Leftist 'Science:' An Example


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. One of the advantages of Liberalism is that its very nature lends itself to the lazy and uninformed, the inexperienced and the sycophant. The rules fit the make-up of said individuals: feeling passes for knowing, and intention more vital than results.

2. What could be a better example than the “War on Spoons!’ Peaked with victory in both houses of Congress, 2007, the Democrats set out to boldly hoist the banner of ‘Conservation,” and fulfill the promise of making America more ‘sustainable’! They called their agenda: “Green the Capitol”!

3. What that meant was replacing the utensils in the US Capitol building. Cost, no object! Remember….these were the ‘best and the brightest’ of Liberals! The ones other Liberals chose to lead them!

4. They took the spoon….er, ….bit between their teeth, and battled to end the waste of plastic utensils. Allying with 'science', in the manner that only Liberals can ally with science, they searched for utensils that they could compost! No matter that the Capitol grounds really isn’t appropriate…nor does it have the space for mounds of composting garbage….onward and upward!

5. Reinforced by majorities in the House and Senate, the valiant Liberal environmentalists decreed: hence forth, the Capitol cafeteria would offer takeout utensils made from corn, and containers made from sugarcane.

a. The goals of the "Green the Capitol" program, implemented by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, were threefold: to change to more environmentally friendly food service products; to shift to renewable energy sources; and to switch from using coal to natural gas.Today, the House cafeteria is on its way to becoming a zero-waste facility. It sent 880 tons of food service waste in 2008 to commercial composting facilities that turn trash into soil, according to the program's year-end report.” 'Green the Capitol' initiatives save energy, set a good example - USATODAY.com

6. It was a miracle of sustainability, according to the Democrat-controlled House internal report: it reduced landfills by 650 tons of waste! (Fanfare, please.)

a. “In the effort to make the Capitol a beacon of environmentalism, Pelosi's program also converted the Capitol Power Plant from coal to natural gas and installed more than 13,000 compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) across the House of Representatives campus…. But the changes weren't cheap, and now Republicans say enough is enough: They've had it with the flimsy utensils, the rows of recycling bins, and the $475,000 per year it costs to truck the compostable waste off to a facility in Virginia.” GOP Defunds Nancy Pelosi's 'Green the Capitol' Environment Initiative: Plastic and Styrofoam Return to Cafeteria - ABC News

b. "It's one of those things that didn't work," Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., told ABC News. "Let's not perpetuate this. It takes more energy, it costs taxpayers money and it doesn't work." Ibid.

7. But….there is an ‘uh oh,’….as so often follows Liberal endeavors. The new green replacements were actually worse for the environment…and costlier as well. The spoons melted in soup…so many more had to be used. The knives had a hard time cutting butter. And, they didn’t actually biodegrade afterwards: they had to be processed ina aspecial pulper and then driven to Maryland in giant emission-belching trucks.
Berezow and Campbell, “Science Left Behind,” p.2.

8. “WASHINGTON - Today, Committee on House Administration Chairman Dan Lungren, R-Calif., announced that he has directed the House Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to suspend the House composting program after a recent review of the program, which costs an estimated $475,000 annually, revealed that it has actually increased the House's overall energy consumption and has produced nominal reductions in carbon emissions.” Composting Program Suspended | Committee on House Administration

So…is environmentalism a fraud?
Are the Democrats plain ‘ol stupid….or, maybe treating their votes as though they were stupid?

I provide the facts….you be the judge.
1. One of the advantages of Liberalism is that its very nature lends itself to the lazy and uninformed, the inexperienced and the sycophant. The rules fit the make-up of said individuals: feeling passes for knowing, and intention more vital than results.

2. What could be a better example than the “War on Spoons!’ Peaked with victory in both houses of Congress, 2007, the Democrats set out to boldly hoist the banner of ‘Conservation,” and fulfill the promise of making America more ‘sustainable’! They called their agenda: “Green the Capitol”!

3. What that meant was replacing the utensils in the US Capitol building. Cost, no object! Remember….these were the ‘best and the brightest’ of Liberals! The ones other Liberals chose to lead them!

4. They took the spoon….er, ….bit between their teeth, and battled to end the waste of plastic utensils. Allying with 'science', in the manner that only Liberals can ally with science, they searched for utensils that they could compost! No matter that the Capitol grounds really isn’t appropriate…nor does it have the space for mounds of composting garbage….onward and upward!

5. Reinforced by majorities in the House and Senate, the valiant Liberal environmentalists decreed: hence forth, the Capitol cafeteria would offer takeout utensils made from corn, and containers made from sugarcane.

a. The goals of the "Green the Capitol" program, implemented by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, were threefold: to change to more environmentally friendly food service products; to shift to renewable energy sources; and to switch from using coal to natural gas.Today, the House cafeteria is on its way to becoming a zero-waste facility. It sent 880 tons of food service waste in 2008 to commercial composting facilities that turn trash into soil, according to the program's year-end report.” 'Green the Capitol' initiatives save energy, set a good example - USATODAY.com

6. It was a miracle of sustainability, according to the Democrat-controlled House internal report: it reduced landfills by 650 tons of waste! (Fanfare, please.)

a. “In the effort to make the Capitol a beacon of environmentalism, Pelosi's program also converted the Capitol Power Plant from coal to natural gas and installed more than 13,000 compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) across the House of Representatives campus…. But the changes weren't cheap, and now Republicans say enough is enough: They've had it with the flimsy utensils, the rows of recycling bins, and the $475,000 per year it costs to truck the compostable waste off to a facility in Virginia.” GOP Defunds Nancy Pelosi's 'Green the Capitol' Environment Initiative: Plastic and Styrofoam Return to Cafeteria - ABC News

b. "It's one of those things that didn't work," Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., told ABC News. "Let's not perpetuate this. It takes more energy, it costs taxpayers money and it doesn't work." Ibid.

7. But….there is an ‘uh oh,’….as so often follows Liberal endeavors. The new green replacements were actually worse for the environment…and costlier as well. The spoons melted in soup…so many more had to be used. The knives had a hard time cutting butter. And, they didn’t actually biodegrade afterwards: they had to be processed ina aspecial pulper and then driven to Maryland in giant emission-belching trucks.
Berezow and Campbell, “Science Left Behind,” p.2.

8. “WASHINGTON - Today, Committee on House Administration Chairman Dan Lungren, R-Calif., announced that he has directed the House Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to suspend the House composting program after a recent review of the program, which costs an estimated $475,000 annually, revealed that it has actually increased the House's overall energy consumption and has produced nominal reductions in carbon emissions.” Composting Program Suspended | Committee on House Administration

So…is environmentalism a fraud?
Are the Democrats plain ‘ol stupid….or, maybe treating their votes as though they were stupid?

I provide the facts….you be the judge.

But...but they MEANT well! That's all that matters.

Right, USMB lefties?
if only it were just spoons.....windmills, solar panels and biofuels are where the money is really wasted.
Right Science believes in a giant pixie in the sky.

It begins and ends there.

Just because we live in the same city...and because a conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to instruct a Liberal....

....here is your nugget of truth for today: Proverbs 1:7
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction.
1. One of the advantages of Liberalism is that its very nature lends itself to the lazy and uninformed, the inexperienced and the sycophant. The rules fit the make-up of said individuals: feeling passes for knowing, and intention more vital than results.

2. What could be a better example than the “War on Spoons!’ Peaked with victory in both houses of Congress, 2007, the Democrats set out to boldly hoist the banner of ‘Conservation,” and fulfill the promise of making America more ‘sustainable’! They called their agenda: “Green the Capitol”!

3. What that meant was replacing the utensils in the US Capitol building. Cost, no object! Remember….these were the ‘best and the brightest’ of Liberals! The ones other Liberals chose to lead them!

4. They took the spoon….er, ….bit between their teeth, and battled to end the waste of plastic utensils. Allying with 'science', in the manner that only Liberals can ally with science, they searched for utensils that they could compost! No matter that the Capitol grounds really isn’t appropriate…nor does it have the space for mounds of composting garbage….onward and upward!

5. Reinforced by majorities in the House and Senate, the valiant Liberal environmentalists decreed: hence forth, the Capitol cafeteria would offer takeout utensils made from corn, and containers made from sugarcane.

a. The goals of the "Green the Capitol" program, implemented by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, were threefold: to change to more environmentally friendly food service products; to shift to renewable energy sources; and to switch from using coal to natural gas.Today, the House cafeteria is on its way to becoming a zero-waste facility. It sent 880 tons of food service waste in 2008 to commercial composting facilities that turn trash into soil, according to the program's year-end report.” 'Green the Capitol' initiatives save energy, set a good example - USATODAY.com

6. It was a miracle of sustainability, according to the Democrat-controlled House internal report: it reduced landfills by 650 tons of waste! (Fanfare, please.)

a. “In the effort to make the Capitol a beacon of environmentalism, Pelosi's program also converted the Capitol Power Plant from coal to natural gas and installed more than 13,000 compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) across the House of Representatives campus…. But the changes weren't cheap, and now Republicans say enough is enough: They've had it with the flimsy utensils, the rows of recycling bins, and the $475,000 per year it costs to truck the compostable waste off to a facility in Virginia.” GOP Defunds Nancy Pelosi's 'Green the Capitol' Environment Initiative: Plastic and Styrofoam Return to Cafeteria - ABC News

b. "It's one of those things that didn't work," Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., told ABC News. "Let's not perpetuate this. It takes more energy, it costs taxpayers money and it doesn't work." Ibid.

7. But….there is an ‘uh oh,’….as so often follows Liberal endeavors. The new green replacements were actually worse for the environment…and costlier as well. The spoons melted in soup…so many more had to be used. The knives had a hard time cutting butter. And, they didn’t actually biodegrade afterwards: they had to be processed ina aspecial pulper and then driven to Maryland in giant emission-belching trucks.
Berezow and Campbell, “Science Left Behind,” p.2.

8. “WASHINGTON - Today, Committee on House Administration Chairman Dan Lungren, R-Calif., announced that he has directed the House Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to suspend the House composting program after a recent review of the program, which costs an estimated $475,000 annually, revealed that it has actually increased the House's overall energy consumption and has produced nominal reductions in carbon emissions.” Composting Program Suspended | Committee on House Administration

So…is environmentalism a fraud?
Are the Democrats plain ‘ol stupid….or, maybe treating their votes as though they were stupid?

I provide the facts….you be the judge.

But it "feels" good!
There is no 'leftist' science, stupid child.

There is only science.

You, being scientifically illiterate and politically clueless, aren't expected to understand this.

There, there, don't cry.
There is no 'leftist' science, stupid child.

There is only science.

You, being scientifically illiterate and politically clueless, aren't expected to understand this.

There, there, don't cry.

Seems to me, the OP pointed out who the truly clueless are when it comes to science, economics and politics.
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There is no 'leftist' science, stupid child.

There is only science.

You, being scientifically illiterate and politically clueless, aren't expected to understand this.

There, there, don't cry.
Poor little Tack Hammer got his feewings hurt. :lol:

No, not especially.

When I see idiots, like you or the OP, it's quite emotionally neutral to identify them as 'idiots'.
There is no 'leftist' science, stupid child.

There is only science.

You, being scientifically illiterate and politically clueless, aren't expected to understand this.

There, there, don't cry.
Poor little Tack Hammer got his feewings hurt. :lol:

No, not especially.

When I see idiots, like you or the OP, it's quite emotionally neutral to identify them as 'idiots'.
When you willfully ignore the idiocy on your own side, as it undeniably exists in examples like the OP, you are not emotionally neutral.

You're a butthurt little bitch.
Poor little Tack Hammer got his feewings hurt. :lol:

No, not especially.

When I see idiots, like you or the OP, it's quite emotionally neutral to identify them as 'idiots'.
When you willfully ignore the idiocy on your own side, as it undeniably exists in examples like the OP, you are not emotionally neutral.

You're a butthurt little bitch.

LOL! I don't have a 'side', little girl.

I know that doesn't fit into your black/white mode of steel trap thinking, but reality (and science, for that matter) requires the ability to think in the abstract and utilize nuance.

I'm sorry that you can't wrap your pointy little head around that fact, but your pathological stupidity simply isn't my problem.
No, not especially.

When I see idiots, like you or the OP, it's quite emotionally neutral to identify them as 'idiots'.
When you willfully ignore the idiocy on your own side, as it undeniably exists in examples like the OP, you are not emotionally neutral.

You're a butthurt little bitch.

LOL! I don't have a 'side', little girl.

I know that doesn't fit into your black/white mode of steel trap thinking, but reality (and science, for that matter) requires the ability to think in the abstract and utilize nuance.

I'm sorry that you can't wrap your pointy little head around that fact, but your pathological stupidity simply isn't my problem.
:lmao: Yet another prog who thinks his denials of proggyhood mean something.

If you didn't have a side, child, you wouldn't be so unwilling to condemn leftist stupidity.

But you can't even acknowledge it exists.

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