Leftists Can't Govern

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
So we see in different places that leftists can win elections. But then fail to deliver. In France Hollande came in with high taxes on "the rich." Since then the economy has tanked and his popularity is in the toilet. Now he is transitioning to more capitalist rhetoric.
In nYC di Blasio got elected on an ugly class warfare platform, only to deteriorate within his first months to proclaiming that minority parents were incapable of choosing their children's education.
The Democrats took Congress in 2006, proclaiming fiscal discipline and the most open and ethical Congress ever. They have done nothing but pass bad bill after bad bill and their approval rating is slightly above child molester. Meanwhile they failed to deliver on any promise. Obama's approval rating falls even as he ratchets up more class warfare rhetoric.
So what is going on? They seem to do fine in opposition. They can talk the talk but when it comes to power they cannot walk the walk. Every program leads to disaster, cost overruns and lack of delivery on promises made.

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