to burn federal agents alive in federal buildings, and caused millions and millions of dollars in damage, Democrats and their surrogate leftist media declared these to he 'Mostly Peaceful Protests' and being part of a 'Summer of Love'.


After the Saudi Prince tortured journalist khashoggi before cutting him into small pieces Joe Biden berated the Saudis, declard he was not going to talk about oil before his trip to Saudi, vowed not to shake the Butcher Prince's hand, and vowed to talk about the Khashoggi slaying.

- The Saudis revealed Biden did go to Saudi to discuss oil, that Joe illegally asked Saudi to interfere in US midterm elections ... Biden FIST-BUMPED the Saudi Prince instead of shaking his hand, and did not mention Khashoggi's murder.

NOW Biden has publicly asked for AMNESTY for the Prince, protection from law suits over the horrific torture and murder of Khashoggi.


And the same US AG and DOJ that is now targeting, harrassing, raiding, arresting, intmidating, and silencing conservatives acros the country has ust stepped in to 'rescue' 2 radical leftist extremist self-confessed domestic terrorists who firebombed a police van was distributing explosive devices while encouraging more terrorist attacks, and who gleefully bragged about attempting to kill a police officer by striking him in the head with a rock.

Democrats arrests a US citizen non-violently protesting on Capitol grounds for 'Parading', calls him a domestic terrorist, and puts him in jail for 2 1/2 years.

These same Democrats bent over backwards for domestic terirists who firebombed a police van, distributed explosive devices, attempted to incite more acts of terrorism, and tried to kill an office, attempting to get the the very least sentence possible ... citing / trying to justify their actions by calling them 'SOCIAL JUSTICE ACTIVISTS'.

Had these 2 liberal extremists been conservatives or Trump supporters, had they committed these crimes at the Capitol on J6, they would have spent the last 2 years in DC Gitmo and would be easily looking at spending at least a decade more in jail.

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But the Biden regime will send 69 year old grandmother with cancer to prison for “parading” in the capital. Didn’t attack anyone or destroy anything, just walked in and was taking video.
Just goes to show how corrupt the Left is.
You may recall the story of the two young New York lawyers — Urooj Rahman and Colinford Mattis — who were involved in a firebomb attack on an NYPD van during the BLM rioting in New York City on May 30, 2020. What was unusual about the case was that rather than be chastised for their actions, they seemed to get favorable coverage from left-wing media because of their elite connections.

View attachment 728670

The 2 domestic terrorist lawyers firebombed a police van, was distributinh incendiary devices to others while encouraging telling other liberal terrorists “only way they hear us is through violence.” It wouldn’t ever stop unless we “f**king take it all down.”

The two also attacked a police office by striking him in the head with a rock, announcing this act on social media with a smiley face emoji.


The accused enjoy widespread support and sympathy from New York’s legal and media elites.

A former Obama official guaranteed their $250,000 bail.

Despite being charged with, among other things, Terrorism and facing 10+ years in jail Biden's / Garland's DOJ stepped in -

In mid-May, the same career DOJ prosecutors who argued for a 10-year sentence for these terrorists were back in court, withdrew their plea deal based on confessions, entered a new plea deal that more than generously allowed the defendants to cop to the lesser charge of conspiracy, and the DOJ tossed out the terrorism charge entirely.

The DOJ Posecutors knew these LAWYERS understood the law, knew exactly what they were doing, knew the severity of their crimes, and knew what the punishment could be before they committed these crimes.

These DOJ prosecutors sought to Enforcenthe law and mete out justice.


Apparently the former Community Organizer, leftist domestic terrorist supporter, and President and his former aide / official came to the rescue of these two terrorists by guarnteeing their bail.

Biden and Garland then stepped in to order DOJ Prosecutors to cut the domestic terrorists an even bigger break by by cancelling their original confession-based plea deal, entering much lesser charges that included eliminating their terrorist crime charge enhancement, and pushing the court for a laughable 18 - 24 months in Jail.

They were given 15 months.


Keep in mind that several US citizens who never entered the US Capitol on J6, who never engaged in violence on J6, spent 2 YEARS in DC Gitmo getting beaten and placed for long periods of time in solitary confinement THEN were sentence for 6 months more for 'PARADING'.

This was more time in jail than confessed liberal domestic terrorists who firebombed a police van, were distributing explosive devices, and attempted to kill a police officer by throwing a rock at and striking a police officr in the head.

Again, WTF?

Democrats and their followers sure do like their terrorists.

After Trump killed Iran's top general - the biggest terrorist in the entire Middle East, perhaps the world, who was responsible for the deaths of countless innocent men/women/children and US military members - Democrats actually sent condolences and apologies to Irans' leaders and sent the message, 'WE STAND WITH YOU / IRAN!'


After domestic terrorists looted, damaged, destroyed, burned local communities across the country, attempted to burn federal agents alive in federal buildings, and caused millions and millions of dollars in damage, Democrats and their surrogate leftist media declared these to he 'Mostly Peaceful Protests' and being part of a 'Summer of Love'.


After the Saudi Prince tortured journalist khashoggi before cutting him into small pieces Joe Biden berated the Saudis, declard he was not going to talk about oil before his trip to Saudi, vowed not to shake the Butcher Prince's hand, and vowed to talk about the Khashoggi slaying.

- The Saudis revealed Biden did go to Saudi to discuss oil, that Joe illegally asked Saudi to interfere in US midterm elections ... Biden FIST-BUMPED the Saudi Prince instead of shaking his hand, and did not mention Khashoggi's murder.

NOW Biden has publicly asked for AMNESTY for the Prince, protection from law suits over the horrific torture and murder of Khashoggi.


And the same US AG and DOJ that is now targeting, harrassing, raiding, arresting, intmidating, and silencing conservatives acros the country has ust stepped in to 'rescue' 2 radical leftist extremist self-confessed domestic terrorists who firebombed a police van was distributing explosive devices while encouraging more terrorist attacks, and who gleefully bragged about attempting to kill a police officer by striking him in the head with a rock.

Democrats arrests a US citizen non-violently protesting on Capitol grounds for 'Parading', calls him a domestic terrorist, and puts him in jail for 2 1/2 years.

These same Democrats bent over backwards for domestic terirists who firebombed a police van, distributed explosive devices, attempted to incite more acts of terrorism, and tried to kill an office, attempting to get the the very least sentence possible ... citing / trying to justify their actions by calling them 'SOCIAL JUSTICE ACTIVISTS'.

Had these 2 liberal extremists been conservatives or Trump supporters, had they committed these crimes at the Capitol on J6, they would have spent the last 2 years in DC Gitmo and would be easily looking at spending at least a decade more in jail.

why do you lie so much ... does it make you feel superior when you lie like this ... keep your conspiracy theorist opinions to yourself... let us know when you find some real truth

you posted I'm still laughing . at you ... did you see them breaking down the doors and hitting police with poles and spears ???? seems ya missed that one ... these are the lies I speak of for parading... really parading you call this nonviolent hate to see what you call violent
Democrats arrests a US citizen non-violently protesting on Capitol grounds for 'Parading', calls him a domestic terrorist, and puts him in jail for 2 1/2 years.
why do you lie so much ... does it make you feel superior when you lie like this ... keep your conspiracy theorist opinions to yourself... let us know when you find some real truth


Now we know why you use the name 'BillyRock' - because you're as DUMB as one.
Its amazing how everything dumbass trolls like Billy call 'consiracy theories' keep ending up over time proven to be TRUE.

Its because they can't think things through and can't keep things hidden....like Billy and his low IQ.

View attachment 742243

Now we know why you use the name 'BillyRock' - because you're as DUMB as one.
And yet you lie … why do you have to lie what’s your reasoning ??? you pick liars as your leaders you tell us how great your lying leaders are and you continually push their lies Why ??? Then when confronted your best answer us to attack my name …. It show us you have no morals … it’s like you think you just bested me… all you have done here is show us all you have no moral campus …. you take foney stories and try to push them as the truth and when pointed out to you it’s a lie and your best is try to use my name as your answer to my first post … what is it with you republicans you lie, you cheat, you steal from people .. then you try your pathetic attemp to attack my name … at least I capable to know what is truth what is honorable you do not……
The laws are there only to oppress adversaries of the DNC.

The DNC is the law.
When the ‘leftwing domestic terrorists’ attack the Capitol Building, incite a coup attempt to overthrow a lawful presidential election, kill law enforcement officers, and foment an attack on America’s democracy – get back to us.

Otherwise, domestic terrorism is the sole purview of the right.
Once the Rule of Law is broken -- and then deliberately and repeatedly -- you are on the highway to becoming a

Banana Republic , however much you wish to rationalise and procrastinate otherwise .
Keep laughing if we get the electoral voting remive from the country you republicans will neve get control of the White House … they republicans right now I trying to remove that law now that’s funny as hell … they are shooting themselves in their own foot Bwa hahahahahahahahahagagag
Here’s how stupid Republicans leaders are … trump came on the air said it a terrible thing they are doing with his taxes to show the people his taxes .. then the leader of the republicans party, McCarthy says we are going to go after Joe Biden’s taxes and expose them to the public and his family’s taxes too … the news caster just started laughing then she said, they have all his taxes on file from his first time he was elected on his web site … as for his son he’s not a government official … he doesn’t have to show anything he doesn’t want to show … but he said they are on his fathers web site too … if that doesn’t show you how stupid these Republican leaders are .. the worst thing that could ever happen to our country is have Republican in charge of anything … they have no idea what’s going on … or where Biden’s taxes are … will somebody tell them where to look ???
And yet you lie … why do you have to lie what’s your reasoning ??? you pick liars as your leaders you tell us how great your lying leaders are and you continually push their lies Why ??? Then when confronted your best answer us to attack my name …. It show us you have no morals … it’s like you think you just bested me… all you have done here is show us all you have no moral campus …. you take foney stories and try to push them as the truth and when pointed out to you it’s a lie and your best is try to use my name as your answer to my first post … what is it with you republicans you lie, you cheat, you steal from people .. then you try your pathetic attemp to attack my name … at least I capable to know what is truth what is honorable you do not……
I love when snowflakes / Democrats accuse others of being who THEY are and of doing what they do.

The tactic is almost as old as calling someone a 'racist' for any reason in an attempt to silence / intimidate them.

You may recall the story of the two young New York lawyers — Urooj Rahman and Colinford Mattis — who were involved in a firebomb attack on an NYPD van during the BLM rioting in New York City on May 30, 2020. What was unusual about the case was that rather than be chastised for their actions, they seemed to get favorable coverage from left-wing media because of their elite connections.

View attachment 728670

The 2 domestic terrorist lawyers firebombed a police van, was distributinh incendiary devices to others while encouraging telling other liberal terrorists “only way they hear us is through violence.” It wouldn’t ever stop unless we “f**king take it all down.”

The two also attacked a police office by striking him in the head with a rock, announcing this act on social media with a smiley face emoji.


The accused enjoy widespread support and sympathy from New York’s legal and media elites.

A former Obama official guaranteed their $250,000 bail.

Despite being charged with, among other things, Terrorism and facing 10+ years in jail Biden's / Garland's DOJ stepped in -

In mid-May, the same career DOJ prosecutors who argued for a 10-year sentence for these terrorists were back in court, withdrew their plea deal based on confessions, entered a new plea deal that more than generously allowed the defendants to cop to the lesser charge of conspiracy, and the DOJ tossed out the terrorism charge entirely.

The DOJ Posecutors knew these LAWYERS understood the law, knew exactly what they were doing, knew the severity of their crimes, and knew what the punishment could be before they committed these crimes.

These DOJ prosecutors sought to Enforcenthe law and mete out justice.


Apparently the former Community Organizer, leftist domestic terrorist supporter, and President and his former aide / official came to the rescue of these two terrorists by guarnteeing their bail.

Biden and Garland then stepped in to order DOJ Prosecutors to cut the domestic terrorists an even bigger break by by cancelling their original confession-based plea deal, entering much lesser charges that included eliminating their terrorist crime charge enhancement, and pushing the court for a laughable 18 - 24 months in Jail.

They were given 15 months.


Keep in mind that several US citizens who never entered the US Capitol on J6, who never engaged in violence on J6, spent 2 YEARS in DC Gitmo getting beaten and placed for long periods of time in solitary confinement THEN were sentence for 6 months more for 'PARADING'.

This was more time in jail than confessed liberal domestic terrorists who firebombed a police van, were distributing explosive devices, and attempted to kill a police officer by throwing a rock at and striking a police officr in the head.

Again, WTF?

Democrats and their followers sure do like their terrorists.

After Trump killed Iran's top general - the biggest terrorist in the entire Middle East, perhaps the world, who was responsible for the deaths of countless innocent men/women/children and US military members - Democrats actually sent condolences and apologies to Irans' leaders and sent the message, 'WE STAND WITH YOU / IRAN!'


After domestic terrorists looted, damaged, destroyed, burned local communities across the country, attempted to burn federal agents alive in federal buildings, and caused millions and millions of dollars in damage, Democrats and their surrogate leftist media declared these to he 'Mostly Peaceful Protests' and being part of a 'Summer of Love'.


After the Saudi Prince tortured journalist khashoggi before cutting him into small pieces Joe Biden berated the Saudis, declard he was not going to talk about oil before his trip to Saudi, vowed not to shake the Butcher Prince's hand, and vowed to talk about the Khashoggi slaying.

- The Saudis revealed Biden did go to Saudi to discuss oil, that Joe illegally asked Saudi to interfere in US midterm elections ... Biden FIST-BUMPED the Saudi Prince instead of shaking his hand, and did not mention Khashoggi's murder.

NOW Biden has publicly asked for AMNESTY for the Prince, protection from law suits over the horrific torture and murder of Khashoggi.


And the same US AG and DOJ that is now targeting, harrassing, raiding, arresting, intmidating, and silencing conservatives acros the country has ust stepped in to 'rescue' 2 radical leftist extremist self-confessed domestic terrorists who firebombed a police van was distributing explosive devices while encouraging more terrorist attacks, and who gleefully bragged about attempting to kill a police officer by striking him in the head with a rock.

Democrats arrests a US citizen non-violently protesting on Capitol grounds for 'Parading', calls him a domestic terrorist, and puts him in jail for 2 1/2 years.

These same Democrats bent over backwards for domestic terirists who firebombed a police van, distributed explosive devices, attempted to incite more acts of terrorism, and tried to kill an office, attempting to get the the very least sentence possible ... citing / trying to justify their actions by calling them 'SOCIAL JUSTICE ACTIVISTS'.

Had these 2 liberal extremists been conservatives or Trump supporters, had they committed these crimes at the Capitol on J6, they would have spent the last 2 years in DC Gitmo and would be easily looking at spending at least a decade more in jail.

Look at your source.
These same Democrats bent over backwards for domestic terirists who firebombed a police van, distributed explosive devices, attempted to incite more acts of terrorism, and tried to kill an office, attempting to get the the very least sentence possible ... citing / trying to justify their actions by calling them 'SOCIAL JUSTICE ACTIVISTS'.
Had the been Jan 6th participants, they'd still be in some dark hole

I love when snowflakes / Democrats accuse others of being who THEY are and of doing what they do.

The tactic is almost as old as calling someone a 'racist' for any reason in an attempt to silence / intimidate them.

I’m tired of you republican snow flakes like you republicans are so stupid … example: trump was ragging about his taxes being shown to the public … then McCarthy comes out and say we are going to go after Joe Biden’s taxes and Hunter Bidens taxes and exposed them to the public …. Now if doesn’t show you how stupid republicans are nothing does … Biden has his taxes on his web site you snowflakes are something stupid I would say
I’m tired of you republican snow flakes like you republicans are so stupid … example: trump was ragging about his taxes being shown to the public … then McCarthy comes out and say we are going to go after Joe Biden’s taxes and Hunter Bidens taxes and exposed them to the public …. Now if doesn’t show you how stupid republicans are nothing does … Biden has his taxes on his web site you snowflakes are something stupid I would say

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